Why Honest Democrats Should be Against Obama


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Posted by Robbie Cooper on 10/7/2012

Of course, I’m more-and-more inclined to believe there is no such thing. As an honest Democrat, that is.

Via Truth in Exile: Why Honest Democrats Should be Against Obama | Truth In Exile

While not surprising, I still find it disturbing to watch people enthusiastically support a president that they actually don’t even agree with, or shouldn’t agree with. I understand that most voters couldn’t care less about politics; and when I say politics, I mean the issues. Most voters, every four years, come out of political hibernation, to perform what they have been told is their duty.

They vote based on speeches and soundbites, for unfortunately, they just do not follow the actions of their candidate as closely as they do the actions of their favorite sports teams. We all claim to understand that most politicians will say anything to get elected yet we still support candidates based solely on what they say, not what they do.

I thought it would be a worthwhile exercise to compare the supposed beliefs of the average liberal not to Obama’s words, but his actions. Let’s list some of Obama’s “accomplishments,” specifically those that actually go against what liberals are supposed to stand for…

And the reasons include:

The Patriot Act
Indefinite Detention
Guantanamo Bay
American Assassinations
The Drug War
Whistle Blowers

Go read the explanation of each.

The Patriot Act
Indefinite Detention
Guantanamo Bay
American Assassinations
The Drug War
Whistle Blowers

From that list, the only "honest democrats" would already have thrown in with the libertarians.

But alas, they're as scarce as the "honest republicans" who left the party over:

Profligate spending
Bureaucratic expansion and bloat
Busted budgets
Medicare D
Nation building
Whistle Blowers

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss...
Of course, I’m more-and-more inclined to believe there is no such thing. As an honest Democrat, that is.

As we can see, the libertarian priesthood tend to get rather pissy whenever other people won't convert to the libertarian religion.

Feel free to hide up in your ivory tower, yelling curses at all the peasants working down below. Heaven forbid you should lift a finger to help, eh? After all, you wouldn't want your moral purity to be sullied by accomplishing something. You've got your little scam going, where you can sit around, do nothing except complain, and then claim the moral high ground for it.

And that would be why most people consider libertarians to be a fairly worthless bunch of wankers.
While not surprising, I still find it disturbing to watch people enthusiastically support a president that they actually don’t even agree with, or shouldn’t agree with.

The irony here on display is just breath taking. You're talking about Democrats, but you can actually replace "Republican" and get an equally valid post. Let's do that:

Alternate Reality Longknife said:
Posted by Robbie Cooper on 10/7/2012

Of course, I’m more-and-more inclined to believe there is no such thing. As an honest Republican, that is.

Via Truth in Exile: Why Honest Republicans Should be Against Romney | Truth In Exile

While not surprising, I still find it disturbing to watch people enthusiastically support a candidate that they actually don’t even agree with, or shouldn’t agree with. I understand that most voters couldn’t care less about politics; and when I say politics, I mean the issues. Most voters, every four years, come out of political hibernation, to perform what they have been told is their duty.

They vote based on speeches and soundbites, for unfortunately, they just do not follow the actions of their candidate as closely as they do the actions of their favorite sports teams. We all claim to understand that most politicians will say anything to get elected yet we still support candidates based solely on what they say, not what they do.

I thought it would be a worthwhile exercise to compare the supposed beliefs of the average Conservative not to Romney’s words, but his actions. Let’s list some of Romney’s “accomplishments,” specifically those that actually go against what Conservatives are supposed to stand for…

And the reasons include:

The Patriot Act
Indefinite Detention
Guantanamo Bay
American Assassinations
The Drug War
Whistle Blowers

Go read the explanation of each.

The accomplishment section may be a bit shaky, as Romney hasn't done much other than institute Obamacare in his home state, praise Obamacare and Dodd-Frank regulations, and ship some jobs overseas, but he's also made it clear he absolutely will continue Bush's Policies, the same policies Obama has continued.

So how do you support Romney?

The truth is both guys are at this point going to act about the exact same way. The only real differences in the party occur in the Legislature and involve what Legislation each party will support. At the Executive level, it makes absolutely no difference if you have Bush or Gore, Bush or Kerry, McCain or Obama, or Romney or Obama in the seat. They are all so driven by trying to appeal to a sliver of the voting population that they'll do exactly the same thing.
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Of course, I’m more-and-more inclined to believe there is no such thing. As an honest Democrat, that is.

