Why Do So Few Admit To Being Liberals?

What agenda would liberals be ashambed to admit to?

How many Democrats running for office do you see admitting to voting for the Health care bill, or Omnibus, or stimulus? How many are admitting they support cap and trade?
Jesus says you shouldn't brag about your great accomplishments. Are you a christian by chance who actually believes what is in your Bible? Obama did NHC in 12 months, something 2 previous presidents failed to do. Why be ashamed of it? Protecting federal lands, help to restart "capitalist" America. Why be ashamed.

The only Dems even mentioning Stimulus and Health care in their adds, are doing so to point out they VOTED AGAINST them.

LOL!! And you can prove that huh?

"It's becoming increasingly hard to find anyone who's willing to express support for Obamacare publicly. Politico now reports that three times more money is being spent on anti-Obamacare ads as on pro-Obamacare ads – among Democrats. Overall, the tally is seven to one. Moreover, the movement is strongly in that direction: In May, the overall tally was two-to-one against Obamacare.

Politico reports:

Since the beginning of Congress’s August recess, Democratic candidates have poured $930,000 into ads deriding the health overhaul but just $300,000 in pro-reform spots, according to Evan Tracey at Kantar Media.

“Go back to 2006, and even before that, and Democrats used health care as their No. 1 issue,” Tracey said. “They had a villain in the pharmaceutical industry.”
Democrats Run on Opposition to Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

"At least five of the 34 House Democrats who voted against their party’s health care reform bill are highlighting their “no” votes in ads back home. By contrast, party officials in Washington can’t identify a single House member who’s running an ad boasting of a “yes” vote — despite the fact that 219 House Democrats voted in favor of final passage in March."
If ObamaCare Was So Great, Why Are No Dems Running Ads In Support? : Stop The ACLU
For the same reason why Most Democrats will not admit to supporting their Agenda Items in Congress the last 2 years.

Because it is EXTREMELY unpopular to admit to.

What agenda would liberals be ashambed to admit to? And what agenda would the republicans be ashambed to admit to (for another thread)? Judging the 8 year blitz & 2 year Obama records, who should be ashambed for not helping the American taxpayer?? When you put into the light, I see nothing a liberal should be ashambed of.

Gee, when you put it so reasonably, it becomes even more difficult to explain why 81% of the electorate can't seem to do exactly as you suggest.....

the only possible explanation is that only 19% of voters are brilliant enough to see the light, and the rest of us are dumber than a box of rocks!

I don't know how to thank you!
You've got my vote to replace the witty and charismatic Harry Reid!

How about Pelosi instead. She is one bitch I would attend the Crucifixion on the cross of. Not to mention I am connected to Caliberalfornia.
What agenda would liberals be ashambed to admit to? And what agenda would the republicans be ashambed to admit to (for another thread)? Judging the 8 year blitz & 2 year Obama records, who should be ashambed for not helping the American taxpayer?? When you put into the light, I see nothing a liberal should be ashambed of.

Gee, when you put it so reasonably, it becomes even more difficult to explain why 81% of the electorate can't seem to do exactly as you suggest.....

the only possible explanation is that only 19% of voters are brilliant enough to see the light, and the rest of us are dumber than a box of rocks!

I don't know how to thank you!
You've got my vote to replace the witty and charismatic Harry Reid!

How about Pelosi instead. She is one bitch I would attend the Crucifixion on the cross of. Not to mention I am connected to Caliberalfornia.

I would settle for her losing her speakership in NOV and being sent home 2 years after that.

Crucifixion seems a bit harsh to me :)
Why Do So Few Admit To Being Liberals?

Because they have a problem with honesty. They want to be liked and that trumps truth...no matter HOW they must mask themselves.

When only 21% of Americans say they are Liberal, It becomes easier to understand by Liberals running for office do not shout the fact from the roof tops.

If you want to win in this country, you better win some Moderate and Conservative votes.
What agenda would liberals be ashambed to admit to?

How many Democrats running for office do you see admitting to voting for the Health care bill, or Omnibus, or stimulus? How many are admitting they support cap and trade?
Jesus says you shouldn't brag about your great accomplishments. Are you a christian by chance who actually believes what is in your Bible? Obama did NHC in 12 months, something 2 previous presidents failed to do. Why be ashamed of it? Protecting federal lands, help to restart "capitalist" America. Why be ashamed.

The only Dems even mentioning Stimulus and Health care in their adds, are doing so to point out they VOTED AGAINST them.

LOL!! And you can prove that huh?

The MSM is ignoring it but Fox News never fails to point it out.

