Why Don't America Haters Move Elsewhere??


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
Professor Teaches USA Is a Police State

The classroom where North Carolina Wesleyan College's only political science professor is teaching a course titled "9/11; The Road to Tyranny" has become the latest battlefront in the ongoing campus culture war.

On Tuesday, the six students enrolled in the elective course taught by Jane T. Christensen were to attend the course's final session: "Police State USA (Where Do We Go From Here?)"

Christensen's course has conservatives raging against campuses loaded with unaccountable liberals. The president of N.C. Wesleyan, a school of 1,800 students 50 miles east of Raleigh in Rocky Mount, is defending her right to academic freedom.

"Slander and anti-Semitism are permitted by a bigot posing as a scholar," Mike Adams, a criminal justice professor at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, wrote in an online critique on Frontpagemag.com.

Adams is a frequent critic of academic liberalism; Frontpagemag.com is a Web site headed by David Horowitz, a one-time liberal campus activist turned conservative critic.

One text required in Christensen's 9/11 course holds that the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States were orchestrated and carried out by U.S. government elites. The course teaches that the official story about Sept. 11 is the result of "government involvement in the cover-up."

The attacks were used by neo-conservatives in the Bush administration, acting on behalf of pro-Israel Zionists, as "a catalyst for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as the attack on civil liberties in the United States," according to the course's syllabus.

"I teach the truth about 9/11 in all of my courses," said Christensen, who also teaches classes on research methods and the American political system.

Other professors have encountered criticism for voicing alternative views of the Sept. 11 attacks. University of Colorado ethnic studies professor Ward Churchill came under scrutiny after writing that workers in the World Trade Center were the equivalent of "little Eichmanns," a reference to Adolf Eichmann, who ensured the smooth running of the Nazi system. Churchill said his essay referred to "technocrats" who participate in what he calls repressive American policies around the world. Churchill also spoke of the "gallant sacrifices" of the "combat teams" that struck America.


Is that asking for too much? Apparently it's more gallant to stay, brainwash, and subvert kids than to live somewhere that looks up to insanity and unwarranted America bashing like France.
OCA said:
Bonnie i've been throwing down with Mr. enemy of the constitution for many moons now. :firing:

Maybe we should take up a collection to send them all on their way, it'd be less expensive than having them stay and us always doing damage control from the fall out.
Bonnie --- I gotta say that you and Scattered have the cutest avatars!!!!! One of these days, my avatar is going to ask one of your avatars out on a date! :) Maybe they'll even get married and even have little emoticons!!!! :)

Of course, maybe your avatar doesn't go for the wild rock star type.... :)

Anyway.... that's not why I'm posting.....

the obvious reason that the America haters don't leave (at least to me) is obvious.... subversion.....

it's harder, much harder to undermine America from say, Cuba, North Korea or Europe than it is from within...

That, plus a lot of these malcontents are a bunch of spoiled brats whose mothers and fathers didn't discipline as youngsters and are now out-of-control adults!
Bonnie said:
Professor Teaches USA Is a Police State


Is that asking for too much? Apparently it's more gallant to stay, brainwash, and subvert kids than to live somewhere that looks up to insanity and unwarranted America bashing like France.

I sure wish we could bring back a vibrant, and aggressive, Sen. Joe McCarthy from the grave, to hunt down all these traitors!

I think it's time to bring back the 50's and start rooting all the Commies out of their hiding holes in Colleges, High Schools, news media, etc. They hide under the "freedom of speech" clause, while all along they want to over-throw our Republic. They are subverting the pliable minds of our youth, and should be made accountable for their treasonous acts!

Freedom of speech, my @#$%! They have ruined the true intent of that wonderful "right".

Air America's little gun shot stunt the other day, in connection with GWB is just another example the left's abuse of the Constitution.
Eightball said:
I sure wish we could bring back a vibrant, and aggressive, Sen. Joe McCarthy from the grave, to hunt down all these traitors!

I think it's time to bring back the 50's and start rooting all the Commies out of their hiding holes in Colleges, High Schools, news media, etc. They hide under the "freedom of speech" clause, while all along they want to over-throw our Republic. They are subverting the pliable minds of our youth, and should be made accountable for their treasonous acts!

