Why does establishment media allow someone like Ron Paul when they could ignore him?


Nov 17, 2011
A better question is what if establishment media would NOT have someone like Ron Paul? then the people, the patriots, the logically thinking would begin to look ELSEWHERE. and that becomes DANGEROUS for the establishment. so they get the cockroaches like Herman Cain to talk against the establishment on the establishment media, because the best way to control the opposition is by leading it. there was this rebuttal from Herman Cain from supposedly "tea party" - who put him there? god knows, but the man is the absolute opposite of how tea party movement started out: nation building in the middle east doest not fit into the original tea party aganda which Ron Paul started and who is the only candidate out of 4 Herman Cain said he would NOT support. (I think you see the hypocrisy already)

Ok, back to Ron Paul. So the establishment media allows someone like Ron Paul on stage for the similar reason a fisherman puts a real fish bait on the hook. that fish acts and looks very natural. but this rigged circus on the establishment media, not only adds boos and cheers into the mixing board to fit their agenda, it can even select and profile which types of people show up at these debates in the first place. another reason to have a real fish on a hook is so that they can do the vote counting for him.

So while I respect having Ron Paul in the spotlight very much, the only man on the establishment media who truly represents our nation, at the same time I realise the reason he is there.

I have the answers, it does not take money, it does not take much effort, but it takes some effort and not just bull shitting on message boards, I am seeking a few volunteers from you who are more then just a mouthful, I have a plan. please email me if you are interested. my confidence is at 100% your assistance is required.
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I can hear the grass hoppers behind Cains tea party movement response
I asked him if he wanted to put the A back in murka and save her.
He replied in a vision. I printed it out.


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