Why Hillary can't be taken seriously as a Progressive candidate.

The very definition of "political progressive" includes someone lacking a moral compass. Progressives make no claim to family values or morality. Every day is a whole new world to a political progressive without any restraints or tradition or even religious conviction. There is no moral hypocrisy in the progressive world and Hillary is the perfect progressive.
Hillary will be her own undoing: No amount of progressive rebranding can change her record

Good read. Explains how she lost her moaral compass :(

BTW- vote for Bernie :mm:

good luck electing a jewish socialist.

just saying.
luck? :eusa_eh: Bernie is rising in the polls after defeating his opponent in NH

Are you for the corporatist Dem just because she's a woman?
I've heard that "there's a special place in hell for women who won't support other women", too. How many women do you know who prefer to take a pass on a special place in hell by casting their vote for the candidate with the same basic equipment that they sport?
Hillary will be her own undoing: No amount of progressive rebranding can change her record

Good read. Explains how she lost her moaral compass :(

BTW- vote for Bernie :mm:

good luck electing a jewish socialist.

just saying.
luck? :eusa_eh: Bernie is rising in the polls after defeating his opponent in NH

Are you for the corporatist Dem just because she's a woman?

no. i think no matter how well meaning, bernie will never get done what he says.

and honestly, i'm a democrat. bernie isn't. there's a reason that the people who have worked with her support her. notice that the governor of vermont doesn't support his senator's presidential bid.

plus, i don't think he knows anything about foreign policy.

but thanks for reducing me to my genitalia.
Hillary will be her own undoing: No amount of progressive rebranding can change her record

Good read. Explains how she lost her moaral compass :(

BTW- vote for Bernie :mm:

good luck electing a jewish socialist.

just saying.
luck? :eusa_eh: Bernie is rising in the polls after defeating his opponent in NH

Are you for the corporatist Dem just because she's a woman?

no. i think no matter how well meaning, bernie will never get done what he says.

and honestly, i'm a democrat. bernie isn't. there's a reason that the people who have worked with her support her. notice that the governor of vermont doesn't support his senator's presidential bid.

plus, i don't think he knows anything about foreign policy.

but thanks for reducing me to my genitalia.
Did that for yourself, sweetie. You just seem a bit brighter that to cast a vote for such a phenomenal lying criminal who spent most of her adult life enabling the worst kind of abuser of women.
no. i think no matter how well meaning, bernie will never get done what he says.


and Hillary will? :lol: The Repubs have more animosity towards her than anyone

I think you want her for the same reason Valerie does and Albright does- simply because of her gender. Most older women do

Bernie, OTOH, is attracting lots and lots of young female voters.
Hillary will be her own undoing: No amount of progressive rebranding can change her record

Good read. Explains how she lost her moaral compass :(

BTW- vote for Bernie :mm:
Sanders won't be the nominee.

Many voters have never voted 'for' anyone, only against.

Whatever her faults and failings, Clinton is far preferable to any republican candidate.

Indeed, with a vacancy now on the Supreme Court and partisan Senate republicans likely to refuse to allow a vote on the president's nominee to replace Scalia – in defiance of the will of the American people who voted to reelect the president – 2016 has become that much more important to ensure no republican occupies the WH come 2017.
Hillary will be her own undoing: No amount of progressive rebranding can change her record

Good read. Explains how she lost her moaral compass :(

BTW- vote for Bernie :mm:
Sanders won't be the nominee.

Many voters have never voted 'for' anyone, only against.

Whatever her faults and failings, Clinton is far preferable to any republican candidate.

Indeed, with a vacancy now on the Supreme Court and partisan Senate republicans likely to refuse to allow a vote on the president's nominee to replace Scalia – in defiance of the will of the American people who voted to reelect the president – 2016 has become that much more important to ensure no republican occupies the WH come 2017.
ummm..... HRC is hated by Repubs more than anyone,

you were saying?
no. i think no matter how well meaning, bernie will never get done what he says.


and Hillary will? :lol: The Repubs have more animosity towards her than anyone

I think you want her for the same reason Valerie does and Albright does- simply because of her gender. Most older women do

Bernie, OTOH, is attracting lots and lots of young female voters.

you know, gloria steinham addressed that issue on bill maher last week. women don't get radicalized until they're older and have seen how the real world works.

men are radicalized when they're younger and become more conservative because they find out the world is geared in their favor.

again, my reasons are reasons of policy as much as electability. that's my right. i'm not a college kid stamping my feet. i know what happened to the college kids who wanted mcgovern.
Hillary will be her own undoing: No amount of progressive rebranding can change her record

Good read. Explains how she lost her moaral compass :(

BTW- vote for Bernie :mm:
Sanders won't be the nominee.

Many voters have never voted 'for' anyone, only against.

Whatever her faults and failings, Clinton is far preferable to any republican candidate.

Indeed, with a vacancy now on the Supreme Court and partisan Senate republicans likely to refuse to allow a vote on the president's nominee to replace Scalia – in defiance of the will of the American people who voted to reelect the president – 2016 has become that much more important to ensure no republican occupies the WH come 2017.
ummm..... HRC is hated by Repubs more than anyone,

you were saying?

and there's a reason for that. they know she kicks their butt. they think they can beat bernie.
Hillary will be her own undoing: No amount of progressive rebranding can change her record

Good read. Explains how she lost her moaral compass :(

BTW- vote for Bernie :mm:
Sanders won't be the nominee.

Many voters have never voted 'for' anyone, only against.

Whatever her faults and failings, Clinton is far preferable to any republican candidate.

Indeed, with a vacancy now on the Supreme Court and partisan Senate republicans likely to refuse to allow a vote on the president's nominee to replace Scalia – in defiance of the will of the American people who voted to reelect the president – 2016 has become that much more important to ensure no republican occupies the WH come 2017.
ummm..... HRC is hated by Repubs more than anyone,

you were saying?

and there's a reason for that. they know she kicks their butt. they think they can beat bernie.
she won't be able to govern. In case you hadn't noticed, Repubs have a visceral hatred for her in particular.

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