Freedom of speech, my @#$%! They have ruined the true intent of that wonderful "right".

Air America's little gun shot stunt the other day, in connection with GWB is just another example the left's abuse of the Constitution.
What exactly did Senator McCarthy do that was so vile, anyway? He got a bunch of communists black listed in Hollywood and ??????? Try and be a conservative in Hollywood these days and watch how fast you get put on a black list. A lot of those writers that got black listed seemed to have found jobs teaching at universities and writing for the New York Times or what not.... the Left just loved them! The Left takes care of its own. In fact, Alger Hiss who was sent to prison for perjury over his testimony regarding his role in national security affairs was still giving lectures on the university circuit up until his dying day.... some big inconvenience!

Anyway, Sen McCarthy's real concern was Communists in the government. Apparently a lot of high government officials were on Stalin's payroll.... Sen McCarthy wasn't being paranoid, he was telling the truth! And one person who worked as his assistant was a Richard Nixon, and the media never forgave him for it. But they got even didn't they? They got him to resign.... after a media campaign to make it seem as if he actually broke some law.

BTW.... the same media knuckleheads who thought it was terrible that Nixon didn't cooperate with the Special Prosector and tried to get him impeached over it are the same media knuckleheads that thought it Clinton's non-cooperation with the Special Prosecutor was acceptable and that he shouldn't have been impeached over it. Yeah.... that figures!
I wonder what it is about both the media and colleges that attract communists? Is it that it's a good place to brainwash others maybe??
Bonnie said:
I wonder what it is about both the media and colleges that attract communists? Is it that it's a good place to brainwash others maybe??

I think you hit the nail square on the head Bonnie.
First of all I would like to address the generalization "America Haters". I think I know what you mean, but I think you have conveniently just picked a really contemptuous label to define those that you disagree with.
I have always really disliked the "America, Love it or Leave it" slogan and what it represents.....intolerance.
Intolerance is the opposite of the fundamental basis of a free and open society.......the right to the pursuit of happiness. In our complex society it is necessary to have some rules and laws for civil order and a criminal code to punish willfully harmful behavior, beyond that, the price we pay for our freedom is the sometimes painful tolerance of attitudes and lifestyles that we may personally object to, always remember that You and your choices, no matter how mainstream they may be, are being tolerated also. No doubt there is not a person who has not reached their limit of "tolerance" over something.
I love my country, I honor and respect the rights I have, I respect the rights of others. I consider it important to keep myself informed from a variety of sources, and to draw my own conclusions about what all this means. I question authority. I often find myself in a minority opinion, but often as time passes, I have found that opinions change, and usually the shift is towards the minority opinion. I have had to change my mind on some issues, as information and dialog opens my eyes to see something I was missing.
The idea that any opinion or attitude makes you an America Hater and you should move somewhere else is idiotic. The freeflow of information, opinions, and cultural diversity, hopefully will bring out the best in us. We have been gifted with the greatest foundation to build a free and tolerant society, it will never be a finished product, as it is a process of becoming.
KarlMarx said:
What exactly did Senator McCarthy do that was so vile, anyway? He got a bunch of communists black listed in Hollywood and ??????? Try and be a conservative in Hollywood these days and watch how fast you get put on a black list. A lot of those writers that got black listed seemed to have found jobs teaching at universities and writing for the New York Times or what not.... the Left just loved them! The Left takes care of its own. In fact, Alger Hiss who was sent to prison for perjury over his testimony regarding his role in national security affairs was still giving lectures on the university circuit up until his dying day.... some big inconvenience!

McCarthy destroyed many careers and lives with his ham-handed ineptitude. Personally, I believe that he wasn't all that interested in ferreting out communists except in the context that doing so would advance the fortunes of Joe McCarthy.

