Why don't African leaders not work to better their nations?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Why don't African leaders work to better their own nations? I look at the Congo, Sudan or about 80% of the nations in Africa and they don't seem to care about growing their economies and living standards. Isn't it them that should be blamed for the poverty of their people?

They could invest in education leading towards betterment for their own peoples ability to open up bussinesses. Have a fair tax rate like we here in America have...But they seem to sit in their mess.
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Matthew ,

The answer to your question is that : Africans were badly taught in a direction of Education imposed on them by both Colonialists , wherether European or Arab colonialists . It is not too late yet the young African generations built themselves in a true based Education perspectives -------

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