Why Hitler can not be equated with Ioseb Besarionis dzе Djugashvili pet names: Koba, Soselo, Stalin


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
I found an interesting post , so what do you think?

"Why Hitler can not be equated with Ioseb Besarionis dzе Djugashvili pet names Koba, Soselo, Stalin, Soso, The Red tsar, etc.

Hitler could not:


- 65% of the top command staff of the Red Army

- 120 academicians of the USSR

- Thousands of prominent poets, writers, artists, musicians, scientists

- OK. 85% of the priests of the Russian Orthodox Church

starve 7-8 million Soviet people

to take away land, cattle and other property from all the peasants of the USSR

sell the treasures of the Hermitage

destroy churches and monuments of Russian architecture in the Kremlin and throughout the USSR

close 99% of temples and monasteries

destroy the historical appearance of Moscow and hundreds of other ancient cities throughout the USSR

create 427 camps
on the territory of the USSR and drive through them more than 7 million (minimum number) of Soviet citizens

to conduct a national cleansing among the Poles, Germans, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians, Finns, Greeks, Romanians, Bulgarians, Chinese, Koreans, Iranians, Afghans and other peoples living on the territory of the USSR with a total of 335.5 thousand people annihilating 73% arrested

subjected to total deportation (with signs of genocide) ten peoples of the USSR: Koreans, Germans, Ingrian Finns, Karachais, Kalmyks, Chechens, Ingush, Balkars, Crimean Tatars and Meskhetian Turks

to deprive the seven peoples of the USSR - Germans, Karachais, Kalmyks, Ingush, Chechens, Balkars and Crimean Tatars - national autonomies

And comrade Stalin could!

the source HistoryPorn | VK
I found an interesting post , so what do you think?

"Why Hitler can not be equated with Ioseb Besarionis dzе Djugashvili pet names Koba, Soselo, Stalin, Soso, The Red tsar, etc.

Hitler could not:


- 65% of the top command staff of the Red Army

To compare you would have to compare to what percentage of the German Army command staff he "repressed".

And even then it is apples to oranges, the German military was a long established establishment with a history o of professionalism and obedience.

The Red Army was a creation of a relatively recent rebellion.

The Hitler was more confident, or less paranoid about his military, could be more about his military being more trustworthy than him being "better" than Stalin.

Not that I am an historical expert on the two armies in question.
Hannah Arendt in her first major book, The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951), successfully equated Hitler and Stalin. Arendt's book studies the roots of Nazism and Communism arguing that totalitarianism was a "novel form of government," different from other forms of tyranny in that it applied terror to subjugate mass populations rather than just political adversaries.

She insisted that these manifestations of political evil could not be understood as mere extensions in scale or scope of already existing precedents, but one built upon terror and ideological fiction. Where older tyrannies had used terror as an instrument for attaining or sustaining power, modern totalitarian regimes exhibited little strategic rationality in their use of terror. Rather, terror was no longer a means to a political end, but an end in itself.

Arendt stated that a common thread shared by followers of Hitler and Stalin was that "The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.”

My opinion is that Hitler was a honorable man of war. A man capable to make his country from ruins the greatest in a decade, and be the owner of the world for 30 minutes. No man on earth has been capable to do the same in all history of civilization.

His enemies have destroyed his image with lies. The ones who killed millions of civilians in WW2 were the allies with millions of tons of bombs during 5 years, 24/7 without stop. The input of deaths to Hitler is a cover up of such "collateral damage" when millions of people were killed by cause of "friendly fire" from the sky. Thousands of allies airplanes did the sad task.

Accusing Hitler of murderer is product of the envy of his enemies. Hitler is not my hero, but he was a honorable enemy in war. I see no reason to discredit him just because he was against us. To say lies about him makes the false accuser a coward, and sadly there still are lots of cowards around.

Hitler wasn't a saint, but surely he can't be catalogued as one and less be compared to criminals against humanity, like the one mentioned in the first message of this thread.
My opinion is that Hitler was a honorable man of war. A man capable to make his country from ruins the greatest in a decade, and be the owner of the world for 30 minutes. No man on earth has been capable to do the same in all history of civilization.

His enemies have destroyed his image with lies. The ones who killed millions of civilians in WW2 were the allies with millions of tons of bombs during 5 years, 24/7 without stop. The input of deaths to Hitler is a cover up of such "collateral damage" when millions of people were killed by cause of "friendly fire" from the sky. Thousands of allies airplanes did the sad task.

Accusing Hitler of murderer is product of the envy of his enemies. Hitler is not my hero, but he was a honorable enemy in war. I see no reason to discredit him just because he was against us. To say lies about him makes the false accuser a coward, and sadly there still are lots of cowards around.

Hitler wasn't a saint, but surely he can't be catalogued as one and less be compared to criminals against humanity, like the one mentioned in the first message of this thread.

I know your people and your literature. I am a post war BABY BOOMER. I grew up in a town choc full
of nazis. In fact---it was an area of the USA known
to be so heavily influenced by nazism that even adolf
knew about it and planned his invasion via a near by river. The pro hitler literature dating all the way back to the mid 1930s littered the town in small seedy leaflets. The stuff was also STILL being written and
thrown around into circa 1960. You are nothing new---there are still nazis among us in the USA. The town
in which I grew up did change lots for the better----
they even let black americans live there now.
I found an interesting post , so what do you think?

"Why Hitler can not be equated with Ioseb Besarionis dzе Djugashvili pet names Koba, Soselo, Stalin, Soso, The Red tsar, etc.

