Why I oppose Impeachment

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
I agree with Speaker Pelosi, impeachment will be seen as Political Theater, based on the fact that the Republican Party is in the Majority, and McConnell has proved, by Malfeasance, Misfeasance and Nonfeasance he will prevent Trump's conviction.

I support allowing the various committees in the H. of Rep. to go forward with subpoenas, punish those who fail to appear with what powers they may have, and collect evidence of wrong doing by the President.

Then release this evidence to the public, and to each state with an on going investigation can then, investigate:

  • on his tax records,
  • on his culpability of violating Art. I, Sec. 9, clause 8,
  • on his abuse of power,
  • on his obstruction of justice.
And upon finding he did commit violations of his oath of office, indict and bring him to trial.

While Congress and the Mueller Report seem to believe a sitting President is above the law, the fact is a policy within the DOJ does not have the authority of the law.

In fact since this policy is not mentioned in COTUS, the 10th Amendment provides us the answer:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"
I agree with Speaker Pelosi, impeachment will be seen as Political Theater, based on the fact that the Republican Party is in the Majority, and McConnell has proved, by Malfeasance, Misfeasance and Nonfeasance he will prevent Trump's conviction.

I support allowing the various committees in the H. of Rep. to go forward with subpoenas, punish those who fail to appear with what powers they may have, and collect evidence of wrong doing by the President.

Then release this evidence to the public, and to each state with an on going investigation can then, investigate:

  • on his tax records,
  • on his culpability of violating Art. I, Sec. 9, clause 8,
  • on his abuse of power,
  • on his obstruction of justice.
And upon finding he did commit violations of his oath of office, indict and bring him to trial.

While Congress and the Mueller Report seem to believe a sitting President is above the law, the fact is a policy within the DOJ does not have the authority of the law.

In fact since this policy is not mentioned in COTUS, the 10th Amendment provides us the answer:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"

Sounds to me like Nancy is going to go for the right timing. We could have another Comey moment on our hands.
Don't mind Congress if they witch hunt on their own time, but I will not let up criticism of them until they have fixed healthcare liked they promised at the 2018 mid terms. I don't care if they have to kiss Trump's ass, they opened their mouths, now they can pucker!
Can we investigate the investigators? Finances? Treason?
Obama was spying on TRUMP for at least 2 years, probably more, and Mueller investigated TRUMP for 2 years. What do you think congress will be able to find that Obama's intelligence and justice department couldn't find?
The impeachment process is the sole jurisdiction of the US Congress, states have absolutely zero standing on the issue. Now, as to tax violations, that falls to the feds and any state in which he had to file state income taxes. One can not be tried by other states he wasn't required to file taxes in. On the issues of his abuse of power and obstruction of justice, these are a federal level crime and the feds alone have the jurisdiction.

Will he be impeached? I don't know what the House will do. If impeached, will he be convicted in the Senate? Nope, never going to happen as long as Republicans are the majority. As I have stated before on threads here on the impeachment issue, it was the same for Bill Clinton in 98.

If you truly want him impeached you should be writing or calling, repeatedly if necessary, your Congressperson demanding impeachment.
“While Congress and the Mueller Report seem to believe a sitting President is above the law…”


That the House elects to not pursue impeachment doesn’t mean it believes a president is above the law, just as a prosecutor who decides to not prosecute a criminal defendant because he knows he can’t win a conviction isn’t placing that criminal defendant above the law.

Likewise, Mueller may believe in good faith that there is insufficient evidence to pursue a criminal case against Trump, regardless Justice’s policy with regard to indicting a sitting president; but that doesn’t mean Mueller believes a president is above the law, either.

Rather, Mueller believes that Trump’s guilt should be addressed by the political – not legal – process; where the people determine Trump’s guilt via impeachment or at the ballot box.

And Speaker Pelosi wisely rejects impeachment because she knows she’d not win a conviction in the Senate for the reasons correctly noted in the OP.

The responsibility will therefore fall to the American people to remove Trump from office the consequence of his crimes and misdemeanors.