As we can see, the libertarian priesthood tend to get rather pissy whenever other people won't convert to the libertarian religion.

Feel free to hide up in your ivory tower, yelling curses at all the peasants working down below. Heaven forbid you should lift a finger to help, eh? After all, you wouldn't want your moral purity to be sullied by accomplishing something. You've got your little scam going, where you can sit around, do nothing except complain, and then claim the moral high ground for it.

And that would be why most people consider libertarians to be a fairly worthless bunch of wankers.
I'm not a libertarian, but I'm quite sympathetic.

Right now there really isn't two parties. It's one DemoRepubicratcon party. The fringes do want and act differently, but the party machinery and the party leaders are all playing the same game to try to get to the same 5% or so of the population. They all spend more than we take in, they all want to cut taxes necessary for what you spend, they all want to support social programs, and they all want to spend on the military.

At this moment, if you're unhappy with what's happening the Libertarians are pretty much the only game in town. And the truth is, if you're a true Democrat or Republican, you probably agree with about 50% of what the Libertarians stand for. That's more than you'll get out of either party's candidate when it comes down to it.
Barry's problem is quite simple. He convinced millions of people to vote for him based on his overall hope and change mantra, sprinkled with promises to change the way things are done in Washington, cut the deficit in half first term, rewire the nation's healthcare system, etc., etc. He delivered it all in mostly well-read Teleprompter speeches, smiled, seemed sincere, and was rewarded by the electorate. And that, strangely enough now, is the crux of his problem. People believed what he said.

Since then though they've observed Obama as president. They've watched and they've listened to him, but a lot of what they've taken in doesn't match the pre-election rhetoric. He didn't tell them he'd be engaging in class and racial divisiveness once in office. He was gonna cut the deficit by 50%, not add mountains of trillions of dollars to it. The voters weren't told the massive Obamacare legislation would have to be passed before anyone would be allowed to know what's in it. No one conceived we'd have an American ambassador and others murdered and then lied to repeatedly by the president and others in his administration about what caused it, while all the while, we now know, omitting the facts that security cutbacks in Libya had been made and subsequent requests for for more protection from our now dead ambassador were denied.

And those are but a few things perhaps running through the minds of good Democrats, independents, some Republicans and others who voted for Barry four years ago, and there are lots of other examples to contemplate too. And what neither Obama nor anyone on his team know to any degree is how many of them feel used or cheated or duped or screwed or betrayed or whatever. But they do know how people who have such feelings about what happened to their trust are likely to react in the voting booth, assuming they bother to show up.

Obama's ice gets thinner by the day.
Of course, I’m more-and-more inclined to believe there is no such thing. As an honest Democrat, that is.

As we can see, the libertarian priesthood tend to get rather pissy whenever other people won't convert to the libertarian religion.

Feel free to hide up in your ivory tower, yelling curses at all the peasants working down below. Heaven forbid you should lift a finger to help, eh? After all, you wouldn't want your moral purity to be sullied by accomplishing something. You've got your little scam going, where you can sit around, do nothing except complain, and then claim the moral high ground for it.

And that would be why most people consider libertarians to be a fairly worthless bunch of wankers.
I'm not a libertarian, but I'm quite sympathetic.

Right now there really isn't two parties. It's one DemoRepubicratcon party. The fringes do want and act differently, but the party machinery and the party leaders are all playing the same game to try to get to the same 5% or so of the population. They all spend more than we take in, they all want to cut taxes necessary for what you spend, they all want to support social programs, and they all want to spend on the military.

At this moment, if you're unhappy with what's happening the Libertarians are pretty much the only game in town. And the truth is, if you're a true Democrat or Republican, you probably agree with about 50% of what the Libertarians stand for. That's more than you'll get out of either party's candidate when it comes down to it.

Well, what they say they stand for.

But when the time comes to turn talk into action, they all play the same socialist central controller games.

More welfare state.
More warfare state.
More nanny state.
More police/snoop state.
More economic central planning.
More social engineering.
Less liberty for the proles.

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