Why Do So Few Admit To Being Liberals?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. According to Pew Research Center, the culturally liberal make up about 40%, predominantly white, and of majority female, of all Democratic voters, but only 19% of all registered voters. So, why are so few Americans eager to identify themselves as liberals?

2. According to Eric Alterman, it is because “well-funded foundations, newspapers, gossip columnists…[ almost all cable-news shows (p. 74)] have made a concerted effort to vilify and dishonor the term ‘liberal,’ associating it with all manner of weakness, treachery, and immorality….and paint cultural liberals as ‘effete,’ ‘elitist,’ ‘arrogant,’ and prone to meddle in the lives of those for whose values they feel contempt.” Alterman, “Why We’re Liberals,” p. 73-74.

a. Of course, liberal linguist Professor George Lakoff compunds the problem, in his book “Don't Think of an Elephant!,” when he speaks of progressives framing policy in a ‘nurturing and cooperative” manner, as opposed to those mean conservatives who rely on a more competitive, ‘strict father’ rendition.

3. As a result of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, “white middle- and working-class voters simply refuse to vote for a party they associate with black and brown people.” Ibid. Unlike much of Alterman’s book, this proclamation does not come with any links or data…

a. Let’s not forget that starting in the early ‘70’s, liberals heralded that they were a coalition of victims, demanding redress from the system, rather than a movement that represented the interests of most Americans. The result was a degree of resentment from those who felt themselves forced to make sacrifices they could ill afford. That continues today. See Sotomayor/firemen: Judge Sotomayor and the Supreme Court's Firefighter Ruling - TIME

b. “First, is there a better expression of what I called “checklist liberalism” than… most of the key inner constituencies, advocacy groups within the Democratic Party : the AFL-CIO, the League of Conservation Voters, Defenders of Wildlife, Human Rights Campaign, NARAL, Planned Parenthood PAC.” The Decembrist: A Last Few Words on Connecticut

4. The championing of abortion in every permutation has proven a disadvantage: in vetoing the partial-birth-abortion ban, President Clinton defied majority public opinion. This has identified liberals with an unpopular position with voters who for reasons of religion or philosophy oppose it, and strengthened the perception that liberals are antireligious, antidemocratic, and indifferent to the views of the electorate. Edsall, “Building Red America,” p. 236.

5. Since 1972, liberals have jettisoned any attempts to ‘mend fences’ with the religious community. In ’72 “only 5% of Americans [would claim] to be secular, 24% of first-time Democratic delegates that year were self-identified agnostics, atheists, or people who rarely, if ever, set foot in a house of worship. This activist base encouraged a growing number of Democratic politicians to tone down their appeal to religious voters…[and had] little regard for traditionalist sensitivities.” George Rodriguez. “The Democrats’ Unreligious Fringe,” LATimes, July 16, 2006.

a. Is there some advantage to affirming views in opposition to the personal belief systems of so many voters? Consider, 23% of those polled on election day of 2002 described themselves as “born again or evangelical” Christians, who vote on “moral issues,” and chose George W. Bush 78-21. Again, no respect for the body politic.
Then who are the Progressives?

I consider them all Dems, Liberals, Progressives (yeah, like there's a difference) Neo-National Socialists
For the same reason why Most Democrats will not admit to supporting their Agenda Items in Congress the last 2 years.

Because it is EXTREMELY unpopular to admit to.
1. According to Pew Research Center, the culturally liberal make up about 40%, predominantly white, and of majority female, of all Democratic voters, but only 19% of all registered voters. So, why are so few Americans eager to identify themselves as liberals?

2. According to Eric Alterman, it is because “well-funded foundations, newspapers, gossip columnists…[ almost all cable-news shows (p. 74)] have made a concerted effort to vilify and dishonor the term ‘liberal,’ associating it with all manner of weakness, treachery, and immorality….and paint cultural liberals as ‘effete,’ ‘elitist,’ ‘arrogant,’ and prone to meddle in the lives of those for whose values they feel contempt.” Alterman, “Why We’re Liberals,” p. 73-74.

a. Of course, liberal linguist Professor George Lakoff compunds the problem, in his book “Don't Think of an Elephant!,” when he speaks of progressives framing policy in a ‘nurturing and cooperative” manner, as opposed to those mean conservatives who rely on a more competitive, ‘strict father’ rendition.

