Why is California requiring IN PERSON signatures to recall Newsom? What about COVID? What about poor people who cant travel?

Trump won CA

Could be a stretch ----------- I did read he got more GOP votes from California than from any other single state, however.

The point of the article was that the GOP is not dead in California, as we see by this recall election.

Heads of government are going down all over the world because of COVID, basically. Italy just fell, Holland's gov. is going down fast, Trump was the first to go, I'm betting Boris Johnson for nexties. But California is as big as many countries, and Newsom is a really bad governor. He doesn't bother to follow his own COVID mandates, just like Biden.

I keep telling you that democrats cheated out in the tens of million column. They cheated in the swing states, but they also cheated in NY CA NJ and CT to get the overall number so absurdly high
Why is California requiring IN PERSON signatures to recall Newsom? What about COVID? What about poor people who cant travel?

Why? Because it is the law. You are familiar with what "law" is?
What law is that? Cite the law I can’t mail my recall signing in.

This appears to be the latest for petitions in California.

100. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, whenever any
initiative, referendum, recall, nominating petition or paper, or any
other petition or paper, is required to be signed by voters of any
county, city, school district, or special district subject to
petitioning, only a person who is an eligible registered voter at the
time of signing the petition or paper is entitled to sign it. Each

signer shall at the time of signing the petition or paper personally
affix his or her signature, printed name, and place of residence,
giving street and number, and if no street or number exists, then a
designation of the place of residence which will enable the location
to be readily ascertained. A space at least one inch wide shall be
left blank after each name for the use of the elections official in
verifying the petition or paper. The part of a petition for the
voters' signatures, printed names, and residence addresses and for
the blank spaces for verification purposes shall be numbered
consecutively commencing with the number one and continuing through
the number of signature spaces allotted to each section.

Wasn't too difficult to find. Why do you guys constantly ask for things you should be looking up yourself? By signing in person they are proving who they are.

Petitions aren't sponsored by the government and they do not use government resources, hence they are not going to have a mail-in solution.
Lets face it, the only reason Dims wont allow mail in voting to recall Newsom is because they are fucking racist and want to disenfranchise black people.

Dims = Nazis

This isn't about voting, this is collecting signatures for a temper-tantrum petition to have a recall election.
They seem unable to decipher the difference between the two.

Nothing new.
These old fucks certainly are overemotive and bitchy and lack any reasoning skills they had a life to perfect. If people want to recall a Governor then petitions are the way to go since it is the only way next to impeachment. He has done nothing that I know of that is illegal just unethical. The Governor of Mizzouri had to resign over an affair and over allegations of illegal campaign fund activity in 2018 he was another Trumpette who thought he was "it".
I keep telling you that democrats cheated out in the tens of million column. They cheated in the swing states, but they also cheated in NY CA NJ and CT to get the overall number so absurdly high
I am now for Voter ID, or better yet, National IDs. There was an op-ed in favor of national IDs in the Wall Street Journal yesterday. I've been for it a long time, and I want them to be completely fake-proof. And used for voting. And not available to illegals.
Why is California requiring IN PERSON signatures to recall Newsom? What about COVID? What about poor people who cant travel?

Why? Because it is the law. You are familiar with what "law" is?

A judge can simply change it with an edict or do we now require a change like this to go through the legislative process?
They should be able to do this by mail.

Absolutely they should. What could possibly be the Dim argument for not allowing mail in signatures?

Dems flip flop flip whenever it gives them an advantage. Dems are even known to change the law to defeat an opponent, then change that same law right back so they can hold onto the seat. Unlike the spineless GOP there's no RIGGING the Dems won't resort to.

This is a great point. It disgusts me that faggot Pubs wont take off the gloves and just do what the Dims do.

Trump pressed McConnel to get rid of the Senate 60 vote filibuster for 4 years but McConnel gifted that veto power to the Dems. Now that Dems are in charge, shocker Schumer wants to get rid of it screwing McConnel and the GOP.

Dems fight dirty, the GOP are gutless.
It's what you guys wanted, right?

