Why Hasn't Trump Paid Rudy's Legal Bills To Own The Libs Yet???

"Legal bills and the former president"?. Does anybody doubt at this point in time that the intent of the Banana Republic Biden administration is to use the incredible power of the federal government to bankrupt and punish political enemies with frivolous charges?
Trump's an asshole and not MENSA material, but even he can spot an incompetent lawyer, and Rudy's served his purpose in getting the Trumpanzees to believe an election was "stolen." He served his purpose so Trump rightfully casts him adrift in the legal wake
Trump will get the last laugh in 2024.
Trump's an asshole and not MENSA material, but even he can spot an incompetent lawyer, and Rudy's served his purpose in getting the Trumpanzees to believe an election was "stolen." He served his purpose so Trump rightfully casts him adrift in the legal wake
Trump will get the last laugh in 2024.
Nobody knows when that obese fool might die, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened in 2024. No matter when it might be, I look forward to his last laugh, and his last meeting, and his last car ride, and the last of all the things he does daily.
Trump's an asshole and not MENSA material, but even he can spot an incompetent lawyer, and Rudy's served his purpose in getting the Trumpanzees to believe an election was "stolen." He served his purpose so Trump rightfully casts him adrift in the legal wake
Trump will get the last laugh in 2024.
He'll be laughing on the outside but crying on the inside
Trump's an asshole and not MENSA material, but even he can spot an incompetent lawyer, and Rudy's served his purpose in getting the Trumpanzees to believe an election was "stolen." He served his purpose so Trump rightfully casts him adrift in the legal wake
Trump will get the last laugh in 2024.
He'll be laughing on the outside but crying on the inside
Democrats will be the ones crying.

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