But you make an interesting point. It's pretty ironic that the very people who Joe McCarthy sought to identify as enemies of the state are now using his own tactics against conservatives who do not share their communist / socialist views.
sagegirl said:
First of all I would like to address the generalization "America Haters". I think I know what you mean, but I think you have conveniently just picked a really contemptuous label to define those that you disagree with.
I have always really disliked the "America, Love it or Leave it" slogan and what it represents.....intolerance.
Intolerance is the opposite of the fundamental basis of a free and open society.......the right to the pursuit of happiness. In our complex society it is necessary to have some rules and laws for civil order and a criminal code to punish willfully harmful behavior, beyond that, the price we pay for our freedom is the sometimes painful tolerance of attitudes and lifestyles that we may personally object to, always remember that You and your choices, no matter how mainstream they may be, are being tolerated also. No doubt there is not a person who has not reached their limit of "tolerance" over something.
I love my country, I honor and respect the rights I have, I respect the rights of others. I consider it important to keep myself informed from a variety of sources, and to draw my own conclusions about what all this means. I question authority. I often find myself in a minority opinion, but often as time passes, I have found that opinions change, and usually the shift is towards the minority opinion. I have had to change my mind on some issues, as information and dialog opens my eyes to see something I was missing.
The idea that any opinion or attitude makes you an America Hater and you should move somewhere else is idiotic. The freeflow of information, opinions, and cultural diversity, hopefully will bring out the best in us. We have been gifted with the greatest foundation to build a free and tolerant society, it will never be a finished product, as it is a process of becoming.

Actually, “America Hater” is probably a good label for the Left. Here are some reasons why….

a) The Left has no respect for the voice of the people, but rather try to get their agenda pushed through by the courts. They hide behind the Constitution when it suits them, for instance, during the brouhaha last summer over the gay marriage amendment, the Constitution was a “sacred” document and should not be tampered with for “political” expediency. Now, the Constitution is a “living breathing document” and that the appointment of judges by Bush who will focus on the original intent of the Founding Fathers is anathema to the Left.

b) The Left has no respect for America and its efforts to spread freedom and democracy around the globe. They hated Reagan, even though he brought down Soviet Communism, they hate Bush even though he liberated Afghanistan and Iraq.

c) The Left sees America as the root of all evil. To the Left, America is an imperialist power. In addition, the Left believes American corporations exploit third world countries and ravage natural resources as if they were the robber barons of old. Of course, America is the source of all the pollution in the world, too. Never mind that when America occupies a country, that country’s people get to select their rulers in a democratic fashion. Never mind that American corporations are helping to bring jobs and wealth to other nations and thus helping to raise the standard of living in those areas. Never mind that Asia, not America, is becoming the biggest polluter and producer of greenhouse gases in the world. Never mind that under Communism, the world’s greatest ecological disasters took place, or are you too young to remember Cherynobl?

d) Let’s talk about tolerance…… to the Left, diversity of sexual orientation is OK, diversity of race is OK, but diversity of opinion is definitely NOT OK. If any side of the political argument is intolerant it is the scurrilous Left! The Left has constructed the speech codes that are present on many American campuses. The Left is the one that is constantly throwing barbs at Evangelical Christians, Orthodox Jews and Roman Catholics. The Left is the one that can’t stand any difference of opinion at all. Conservative speakers and professors practically do not exist on American campuses and those that do exist are harassed without mercy. The only way that the Left knows how to win an argument is to filibuster, and shut down any sense of intelligent discourse. They have made a mockery of the judicial selection process and have gotten their agenda fulfilled by the oligarchy of judges, not by the will of the people. In fact, the Left has nothing but contempt for the average American Joe and Jane Lunchbox…..So do us a favor and save your self righteous sanctimonious fairy tales about the Left being so tolerant and open minded for another audience, e.g. the DU, you’re not fooling anyone on this board.

e) The Left hates America and its form of government. Why else would the members of the Left talk about getting the United Nations’ permission before commencing military actions against countries that are demonstrably hostile to us? Why else would the Left circumvent the will of millions of voters and getting abortion and gay marriage pushed down our throats by judicial oligarchs? Why else would the Leftist judges that sit on the Supreme Court e.g. Justice Ginsberg look to the constitutions of other countries in order to justify their decisions?

