"Why don't you move to..." right wingers' petulant cajole.

Lol, Obama made Jimmy Carter a happy man. He won't die as the worst president in history. Thanks to Obama. Oh, and you can also thank Obama for Trump. He did say a vote for Hillary was a vote to continue his legacy, and Americans were smart and voted against it.

Check out Obama world-wide approval ratings...ask a grownup to explain the data to you and, THEN, get back to us.....LOL
Those ratings that had Hillary winning in a landslide? Obama did more to hurt your party than any republican could've dreamed of.
Those ratings that had Hillary winning in a landslide?

Actually...she DID....3 MILLION more votes than the orange piece of lard......now THAT is a landslide.....LOL

That poor both just can't win, huh? Lol
Probably none.......the acumen is lacking; that is why you're stuck on "conserving" your racism, misogyny, intolerance, etc.....

IF President Donald Trump, Republicans, and Conservatives are "racists, misogynists, and intolerant, why did the City of West Palm Beach sue Donald Trump when he bought Mar-a-Lago in 1985?

IF President Donald Trump, Republicans, and Conservatives are misogynists, against his father's advice, why did Donald Trump hire a woman in the mid-1980's as a chief engineer for Trump Tower?

IF President Donald Trump, Republicans, and Conservatives are intolerant, why is it that Democrats, Progressives and the various groups who support them are the ones spurring violent protests, riots, and murderers?
the MAIN difference between us is that I FULLY realize that our country is in deep shit with the orange buffoon.....YOU, instead haven't yet realized it.....and maybe never will given your brain capacity.

Brilliant retort, can a Pulitzer be far behind?
the derp is strong with this one. anytime a libertarian or even conservative offers even the mildest criticism of government overreach, first thing out of a dmocommies mouth is "move to Somalia"

It would be helpful if you could you find a few of those darn democrats who wrote "move to Somalia"......unless, of course, you're pulling stuff out of your rectum.....If you are, then never mind.
here is one instance where it was said
Why don't Libertarians move to Somalia?
amd I'm assuming that libertarians/conservatives aren't the ones sellg this bumper sticker
Want Less Government? Move to Somalia Bumper Sticker
Race and hate has always been a progressive thing

When (and if) you ever sober up....re-read that sentence and you too may find it hilarious.....well,maybe.

I don't drink and I know you find it funny because you are ignorant of the history of the progressive movement and their hate.

It's one of the reasons you support planned parenthood despite the fact that it's founder Margaret Sanger specifically said she started it to eliminate the undesirable races. It's why you praise progressive Woodrow Wilson who resegregated the country and lead to a resurgence of the KKK by spreading it's propaganda. It's why you continue to support the party trying to divide people by race, ethnicity, and income. Because you believe divided groups of people will support you.

People are wising up. Have been For a while.
Lol, Obama made Jimmy Carter a happy man. He won't die as the worst president in history. Thanks to Obama. Oh, and you can also thank Obama for Trump. He did say a vote for Hillary was a vote to continue his legacy, and Americans were smart and voted against it.

Check out Obama world-wide approval ratings...ask a grownup to explain the data to you and, THEN, get back to us.....LOL

You seriously think someone is conducting worldwide polls? Let alone ww polls on whether they approved of Obama?
you claimed that libertarians and conservatives being told to move to Somalia wasn't a thing
then demanded I show an example of that, and when I do, IM THE STUPID ONE?

YES..............You had to scour OTHER forums such as Yahoo to find one equally fucked up jerk (as you must certainly be) to "defend" your imbecility??? Really, go take a nap......
You seriously think someone is conducting worldwide polls? Let alone ww polls on whether they approved of Obama?

NO,NO...you're "correct" .....those "fake polls" are from that 400 pound guy that Trump keeps on referring to......
you claimed that libertarians and conservatives being told to move to Somalia wasn't a thing
then demanded I show an example of that, and when I do, IM THE STUPID ONE?

YES..............You had to scour OTHER forums such as Yahoo to find one equally fucked up jerk (as you must certainly be) to "defend" your imbecility??? Really, go take a nap......
if you want an example from this forum, I was told to leave the country in a thread I started just today
Many of us have had to put up with right wing morons who, upon a criticism of our corrupt HC system, state such "brilliant" retorts as, "...why don't you move to Canada then....".....Or when we criticize the orange clown's broken promises and demagoguery state, ".....Cuba is waiting for you Nazi, Communist, Fascist, Socialist, [and whatever else their ignorance can spew] to move there...."

Now, the best way to respond to such morons, is rather simple....Just say:

"Gee, we just had EIGHT years of a "Kenyan, half-black, ultra-liberal" president, how come NONE of you right wingers flooded the Russian Embassy for visas???"


Supporters of Israel need to get TF out of the US right now....
how do you know the embassy hasnt been flooded during that time nat....mmmm?......

Russia's form of government is much more attuned to your ideology. No personal responsibility and the government makes your decisions for you.
my ideology?....what ideology is that?...and can you prove i am attuned to their ideology?...i have some 55,000 posts should be pretty easy......
my ideology?....what ideology is that?...and can you prove i am attuned to their ideology?...i have some 55,000 posts should be pretty easy.....

I for one, would rather have root canal work done than to go through your moronic 55.000posts' bullshit........LOL

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