3. As a result of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, “white middle- and working-class voters simply refuse to vote for a party they associate with black and brown people.” Ibid. Unlike much of Alterman’s book, this proclamation does not come with any links or data…

a. Let’s not forget that starting in the early ‘70’s, liberals heralded that they were a coalition of victims, demanding redress from the system, rather than a movement that represented the interests of most Americans. The result was a degree of resentment from those who felt themselves forced to make sacrifices they could ill afford. That continues today. See Sotomayor/firemen: Judge Sotomayor and the Supreme Court's Firefighter Ruling - TIME

b. “First, is there a better expression of what I called “checklist liberalism” than… most of the key inner constituencies, advocacy groups within the Democratic Party : the AFL-CIO, the League of Conservation Voters, Defenders of Wildlife, Human Rights Campaign, NARAL, Planned Parenthood PAC.” The Decembrist: A Last Few Words on Connecticut

4. The championing of abortion in every permutation has proven a disadvantage: in vetoing the partial-birth-abortion ban, President Clinton defied majority public opinion. This has identified liberals with an unpopular position with voters who for reasons of religion or philosophy oppose it, and strengthened the perception that liberals are antireligious, antidemocratic, and indifferent to the views of the electorate. Edsall, “Building Red America,” p. 236.

5. Since 1972, liberals have jettisoned any attempts to ‘mend fences’ with the religious community. In ’72 “only 5% of Americans [would claim] to be secular, 24% of first-time Democratic delegates that year were self-identified agnostics, atheists, or people who rarely, if ever, set foot in a house of worship. This activist base encouraged a growing number of Democratic politicians to tone down their appeal to religious voters…[and had] little regard for traditionalist sensitivities.” George Rodriguez. “The Democrats’ Unreligious Fringe,” LATimes, July 16, 2006.

a. Is there some advantage to affirming views in opposition to the personal belief systems of so many voters? Consider, 23% of those polled on election day of 2002 described themselves as “born again or evangelical” Christians, who vote on “moral issues,” and chose George W. Bush 78-21. Again, no respect for the body politic.

Does this thread honestly have a point to discuss or ask, or did you all have to use the facilities and come here to take a shit instead?
You also have to ask, if Liberalism is so popular, why do virtually all Liberals lie when they campaign?

Why isn't Andy Cuomo running on higher taxes and more government spending? Why did he cut and paste Carl Paladino economic platform and take it as his own?

Why did Obama run as a fiscal Conservative?
You also have to ask, if Liberalism is so popular, why do virtually all Liberals lie when they campaign?

Why isn't Andy Cuomo running on higher taxes and more government spending? Why did he cut and paste Carl Paladino economic platform and take it as his own?

Why did Obama run as a fiscal Conservative?

Coulter agrees with you, CF...

"The common wisdom holds that 'both parties' have to appeal to the extremes during the primary and then move to the center for the general election. To the contrary, both parties run for office as conservatives. Once they have fooled the voters and are safely in office, Republicans sometimes double-cross the voters. Democrats always do."
Coulter, 11-27-03
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I think most people don't readily admit to being a liberal because they don't want people to know that they are that damned stupid.

Remember, it's better to remain silent and thought to be a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
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Because Progressive sounds like they are for doing something instead of relying on the handouts from big government.
For the same reason why Most Democrats will not admit to supporting their Agenda Items in Congress the last 2 years.

Because it is EXTREMELY unpopular to admit to.

What agenda would liberals be ashambed to admit to? And what agenda would the republicans be ashambed to admit to (for another thread)? Judging the 8 year blitz & 2 year Obama records, who should be ashambed for not helping the American taxpayer?? When you put into the light, I see nothing a liberal should be ashambed of.
For the same reason why Most Democrats will not admit to supporting their Agenda Items in Congress the last 2 years.

Because it is EXTREMELY unpopular to admit to.

What agenda would liberals be ashambed to admit to?

How many Democrats running for office do you see admitting to voting for the Health care bill, or Omnibus, or stimulus? How many are admitting they support cap and trade?