Hitler could not:


- 65% of the top command staff of the Red Army

To compare you would have to compare to what percentage of the German Army command staff he "repressed".

And even then it is apples to oranges, the German military was a long established establishment with a history o of professionalism and obedience.

The Red Army was a creation of a relatively recent rebellion.

The Hitler was more confident, or less paranoid about his military, could be more about his military being more trustworthy than him being "better" than Stalin.

Not that I am an historical expert on the two armies in question.

To compare you would have to compare to what percentage of the German Army command staff he "repressed".

And even then it is apples to oranges, the German military was a long established establishment with a history o of professionalism and obedience.

The Red Army was a creation of a relatively recent rebellion."

ok i see , how can you explain these numbers
"Of 139 PhD students (aspirants) in Belarus as of 1934, only six people escaped execution during the repressions. According to Kushner, the Soviet repressions virtually stopped any humanities research in Belarus.[5] "

"According historian Leanid Marakoŭ, of approximately 540–570 writers who had been published in Belarus in the 1920s and 1930s, not less than 440–460 (80%) became victims of Soviet repression. This number includes Todar Klaštorny, Andrej Mryj and many others. Including those forced to leave Belarus, no less than 500 (90%) of published Belarusian writers fell victim to the repressions, a quarter of the total number of writers persecuted by the state at this time in the entire USSR.[7] " Soviet repressions in Belarus - Wikipedia
I found an interesting post , so what do you think?

"Why Hitler can not be equated with Ioseb Besarionis dzе Djugashvili pet names Koba, Soselo, Stalin, Soso, The Red tsar, etc.

Hitler could not:


- 65% of the top command staff of the Red Army

To compare you would have to compare to what percentage of the German Army command staff he "repressed".

And even then it is apples to oranges, the German military was a long established establishment with a history o of professionalism and obedience.

The Red Army was a creation of a relatively recent rebellion.

The Hitler was more confident, or less paranoid about his military, could be more about his military being more trustworthy than him being "better" than Stalin.

Not that I am an historical expert on the two armies in question.

To compare you would have to compare to what percentage of the German Army command staff he "repressed".

And even then it is apples to oranges, the German military was a long established establishment with a history o of professionalism and obedience.

The Red Army was a creation of a relatively recent rebellion."

ok i see , how can you explain these numbers
"Of 139 PhD students (aspirants) in Belarus as of 1934, only six people escaped execution during the repressions. According to Kushner, the Soviet repressions virtually stopped any humanities research in Belarus.[5] "

"According historian Leanid Marakoŭ, of approximately 540–570 writers who had been published in Belarus in the 1920s and 1930s, not less than 440–460 (80%) became victims of Soviet repression. This number includes Todar Klaštorny, Andrej Mryj and many others. Including those forced to leave Belarus, no less than 500 (90%) of published Belarusian writers fell victim to the repressions, a quarter of the total number of writers persecuted by the state at this time in the entire USSR.[7] " Soviet repressions in Belarus - Wikipedia

Could an expert on Nazis Germany put up similar and competitive numbers from Nazi Germany?

Both leaders and both systems, belong on a very short list of the world's worst monsters. One can quibble over rankings, but they both are swimming in evil and blood.

I do not have, nor desire to acquire the detail of knowledge on their atrocities to be able to have such a debate.

I found an interesting post , so what do you think?

"Why Hitler can not be equated with Ioseb Besarionis dzе Djugashvili pet names Koba, Soselo, Stalin, Soso, The Red tsar, etc.

Hitler could not:


- 65% of the top command staff of the Red Army

To compare you would have to compare to what percentage of the German Army command staff he "repressed".

And even then it is apples to oranges, the German military was a long established establishment with a history o of professionalism and obedience.

The Red Army was a creation of a relatively recent rebellion.

The Hitler was more confident, or less paranoid about his military, could be more about his military being more trustworthy than him being "better" than Stalin.

Not that I am an historical expert on the two armies in question.

To compare you would have to compare to what percentage of the German Army command staff he "repressed".

And even then it is apples to oranges, the German military was a long established establishment with a history o of professionalism and obedience.

The Red Army was a creation of a relatively recent rebellion."

ok i see , how can you explain these numbers
"Of 139 PhD students (aspirants) in Belarus as of 1934, only six people escaped execution during the repressions. According to Kushner, the Soviet repressions virtually stopped any humanities research in Belarus.[5] "

"According historian Leanid Marakoŭ, of approximately 540–570 writers who had been published in Belarus in the 1920s and 1930s, not less than 440–460 (80%) became victims of Soviet repression. This number includes Todar Klaštorny, Andrej Mryj and many others. Including those forced to leave Belarus, no less than 500 (90%) of published Belarusian writers fell victim to the repressions, a quarter of the total number of writers persecuted by the state at this time in the entire USSR.[7] " Soviet repressions in Belarus - Wikipedia

Could an expert on Nazis Germany put up similar and competitive numbers from Nazi Germany?

Both leaders and both systems, belong on a very short list of the world's worst monsters. One can quibble over rankings, but they both are swimming in evil and blood.

I do not have, nor desire to acquire the detail of knowledge on their atrocities to be able to have such a debate.


"Could an expert on Nazis Germany put up similar and competitive numbers from Nazi Germany?"

Yes S. Kotkin can do so for sure ,

Hitler could not prosecute (90%) of published Bayern or Prussian writers , it was simple impossible

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