Yes, it is what we wanted. Everybody knows that mail-in balloting is ripe for fraud, even in commie CA.

Great. Well, it's nearly impossible to have a mail-in petition since that would require the governments involvement in gathering signatures.

As for a recall election, different story and you're not going to like to hear it but they will have mail in ballots.
Why is California requiring IN PERSON signatures to recall Newsom? What about COVID? What about poor people who cant travel?

Why? Because it is the law. You are familiar with what "law" is?

A judge can simply change it with an edict or do we now require a change like this to go through the legislative process?
A judge can change what?
It's what you guys wanted, right?

Yes, it is what we wanted. Everybody knows that mail-in balloting is ripe for fraud, even in commie CA.

Great. Well, it's nearly impossible to have a mail-in petition since that would require the governments involvement in gathering signatures.

As for a recall election, different story and you're not going to like to hear it but they will have mail in ballots.

Who cares. They can cheat all they would like in Callie as far as I care. Far too many nuts in that state to ever flip to the common sense side of the aisle anyway.
Why is California requiring IN PERSON signatures to recall Newsom? What about COVID? What about poor people who cant travel?

Why? Because it is the law. You are familiar with what "law" is?

A judge can simply change it with an edict or do we now require a change like this to go through the legislative process?
A judge can change what?

That's a very good question. I guess a judge can force the government of the state of California to run petitions against the governor. I don't know, I see a conflict of interest there and completely undemocratic.
Why is California requiring IN PERSON signatures to recall Newsom? What about COVID? What about poor people who cant travel?

Why? Because it is the law. You are familiar with what "law" is?

A judge can simply change it with an edict or do we now require a change like this to go through the legislative process?
A judge can change what?

You said the law required in-person voting for the recall vote. I simply said why can't a judge subvert the law. That is exactly what they did in some swing states prior to the presidential election. Judges by-passed the state legislatures to do what they saw fit.
It's what you guys wanted, right?

Yes, it is what we wanted. Everybody knows that mail-in balloting is ripe for fraud, even in commie CA.

Great. Well, it's nearly impossible to have a mail-in petition since that would require the governments involvement in gathering signatures.

As for a recall election, different story and you're not going to like to hear it but they will have mail in ballots.

Who cares. They can cheat all they would like in Callie as far as I care. Far too many nuts in that state to ever flip to the common sense side of the aisle anyway.

Then why did you bother to pull your pants down in this thread?
Why is California requiring IN PERSON signatures to recall Newsom? What about COVID? What about poor people who cant travel?

Why? Because it is the law. You are familiar with what "law" is?

^^^ get this clown, after Dems just forced vote by mail in how many states were that was not legal. :talk2hand:
Thats what you call lemming in blindfold. It's not as rare a species as one might think.
You live in a state controlled by the GOP and yet mail in voting was okayed by the legislature and okayed by the governor. The lemmings at the state capitol enjoy your votes to continue to give you butthurt you can never aleve.

We are mocking your epic hypocrisy. Dems scream voters should not be disenfranchised, unless it's benefits Dems to disenfranchise voters. Dems also scream the will of the people must be respected, except when they don't like what the people vote for then Dems run to the courts to overturn the will of the people. I'll summarize, Dems are full of shit.
It's what you guys wanted, right?

Across the board, not picking and choosing like Dem twats want to do.

It is across the board. Everyone has to sign the petition in person. It's what you wanted.

Now, if there is a recall election then you can mail in your ballot. Which you guys complained about last time.

Playing the semantics game....

All you got, byatch. '

How does a mail in campaign to gather signatures for a recall election work? Explain it to me. Remember this is an action that the government does not get involved in.
They should be able to do this by mail.

Absolutely they should. What could possibly be the Dim argument for not allowing mail in signatures?
Perhaps they know how easily it is to cheat?

Yes, this is the real answer.

How easily for who to cheat?

You guys don't really have a grasp on how petitions work. It is a function performed by citizens, not the government. But you want the government to have some sort of mail in process for collecting signatures? How does that work exactly?

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