f) For a free people to exist, there must be morality. People must police themselves or the government will do it for them. Freedom isn’t just a word for nothing left to lose, it’s a responsibility that a people take upon themselves to be responsible for their own actions and for their own destinies. Immorality is slavery… .if you focus solely on tolerance, you will eventually tolerate anything, abortion, infanticide, patricide, genocide, pedophilia, necrophilia and God knows what else. It is no accident that AIDS and HIV appeared amongst the most sexually promiscuous segment of our population… gay males. Tolerance does not free you from the consequences of immoral behavior! Something isn't bad for you because it's immoral, it's immoral because it's bad for you! And the consequences of immoral behavior are social ruin, economic decline and poverty lawlessness and eventually dictatorship. Why? Because eventually people want security and don’t want to starve to death, so they’ll give up their freedoms in order to get security and a hot meal.
sagegirl said:
First of all I would like to address the generalization "America Haters". I think I know what you mean, but I think you have conveniently just picked a really contemptuous label to define those that you disagree with.
I have always really disliked the "America, Love it or Leave it" slogan and what it represents.....intolerance.
Intolerance is the opposite of the fundamental basis of a free and open society.......the right to the pursuit of happiness. In our complex society it is necessary to have some rules and laws for civil order and a criminal code to punish willfully harmful behavior, beyond that, the price we pay for our freedom is the sometimes painful tolerance of attitudes and lifestyles that we may personally object to, always remember that You and your choices, no matter how mainstream they may be, are being tolerated also. No doubt there is not a person who has not reached their limit of "tolerance" over something.
I love my country, I honor and respect the rights I have, I respect the rights of others. I consider it important to keep myself informed from a variety of sources, and to draw my own conclusions about what all this means. I question authority. I often find myself in a minority opinion, but often as time passes, I have found that opinions change, and usually the shift is towards the minority opinion. I have had to change my mind on some issues, as information and dialog opens my eyes to see something I was missing.
The idea that any opinion or attitude makes you an America Hater and you should move somewhere else is idiotic. The freeflow of information, opinions, and cultural diversity, hopefully will bring out the best in us. We have been gifted with the greatest foundation to build a free and tolerant society, it will never be a finished product, as it is a process of becoming.

The difference is some people are working very hard to change America into their ideal world which is one of socialism and they do this by constantly berating everything about America to kids with mushy minds. Why is it okay for us to have tolerance for them but them none for us??? So my question again is, if you (not you Sage, your not the kind of people Im referring to) hate America so much that you want to change everything about it then why live here, why not just go live somewhere that espouses everything you beleive in like France?? that would be like someone who joins an established club then tries to change everything about by attempting to brainwash the members to seeing it my way, when I could have just joined a club that already stood for my beliefs.
Bonnie said:
So my question again is, if you (not you Sage, your not the kind of people Im referring to) hate America so much that you want to change everything about it then why live here, why not just go live somewhere that espouses everything you beleive in like France?? that would be like someone who joins an established club then tries to change everything about by attempting to brainwash the members to seeing it my way, when I could have just joined a club that already stood for my beliefs.

They don't want to leave because they like their 3 cars, 4 television sets with 400 channels each, the money they make, the variety of things they can purchase, the ability to travel freely, and the FREEDOM to say and do almost whatever they want to.

Look at the actors and actresses who said they would move if Bush won the election. Where are they?

The "haters" aren't going anywhere. They know they have it too good here.
GotZoom said:
They don't want to leave because they like their 3 cars, 4 television sets with 400 channels each, the money they make, the variety of things they can purchase, the ability to travel freely, and the FREEDOM to say and do almost whatever they want to.

Look at the actors and actresses who said they would move if Bush won the election. Where are they?

The "haters" aren't going anywhere. They know they have it too good here.

