Why Does Trump Lie So Much? Is It Good Politics?

Everyone knows by now that President Trump lies everyday about matters major and matters trivial. Some think he has a mental illness that causes him to lie. Others think his lies are well thought out and planned for his propaganda purposes. Either one, the guy can not be trusted or believed about anything. He has turned the Presidency into a entity to be mocked and made fun of. Amazingly, folks who complained about a President having a sexual affair in the White House because it showed a lack of character and respect for the office of the President seem perfectly alright about a guy lying everyday to the public and citizens about anything and everything. He even lies about things that are easy to prove almost immediately after he tells the lie. He lies about things people say, even when videos easily prove he is lying.

So, why does Trump lie so much? Good politics or mental illness?

Just because you don't believe something doesn't make it a lie.
Everyone knows by now that President Trump lies everyday about matters major and matters trivial. Some think he has a mental illness that causes him to lie. Others think his lies are well thought out and planned for his propaganda purposes. Either one, the guy can not be trusted or believed about anything. He has turned the Presidency into a entity to be mocked and made fun of. Amazingly, folks who complained about a President having a sexual affair in the White House because it showed a lack of character and respect for the office of the President seem perfectly alright about a guy lying everyday to the public and citizens about anything and everything. He even lies about things that are easy to prove almost immediately after he tells the lie. He lies about things people say, even when videos easily prove he is lying.

So, why does Trump lie so much? Good politics or mental illness?

The fact that you don't that they ALL lie and that ALL lie ALL the time is very revealing.
You guys never cared when Hussein lied
What lie did President Obama tell that "You guys never cared about..."?

He lied every time he opened his mouth. Perhaps you need to take your partisan blinders off
Perhaps you need to answer the question with an articulated answer or quit bluffing and bullshyting.

The question is akin to when did Hitler kill Jews. Every time obozo spoke he was lying. Trump lies too, perhaps more than Hussein. He’s still a much better president
Everyone knows by now that President Trump lies everyday about matters major and matters trivial. Some think he has a mental illness that causes him to lie. Others think his lies are well thought out and planned for his propaganda purposes. Either one, the guy can not be trusted or believed about anything. He has turned the Presidency into a entity to be mocked and made fun of. Amazingly, folks who complained about a President having a sexual affair in the White House because it showed a lack of character and respect for the office of the President seem perfectly alright about a guy lying everyday to the public and citizens about anything and everything. He even lies about things that are easy to prove almost immediately after he tells the lie. He lies about things people say, even when videos easily prove he is lying.

So, why does Trump lie so much? Good politics or mental illness?

Just because you don't believe something doesn't make it a lie.
Agreed, but those are not the things that confirm trump as a liar. The things that confirm trump are a liar are especially the things he says that are refuted with video documentation that he is lying. Like claim people like former CIA Director Clapper said something and the video of making the referred to speech shows confirmation that Clapper never said what trump claims he said. Stuff like that proves him as a liar.
Everyone knows by now that President Trump lies everyday about matters major and matters trivial. Some think he has a mental illness that causes him to lie. Others think his lies are well thought out and planned for his propaganda purposes. Either one, the guy can not be trusted or believed about anything. He has turned the Presidency into a entity to be mocked and made fun of. Amazingly, folks who complained about a President having a sexual affair in the White House because it showed a lack of character and respect for the office of the President seem perfectly alright about a guy lying everyday to the public and citizens about anything and everything. He even lies about things that are easy to prove almost immediately after he tells the lie. He lies about things people say, even when videos easily prove he is lying.

So, why does Trump lie so much? Good politics or mental illness?

The fact that you don't that they ALL lie and that ALL lie ALL the time is very revealing.

Anyone who doesn’t think these guys all lie through their teeth is a special kind of partisan hack
You guys never cared when Hussein lied
What lie did President Obama tell that "You guys never cared about..."?

He lied every time he opened his mouth. Perhaps you need to take your partisan blinders off
Perhaps you need to answer the question with an articulated answer or quit bluffing and bullshyting.

The question is akin to when did Hitler kill Jews. Every time obozo spoke he was lying. Trump lies too, perhaps more than Hussein. He’s still a much better president
And yet when challenged the Obama haters can never name more than a few lies as examples of his 8 years as President. Always the same handful of claimed lies which all are debatable as even being genuine lies.
You guys never cared when Hussein lied
What lie did President Obama tell that "You guys never cared about..."?

He lied every time he opened his mouth. Perhaps you need to take your partisan blinders off
Perhaps you need to answer the question with an articulated answer or quit bluffing and bullshyting.

The question is akin to when did Hitler kill Jews. Every time obozo spoke he was lying. Trump lies too, perhaps more than Hussein. He’s still a much better president
And yet when challenged the Obama haters can never name more than a few lies as examples of his 8 years as President. Always the same handful of claimed lies which all are debatable as even being genuine lies.

Dude, you’re delusional. Literally every time he spoke he was lying
Multiple fact checkers have published long lists of trump lies, easy to find of Google. No such list exist for President Obama.
Trump=thousands of lies after one year as President
Obama=a handful of alleged lies of eight years as President
Everyone knows by now that President Trump lies everyday about matters major and matters trivial. Some think he has a mental illness that causes him to lie. Others think his lies are well thought out and planned for his propaganda purposes. Either one, the guy can not be trusted or believed about anything. He has turned the Presidency into a entity to be mocked and made fun of. Amazingly, folks who complained about a President having a sexual affair in the White House because it showed a lack of character and respect for the office of the President seem perfectly alright about a guy lying everyday to the public and citizens about anything and everything. He even lies about things that are easy to prove almost immediately after he tells the lie. He lies about things people say, even when videos easily prove he is lying.

So, why does Trump lie so much? Good politics or mental illness?
It didn't work for the Beast.
Multiple fact checkers have published long lists of trump lies, easy to find of Google. No such list exist for President Obama.
Trump=thousands of lies after one year as President
Obama=a handful of alleged lies of eight years as President

Be willfully ignorant. It’s your problem
Why Does Trump Lie So Much? Is It Good Politics?

Goldilocks never made the transition from his life before POTUS where he lied any time he wanted to and nobody questioned him TO POTUS where your words matter to an entire world.
You can keep your doctor........suuuuuuuuure

I kept my doctor, as did most everyone else.

You see, this is where your dishonesty comes in to play. He said everyone will keep their insurance and doctor. He won lie of the year for it. It was the biggest domestic policy lie in the history of our country, yet u choose to move the goal posts for him, instead of recognizing what it is. That’s some hack shit bruh

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