Why do the Left Wing Liberals Hate Corporations?


Corporations are the greatest drivers of wealth creation in the history of mankind.

Dear Toro:
0. Note: I believe the Green Party is the most consistent advocate against corporate abuses, since both the Democratic and Republican Party candidates tend to depend on corporate financing of campaigns and are not in a position to go against those interests.
At most, they will target the corporate interests in opposition, but not their supporters.

1. Corporations are fine as long as there is proportionate responsibility. Otherwise, the right of personhood throws off the Constitutional checks and balances. This is too easily abused because the corporation can take advantage of exercising "individual civil rights" as a citizen while ALSO enjoying greater collective influence, authority and resources than an individual WITHOUT the checks and balances applied to Government by the Bill of Rights!

2. The solution I have proposed is for Corporations to agree to uphold Constitutional laws and ethics as government does, in order to have rights and freedoms under the same. In short, agreeing to respect equal representation, redress of grievances by due process, and protection of the laws for all people's interests affected under that jurisdiction. So this way, the law-abiding businesses are not adversely affected since they already respect these policies; only those whose intent is to abuse personhood to commit abuses or violations would be denied rights to incorporate. They would have to agree to accept financial costs for restitution or legal action for any such abuses or corruption committed.
(I also believe citizens should agree to uphold Constitutional laws and ethics in order
to invoke rights and freedoms under the same; i.e., you cannot abuse or breach the laws to violate equal protection of others while claiming the same, it has to be consistent.)

3. One historic example of corporate abuses at taxpayers expense, illustrating the abuse of personhood to exercise unequal rights and freedom without adequate checks:

MAXXAM corporation (moved from CA to TX) used junk bonds from the S&L bailout to finance a hostile takeover of a family-owned company Pacific Lumber, in order to crash the company including liquidating the forest land by clearcutting and raiding pension funds.
Cost to taxpayers was estimated at $1.6 billion, plus MAXXAM got to keep the land bought at taxpayers' expense. The company policy was changed from sustainable logging of redwood trees (grown and harvested in 70 year cycles so there would always be more supply and more jobs) to CLEARCUTTING even the ancient oldgrowth forests that the previous owners preserved (redwood trees over 2,000 years old, and developed in an intricate rainforest ecosystem with wildlife species integrated in the river systems that were also destroyed, killing off mass populations of endangered species). Not only did the workers lose their jobs but also their pension funds; until MAXXAM went bankrupt, and after a court battle, the assets were transferred to the GAP company where the struggle to preserve the redwood forest ecosystem and wildlife continues, minus irreversible losses.

All that occurred "within the law" because of corporations having unequal resources and influence to act without proportional accountabilty (even with lawsuits where the unequal legal resources also make it an unfair battle at the expense of public interest and costs).

That case alone is enough to foster distrust of corporate abuses. There are more cases of corporate benefits off corrupt war contracts and financial bailouts at taxpayers' expense but without accountability to the public.
Arguably the greatest Republican and Democrat presidents in US history viewed corporate power as their greatest fear.

Abraham Lincoln during the height of the Civil War: "I have the South in front of me and I have the bankers behind me. And for my country, I fear the bankers more."

FDR "said during World War II that the domination of government by corporate power is 'the essence of fascism.'"

Benito Mussolini objected to the term "fascism" and preferred using the term "corporatism" to define the state of business dominating government.

IMHO, there's a three-headed monster wrecking the US Republic today. Big government, big business and the richest 1%-2% of Americans work in tandem to siphon wealth from the bottom 98% of workers while tacitly agreeing to limit blame for this massive redistribution of wealth to big government only.

"Choosing" between Democrat OR Republican at the polls won't change this situation.

FLUSHING hundred(s) of Republicans AND Democrats from DC in a single news cycle will.

Transcript of RFK Jr Speech at Sierra Club Summit 9-10-05

Corporations are the greatest drivers of wealth creation in the history of mankind.

Demand drives wealth. no one hates corporations they just want them to pay their fair share and stop getting a free ride. Microsoft would be nothing if it wasn't for the demand for PCs.

And the individuals who do not pay their fair and equal % share, and get free rides thanks to entitlements are detested by you as well, right?
So in terms of screwing over the People who's worse

The Government things well how about 14.9 trillion in debt that you had no say in being obliged to pay for.

A Corporation who if you don't like them you just don't buy their product or work for them.

Corporations are the greatest drivers of wealth creation in the history of mankind.

Demand drives wealth. no one hates corporations they just want them to pay their fair share and stop getting a free ride. Microsoft would be nothing if it wasn't for the demand for PCs.
"Now I’m not against hard work, saving money, or taking care of your family—in fact I believe strongly in all of those things. But I also believe that the person who has worked hard, saved money and accumulated wealth to take care of their family was NOT able to do that independently.

A more careful look would disclose another fundamental factor in wealth creation—being born in America. (What Warren Buffett refers to as winning the game of ovarian roulette.)

What is so special about place of birth?

First off, economists agree that the presence of a stable market for goods and assets adds 30% to the value of everything we own—we have that in America, and that increases wealth.

Second, economists tell us that 50% of the annual growth in our economy is a function of the introduction of new technology—we have that in America, and my family knows first-hand about how new technology can increase wealth.

But the benefits of being an American don’t stop there.

In no other country in the world is the federal government spending more money on research. The United States spends some $96 billion every year on fundamental research in universities and laboratories all over this country.

And what comes of this research? Well for starters how about things like jet engines, integrated circuits, the human genome, or the Internet. Clearly the largest and most generous venture capitalist in the universe is Uncle Sam.

It is clear that the folks who have become wealthy from this significant social investment did not do it alone. I believe their estates owe something back to the society that enabled the creation of that wealth."


The big question most rugged individualists don't want to answer:

How much would your hard work, self-discipline and "market-based solutions" count for without Government providing the monopoly of violence necessary to control all the greedy jackals in the marketplace?

It's especially telling how Republicans turn away from their greatest presidents' thoughts on great concentrations of private wealth.

Whether it's Eisenhower warning of the military - industrial - (congressional) complex or Teddy Roosevelt pointing out how America would never be conquered by a foreign power but warning that our political and democratic institution could be subverted by "malefactors of great wealth, who would erode them from within", or Lincoln claiming to fear the bankers at his back more than Robert E Lee, the threat to American freedom posed by radical Islam today, for example, is orders of magnitude less than the threat from domination by a one-world corporate-owned government.

Transcript of RFK Jr Speech at Sierra Club Summit 9-10-05

Corporations are the greatest drivers of wealth creation in the history of mankind.

Demand drives wealth. no one hates corporations they just want them to pay their fair share and stop getting a free ride. Microsoft would be nothing if it wasn't for the demand for PCs.

And the individuals who do not pay their fair and equal % share, and get free rides thanks to entitlements are detested by you as well, right?
By "individuals" do you mean those in the richest !% of Americans whose entitlements extend to benefiting from a $13 trillion taxpayer-supplied bailout of some of the richest corporations on the planet?

Is Wall Street paying its "fair and equal share" in America today?

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