Exactly Right. And yet they still want to screw it up.
Karl, Id like to respond to a couple of your criticisms of the "Left"
First off, the left is not some organization, the right and the left represent the variety of opinions that are naturally going to evolve in a free society. Not everyone seeks the same goal and not eveyone believes the same thing. This country allows for the expression and consideration of these sometimes opposing points of view and the debate and exploration of values, opportunities and even morality.
The constitution is abused by both right and left, here I will mention the idea of an amendment to ban gay marriages.....or one to ban abortions.....(both as inappropriate as any amendment for equal rights for women) so I think the constitution and the bill of rights stand pretty solid.
You mention that the left does not support the spread of freedom and democracy......we have not always made wise choices as to who we support in our efforts to promote freedom, and we are evidently more concerned with freedom, and human rights for some more than for others, (Iraq perhaps wasnt the worse case of tyranny and genocide but we have focused a huge amount of energy and shed much blood there)
The left probably does have a distrust of big corporations and exploitation of workers and the enviornment but that isnt necessarily hating america. The enron scandal, labor laws and unions, and the epa and the cleaning up of our worst pollution (the superfund) would be examples of problems in this area.
I have already mentioned tolerance and diversity.
On morality.....I dont think anyone should tell me what is moral.....we have laws that dictate what is allowed and disallowed, but morality is an opinion, it is a very personal and hopefully well formulated set of guidelines, which each individual decides to use to make the decisions of their life. If you have a belief in god I would say that you should defer your JUDGEMENT of morality to that higher authority, and be concerned that you YOURSELF act appropriately in your creator's eyes. For myself I do not "believe" in god but I do consider myself to have high moral standards, I attribute that to my upbringing and an innate sense for fairness and respect for others. I frankly feel that you have shown little respect for opinions other than your own.
I think that ultimately the greatest threat to america and its ideal of freedom for all is the attitude that its an exclusive club rather than inclusive.
sagegirl said:
Karl, Id like to respond to a couple of your criticisms of the "Left"
First off, the left is not some organization, the right and the left represent the variety of opinions that are naturally going to evolve in a free society. Not everyone seeks the same goal and not eveyone believes the same thing. This country allows for the expression and consideration of these sometimes opposing points of view and the debate and exploration of values, opportunities and even morality.
Correct. "the left" is not an official organization, it is a point of view. Very good.
The constitution is abused by both right and left,
True. Though the most egregious abuses stem from the the left. To the left, the constitution has become, "a living document which should change and grow with the times (the march of socialism)".
here I will mention the idea of an amendment to ban gay marriages.....or one to ban abortions.....(both as inappropriate as any amendment for equal rights for women) so I think the constitution and the bill of rights stand pretty solid.
They stand solid because they're abused by both? Interesting conclusion. That doesn't sound like a safe position for any document to be in. I guess it could wind up in Sandy Berger's pants.
You mention that the left does not support the spread of freedom and democracy......we have not always made wise choices as to who we support in our efforts to promote freedom, and we are evidently more concerned with freedom, and human rights for some more than for others, (Iraq perhaps wasnt the worse case of tyranny and genocide but we have focused a huge amount of energy and shed much blood there)
Wrong. You lefties don't believe in freedom or democracy any more, now that the people have rejected your socialist schemes. Funny that.
The left probably does have a distrust of big corporations and exploitation of workers and the enviornment but that isnt necessarily hating america. The enron scandal, labor laws and unions, and the epa and the cleaning up of our worst pollution (the superfund) would be examples of problems in this area.

I have already mentioned tolerance and diversity.
On morality.....I dont think anyone should tell me what is moral.....we have laws that dictate what is allowed and disallowed, but morality is an opinion, it is a very personal and hopefully well formulated set of guidelines, which each individual decides to use to make the decisions of their life. If you have a belief in god I would say that you should defer your JUDGEMENT of morality to that higher authority, and be concerned that you YOURSELF act appropriately in your creator's eyes. For myself I do not "believe" in god but I do consider myself to have high moral standards, I attribute that to my upbringing and an innate sense for fairness and respect for others.
This innate fairness and respect probably comes from your family which probably used to go to church. It only takes one generation of apostasy to damn your lineage to hell.
I frankly feel that you have shown little respect for opinions other than your own.
I think that ultimately the greatest threat to america and its ideal of freedom for all is the attitude that its an exclusive club rather than inclusive.

I frankly feel your post was an amusing diversion, funny in it's snotty tone.

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