Justice is not the sole purview of the judiciary; the people are capable of exacting justice when they vote, to hold accountable a president who has violated his oath of office and proven himself to be unfit to hold office, to remove from office a president such as Trump who has violated the law and the trust of the people, a president who is indeed not above the law.
Obama was spying on TRUMP for at least 2 years, probably more, and Mueller investigated TRUMP for 2 years. What do you think congress will be able to find that Obama's intelligence and justice department couldn't find?
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread is about addressing Trump’s crimes and removing him from office, not Obama.
Obama was spying on TRUMP for at least 2 years, probably more, and Mueller investigated TRUMP for 2 years. What do you think congress will be able to find that Obama's intelligence and justice department couldn't find?
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread is about addressing Trump’s crimes and removing him from office, not Obama.
Trump was pissed off Obama was spying on him
I agree with Speaker Pelosi, impeachment will be seen as Political Theater, based on the fact that the Republican Party is in the Majority, and McConnell has proved, by Malfeasance, Misfeasance and Nonfeasance he will prevent Trump's conviction.

I support allowing the various committees in the H. of Rep. to go forward with subpoenas, punish those who fail to appear with what powers they may have, and collect evidence of wrong doing by the President.

Then release this evidence to the public, and to each state with an on going investigation can then, investigate:

  • on his tax records,
  • on his culpability of violating Art. I, Sec. 9, clause 8,
  • on his abuse of power,
  • on his obstruction of justice.
And upon finding he did commit violations of his oath of office, indict and bring him to trial.

While Congress and the Mueller Report seem to believe a sitting President is above the law, the fact is a policy within the DOJ does not have the authority of the law.

In fact since this policy is not mentioned in COTUS, the 10th Amendment provides us the answer:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"
Dems hung all their hopes and dreams on Mueller. He spent two years and millions of dollars failing, so now you think more investigations are necessary?

Sorry, game over. The only investigations that will be taking place now are the ones that will put the Swamp Dwellers in prison - or worse.
Obama was spying on TRUMP for at least 2 years, probably more, and Mueller investigated TRUMP for 2 years. What do you think congress will be able to find that Obama's intelligence and justice department couldn't find?
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread is about addressing Trump’s crimes and removing him from office, not Obama.
Trump was pissed off Obama was spying on him
Trump is a paranoid, demented old dotard who is completely out of touch with reality, much like you and the rest of his bootlicking toadies.
Obama was spying on TRUMP for at least 2 years, probably more, and Mueller investigated TRUMP for 2 years. What do you think congress will be able to find that Obama's intelligence and justice department couldn't find?
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread is about addressing Trump’s crimes and removing him from office, not Obama.
Trump was pissed off Obama was spying on him
Trump is a paranoid, demented old dotard who is completely out of touch with reality, much like you and the rest of his bootlicking toadies.
Ha we just won again last nite.. I told all the illegals at my job.. time is up
“While Congress and the Mueller Report seem to believe a sitting President is above the law…”


That the House elects to not pursue impeachment doesn’t mean it believes a president is above the law, just as a prosecutor who decides to not prosecute a criminal defendant because he knows he can’t win a conviction isn’t placing that criminal defendant above the law.

Likewise, Mueller may believe in good faith that there is insufficient evidence to pursue a criminal case against Trump, regardless Justice’s policy with regard to indicting a sitting president; but that doesn’t mean Mueller believes a president is above the law, either.

Rather, Mueller believes that Trump’s guilt should be addressed by the political – not legal – process; where the people determine Trump’s guilt via impeachment or at the ballot box.

And Speaker Pelosi wisely rejects impeachment because she knows she’d not win a conviction in the Senate for the reasons correctly noted in the OP.

The responsibility will therefore fall to the American people to remove Trump from office the consequence of his crimes and misdemeanors.

