WHY Hasn't The US Media Or Government Disclosed That A US Sub Sank in S. Korea?


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
A Suppressed KBS TV Scoop

ROK and US authorities did their best to hide the fact that a US submarine sank at about the same time as the Cheonan. The ROK authorities did not announce the sinking of the US submarine, nor did they call Warrant Officer Han’s death an accident which occurred while searching inside a US submarine. Instead, they announced that he died while searching for Cheonan survivors’ bodies. Warrant Officer Han was honored as a national hero.

KBS, which reported on the existence of the third buoy, was criticized for filing a false report. Thereafter, the possibility that the Cheonan was attacked by an American submarine was regarded as a dangerous and groundless rumor, and was virtually suppressed in South Korea.

However, the suspicion that the Cheonan sank as a result of friendly fire surfaced within the South Korean media immediately after the event. On the day of the incident, ROK and US forces were conducting the joint military exercise Foal Eagle to the south of Byaengnyeong Island."

What was the name of the sub that sank? Do you really think that the government could get away with not announcing that a US Navy sub went down somewhere?
No US nuclear submarine has been sank since 1968. All current US subs are nuclear powered.
A Suppressed KBS TV Scoop

ROK and US authorities did their best to hide the fact that a US submarine sank at about the same time as the Cheonan. The ROK authorities did not announce the sinking of the US submarine, nor did they call Warrant Officer Han’s death an accident which occurred while searching inside a US submarine. Instead, they announced that he died while searching for Cheonan survivors’ bodies. Warrant Officer Han was honored as a national hero.

KBS, which reported on the existence of the third buoy, was criticized for filing a false report. Thereafter, the possibility that the Cheonan was attacked by an American submarine was regarded as a dangerous and groundless rumor, and was virtually suppressed in South Korea.

However, the suspicion that the Cheonan sank as a result of friendly fire surfaced within the South Korean media immediately after the event. On the day of the incident, ROK and US forces were conducting the joint military exercise Foal Eagle to the south of Byaengnyeong Island."


i guess there aren't enough tin foil hats tuned to the proper frequency, kenneth.
A Suppressed KBS TV Scoop

ROK and US authorities did their best to hide the fact that a US submarine sank at about the same time as the Cheonan. The ROK authorities did not announce the sinking of the US submarine, nor did they call Warrant Officer Han’s death an accident which occurred while searching inside a US submarine. Instead, they announced that he died while searching for Cheonan survivors’ bodies. Warrant Officer Han was honored as a national hero.

KBS, which reported on the existence of the third buoy, was criticized for filing a false report. Thereafter, the possibility that the Cheonan was attacked by an American submarine was regarded as a dangerous and groundless rumor, and was virtually suppressed in South Korea.

However, the suspicion that the Cheonan sank as a result of friendly fire surfaced within the South Korean media immediately after the event. On the day of the incident, ROK and US forces were conducting the joint military exercise Foal Eagle to the south of Byaengnyeong Island."


This belongs in Conspiracy theories.

Excuse me fucktard , are you saying that a US sub did not sink near the S.- North Korea border? Or are you saying that anything that incriminates the US or Israel must be removed from the spotlight?


he's saying your a froot loop.

he often states the obvious like that.

BTW have your buddies at the Pentagon disclosed that at the time the Cheonan sank, the Key Resolve/Foal Eagle military exercises were ongoing?

But never mind the main issues. Keep the jokes coming , I love good humor.

No US sub was sank, Why isn't this is in the Elvis lives section?
No US sub was sank, Why isn't this is in the Elvis lives section?

In the article that follows, independent journalist Tanaka Sakai hypothesizes about what may have happened on the night of March 26 and after. Drawing on ROK TV and press reports and photographs, some of which were subsequently suppressed, Tanaka places at center stage a range of factors, some fully documented, others speculative, that have been missing, distorted, or silenced in US and ROK narratives: they include the fact and location of the US-ROK joint military exercise that was in progress at the time of the incident and the possibility that the Cheonan was sunk by friendly fire. Tanaka presents evidence suggesting the possibility that a US nuclear submarine was stationed off Byaengnyong Island and that a US vessel may have been sunk during the incident. He also considers anomalies in the role of US ships in the salvage and rescue operations that followed, including the death of an ROK diver in the attempt to recover that vessel.

Don't we have a Cospiracy Theory Board just for Contumacious to play in?
Excuse me fucktard , are you saying that a US sub did not sink near the S.- North Korea border? Or are you saying that anything that incriminates the US or Israel must be removed from the spotlight?


he's saying your a froot loop.

he often states the obvious like that.

BTW have your buddies at the Pentagon disclosed that at the time the Cheonan sank, the Key Resolve/Foal Eagle military exercises were ongoing?

But never mind the main issues. Keep the jokes coming , I love good humor.


Actually, they have, which still does not explain why you think a US sub sank.
Don't we have a Cospiracy Theory Board just for Contumacious to play in?

AP Enterprise: Alleged NKorean submarine attack came near US-South Korea anti-sub maneuvers

Two months after the sinking, U.S. officials for the first time disclosed details of the joint naval exercise held the same day as the attack on the Cheonan.



Its a..a.....Conspiracy!

Maybe so. But is it definitely a CURRENT EVENT which certain folks will use to lie the nation into another war.


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