They don't want to bring up their Health Care votes. Instead what we're getting is a constant dose of Nikki the maid and accusations of infidelity and racism.

They can't run on their record so they have to deflect possible criticism with attacks against their opponent's personal lives.

Does "Why don't we call her a whore" sound familiar?
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For the same reason why Most Democrats will not admit to supporting their Agenda Items in Congress the last 2 years.

Because it is EXTREMELY unpopular to admit to.

What agenda would liberals be ashambed to admit to? And what agenda would the republicans be ashambed to admit to (for another thread)? Judging the 8 year blitz & 2 year Obama records, who should be ashambed for not helping the American taxpayer?? When you put into the light, I see nothing a liberal should be ashambed of.

Ashamed...how about chagrined?

This is one of those hysteria-inducing explanations…it seems that in the 50’s and 60’s, Democratic support was due to a powerful and diversified network of nationally, locally, ethnically, and occupationally based organizations. And a major reason for the break-up of said network is that today, families need two incomes, and don’t have the necessary time or where-with-all to be part of such a structure…http://apsanet.org/imgtest/taskforcereport.pdf

Now, ask yourself: which party is responsible for the high taxes and big government that require both parents to be full-time workers???
Oh and by the way, I never said they should be ashamed of it. I said they are not admitting to supporting it in Campaign adds.

I await you proving me wrong.

I see you are correct. Thank you for the link. It contained a link to Dem. candidate and ME vet Glenn Nye, who opposed NHC because of costs. And I took the time to ream his ass with my personal message to him. Actually his first campaign ad he says he is against NHC. It also appears there are 8 of them that voted against NHC for various reasons. The DNC should be more observent of who they represent, before they represent no one at all. So good comment, you are correct in your assessment.
For the same reason why Most Democrats will not admit to supporting their Agenda Items in Congress the last 2 years.

Because it is EXTREMELY unpopular to admit to.

What agenda would liberals be ashambed to admit to? And what agenda would the republicans be ashambed to admit to (for another thread)? Judging the 8 year blitz & 2 year Obama records, who should be ashambed for not helping the American taxpayer?? When you put into the light, I see nothing a liberal should be ashambed of.

Very pretty cat. Very ugly logic.

My thinking is, I watched 8 years of Con. corporate handouts ranging from millions to billions to trillions, and I just don't give a damn, it is the peoples turn to have more than table scraps, and I don't care if it bankrupts American doing it. I can guarantee the republican return to power will be a repeat of the Bush blitz to screw Americans for the corporate cause. At least Americans got some relief out of this.
Why is it so common among skanky conservative chicks to put hot chick pictures in their avatars? While we're on the the subject of self-loathing and self-deprecating objectification...
The Pope reconsiders Christianity,

George Steinbrenner think all the spending on players is distorting baseball, and

finally, Dems against ObamaCare! LOL

Grandiose narcissism, pathologically so. In their minds they alone always shoot from the moral high ground, that and that the media never has and never will hold them to account,supports their visions of/and self fulfilling prophesy(s).
Gee, when you put it so reasonably, it becomes even more difficult to explain why 81% of the electorate can't seem to do exactly as you suggest.....

the only possible explanation is that only 19% of voters are brilliant enough to see the light, and the rest of us are dumber than a box of rocks!

I don't know how to thank you!
You've got my vote to replace the witty and charismatic Harry Reid!

How about Pelosi instead. She is one bitch I would attend the Crucifixion on the cross of. Not to mention I am connected to Caliberalfornia.

I would settle for her losing her speakership in NOV and being sent home 2 years after that.

Crucifixion seems a bit harsh to me :)

She had the power to impeach Bush for war crimes and refused to do so, making her an accomplice to murder, torture & rape of POWs. She should have been removed from office, tried for treason & war crimes, and sent to a federal prison or executed. IMO
Ashamed...how about chagrined?

This is one of those hysteria-inducing explanations…it seems that in the 50’s and 60’s, Democratic support was due to a powerful and diversified network of nationally, locally, ethnically, and occupationally based organizations. And a major reason for the break-up of said network is that today, families need two incomes, and don’t have the necessary time or where-with-all to be part of such a structure…http://apsanet.org/imgtest/taskforcereport.pdf

I will read this interesting tid-bit as my time permits. Thank you.

Now, ask yourself: which party is responsible for the high taxes and big government that require both parents to be full-time workers???

It is well known that republican president Administrations are the big spenders, from which taxes are needed to pay those bills, so it is quite easy to google image and get a graph as I present here. That answers "which party" for you. I will read the article. thxs

Hope I didn't miss to many in this exhausting discussion. I will be back later. Going to get a deal on a bunch of security camera gear.

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