Why do socialists like income taxes?

Ummmm roads, bridges, military.....police, firemen.....all things necessary to make a country great. Not to mention paying taxes is highly patriotic. You want these things then pay for them. I've never understood the whining about them.
Socialists (and others) also believe those "earning" the most income are not currently paying their fair share of "income" taxes:

The moral—and economic—case for progressive taxation

"If you want to run for Congress, the implication is clear: Cut taxes on all but the top 1%, raise them enormously on the top 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001%, and leave the 1% the same.

"People will feel that you’ve made the taxes more fair, and you’ve also raised more revenue. In other words, make the tax system more progressive."
The moral case for looting....Only from the Marxist progs.
The moral case for looting....Only from the Marxist progs.
You loony libs are about to discover a BIG need for big government

Will Investors At Facebook Libra Bail Out?
Socialists (and others) also believe those "earning" the most income are not currently paying their fair share of "income" taxes:

The moral—and economic—case for progressive taxation

"If you want to run for Congress, the implication is clear: Cut taxes on all but the top 1%, raise them enormously on the top 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001%, and leave the 1% the same.

"People will feel that you’ve made the taxes more fair, and you’ve also raised more revenue. In other words, make the tax system more progressive."
The moral case for looting....Only from the Marxist progs.
The moral case for looting....Only from the Marxist progs.
You loony libs are about to discover a BIG need for big government

Will Investors At Facebook Libra Bail Out?
I don't need bailouts, Karl.
Socialists say they protect workers from capital “owners”.

However, they demand income taxes. Income taxes hurt workers the most.

Land owners pay land taxes. Shareholders pay capital gain taxes (which they can keep postponing). Startup founders pay at most, renunciation tax when they change citizenship. Consumers pay sales taxes.

Even self-employed people, the closest to normal workers, pay profit taxes instead of income taxes.

Who pays income taxes? Workers. Yet that’s exactly what socialists ask for. Why?

And that’s not all. Income taxes are more easily avoidable on other classes of people.

Apple don’t pay income taxes. Apple and Microsoft in US is a subsidiary of an Ireland holding companies.

A businessman can simply avoid income taxes by moving his factory to China.

A shareholders can avoid income taxes by postponing selling shares. He can also balance his losing and gaining trade to ensure he makes 0 profit on the book. He can also sell a share and buy a share of another company in a different industry to realize losses.

Those are things normal workers cannot do and guess what socialists want? Income taxes.

If we want to help workers, we need to replace income taxes with sales taxes, land taxes, assets taxes, and protection taxes. Let those enjoying the benefit of a government protection pays for it.

The greedy sonofabitches love income taxes as long as they don't have to pay them and they get free stuff from the money made by other people.
Ummmm roads, bridges, military.....police, firemen.....all things necessary to make a country great. Not to mention paying taxes is highly patriotic. You want these things then pay for them. I've never understood the whining about them.

Paying taxes is highly patriotic? How so?
Ummmm roads, bridges, military.....police, firemen.....all things necessary to make a country great. Not to mention paying taxes is highly patriotic. You want these things then pay for them. I've never understood the whining about them.

How about welfare, subsidies, entitlements, bailouts and grants? That is nothing more than taking money from the people that earned it and giving it to the assholes that didn't earn it. That is a waste of government funds and it is immoral because it is thievery.

Then how about all that wasteful shit like HUD, DOE, Dept of Education and dozens more worthless government agencies that takes money from productive people and gives us very little in return? For instance, we spend $58 billion a year on that damn Department of Education. Before it was created we were 1st in the world in education. Now we are spending $68 billion a year of taxpayer's hard earned money and we are about 20th in the world. Wasted money.

We could have a damn fine Federal government for about 1/3rd what we spend now. We could provide for the necessary government like defense, courts, state department etc.
Socialists (and others) also believe those "earning" the most income are not currently paying their fair share of "income" taxes:

The moral—and economic—case for progressive taxation

"If you want to run for Congress, the implication is clear: Cut taxes on all but the top 1%, raise them enormously on the top 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001%, and leave the 1% the same.

"People will feel that you’ve made the taxes more fair, and you’ve also raised more revenue. In other words, make the tax system more progressive."
The moral case for looting....Only from the Marxist progs.
The moral case for looting....Only from the Marxist progs.
You loony libs are about to discover a BIG need for big government

Will Investors At Facebook Libra Bail Out?
I don't need bailouts, Karl.
How is the libertarian "ideal" of exchanging value for value NOT an excuse for greed, Ayn?

If, like libertarians say, "taxation is theft," then capitalist extraction of surplus value is grand larceny. But I never hear those bootlicking motherfuckers talk about that. : socialism

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