Justice is not the sole purview of the judiciary; the people are capable of exacting justice when they vote, to hold accountable a president who has violated his oath of office and proven himself to be unfit to hold office, to remove from office a president such as Trump who has violated the law and the trust of the people, a president who is indeed not above the law.
According to Mueller and the DOJ, they cannot indict a sitting President. That means POTUS is above the law.
I agree with Speaker Pelosi, impeachment will be seen as Political Theater, based on the fact that the Republican Party is in the Majority, and McConnell has proved, by Malfeasance, Misfeasance and Nonfeasance he will prevent Trump's conviction.

I support allowing the various committees in the H. of Rep. to go forward with subpoenas, punish those who fail to appear with what powers they may have, and collect evidence of wrong doing by the President.

Then release this evidence to the public, and to each state with an on going investigation can then, investigate:

  • on his tax records,
  • on his culpability of violating Art. I, Sec. 9, clause 8,
  • on his abuse of power,
  • on his obstruction of justice.
And upon finding he did commit violations of his oath of office, indict and bring him to trial.

While Congress and the Mueller Report seem to believe a sitting President is above the law, the fact is a policy within the DOJ does not have the authority of the law.

In fact since this policy is not mentioned in COTUS, the 10th Amendment provides us the answer:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"
Listening to you Jacobin freaks try to seriously quote the Constitution, when in nearly other instance it's an impediment to you getting your fascistic vassal state, is some of the funniest shit on this board.
“While Congress and the Mueller Report seem to believe a sitting President is above the law…”


That the House elects to not pursue impeachment doesn’t mean it believes a president is above the law, just as a prosecutor who decides to not prosecute a criminal defendant because he knows he can’t win a conviction isn’t placing that criminal defendant above the law.

Likewise, Mueller may believe in good faith that there is insufficient evidence to pursue a criminal case against Trump, regardless Justice’s policy with regard to indicting a sitting president; but that doesn’t mean Mueller believes a president is above the law, either.

Rather, Mueller believes that Trump’s guilt should be addressed by the political – not legal – process; where the people determine Trump’s guilt via impeachment or at the ballot box.

And Speaker Pelosi wisely rejects impeachment because she knows she’d not win a conviction in the Senate for the reasons correctly noted in the OP.

The responsibility will therefore fall to the American people to remove Trump from office the consequence of his crimes and misdemeanors.

Justice is not the sole purview of the judiciary; the people are capable of exacting justice when they vote, to hold accountable a president who has violated his oath of office and proven himself to be unfit to hold office, to remove from office a president such as Trump who has violated the law and the trust of the people, a president who is indeed not above the law.
According to Mueller and the DOJ, they cannot indict a sitting President. That means POTUS is above the law.
And what law did Trump break?
Obama was spying on TRUMP for at least 2 years, probably more, and Mueller investigated TRUMP for 2 years. What do you think congress will be able to find that Obama's intelligence and justice department couldn't find?
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

The thread is about addressing Trump’s crimes and removing him from office, not Obama.
Fuckwits like you carried Obingo's water for eight years, when he commuted numerous criminal acts far worse than anything the Cheeto has allegedly done.

So it is relevant in that you're a pious hypocritical jackass.
I agree with Speaker Pelosi, impeachment will be seen as Political Theater, based on the fact that the Republican Party is in the Majority, and McConnell has proved, by Malfeasance, Misfeasance and Nonfeasance he will prevent Trump's conviction.

I support allowing the various committees in the H. of Rep. to go forward with subpoenas, punish those who fail to appear with what powers they may have, and collect evidence of wrong doing by the President.

Then release this evidence to the public, and to each state with an on going investigation can then, investigate:

  • on his tax records,
  • on his culpability of violating Art. I, Sec. 9, clause 8,
  • on his abuse of power,
  • on his obstruction of justice.
And upon finding he did commit violations of his oath of office, indict and bring him to trial.

While Congress and the Mueller Report seem to believe a sitting President is above the law, the fact is a policy within the DOJ does not have the authority of the law.

In fact since this policy is not mentioned in COTUS, the 10th Amendment provides us the answer:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people"

Why are you against impeachment? Can we be honest here and say that if the House Democrats attempt to impeach Trump, it will all but guarantee his reelection? That is what you are afraid of. You want impeachment without impeachment.
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