The only Dems even mentioning Stimulus and Health care in their adds, are doing so to point out they VOTED AGAINST them.
When Obama leaves the WH to go out on the campaign trail,which is every week it seems.The Democrat in that city if up for re election is no where to be found saying they were busy with another engagement.They don't want to be linked to this guy in any way shape or form.If they are proud of their Liberal beliefs why aren't they standing side by side with their Glorious leader.
1. According to Pew Research Center, the culturally liberal make up about 40%, predominantly white, and of majority female, of all Democratic voters, but only 19% of all registered voters. So, why are so few Americans eager to identify themselves as liberals?

2. According to Eric Alterman, it is because “well-funded foundations, newspapers, gossip columnists…[ almost all cable-news shows (p. 74)] have made a concerted effort to vilify and dishonor the term ‘liberal,’ associating it with all manner of weakness, treachery, and immorality….and paint cultural liberals as ‘effete,’ ‘elitist,’ ‘arrogant,’ and prone to meddle in the lives of those for whose values they feel contempt.” Alterman, “Why We’re Liberals,” p. 73-74.

a. Of course, liberal linguist Professor George Lakoff compunds the problem, in his book “Don't Think of an Elephant!,” when he speaks of progressives framing policy in a ‘nurturing and cooperative” manner, as opposed to those mean conservatives who rely on a more competitive, ‘strict father’ rendition.

3. As a result of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, “white middle- and working-class voters simply refuse to vote for a party they associate with black and brown people.” Ibid. Unlike much of Alterman’s book, this proclamation does not come with any links or data…

a. Let’s not forget that starting in the early ‘70’s, liberals heralded that they were a coalition of victims, demanding redress from the system, rather than a movement that represented the interests of most Americans. The result was a degree of resentment from those who felt themselves forced to make sacrifices they could ill afford. That continues today. See Sotomayor/firemen: Judge Sotomayor and the Supreme Court's Firefighter Ruling - TIME

b. “First, is there a better expression of what I called “checklist liberalism” than… most of the key inner constituencies, advocacy groups within the Democratic Party : the AFL-CIO, the League of Conservation Voters, Defenders of Wildlife, Human Rights Campaign, NARAL, Planned Parenthood PAC.” The Decembrist: A Last Few Words on Connecticut

4. The championing of abortion in every permutation has proven a disadvantage: in vetoing the partial-birth-abortion ban, President Clinton defied majority public opinion. This has identified liberals with an unpopular position with voters who for reasons of religion or philosophy oppose it, and strengthened the perception that liberals are antireligious, antidemocratic, and indifferent to the views of the electorate. Edsall, “Building Red America,” p. 236.

5. Since 1972, liberals have jettisoned any attempts to ‘mend fences’ with the religious community. In ’72 “only 5% of Americans [would claim] to be secular, 24% of first-time Democratic delegates that year were self-identified agnostics, atheists, or people who rarely, if ever, set foot in a house of worship. This activist base encouraged a growing number of Democratic politicians to tone down their appeal to religious voters…[and had] little regard for traditionalist sensitivities.” George Rodriguez. “The Democrats’ Unreligious Fringe,” LATimes, July 16, 2006.

a. Is there some advantage to affirming views in opposition to the personal belief systems of so many voters? Consider, 23% of those polled on election day of 2002 described themselves as “born again or evangelical” Christians, who vote on “moral issues,” and chose George W. Bush 78-21. Again, no respect for the body politic.

Does this thread honestly have a point to discuss or ask, or did you all have to use the facilities and come here to take a shit instead?

Nope...you just took it though.

I hope you understood what she posted before you floated that air-biscuit.
For the same reason why Most Democrats will not admit to supporting their Agenda Items in Congress the last 2 years.

Because it is EXTREMELY unpopular to admit to.

What agenda would liberals be ashambed to admit to? And what agenda would the republicans be ashambed to admit to (for another thread)? Judging the 8 year blitz & 2 year Obama records, who should be ashambed for not helping the American taxpayer?? When you put into the light, I see nothing a liberal should be ashambed of.

Gee, when you put it so reasonably, it becomes even more difficult to explain why 81% of the electorate can't seem to do exactly as you suggest.....

the only possible explanation is that only 19% of voters are brilliant enough to see the light, and the rest of us are dumber than a box of rocks!

I don't know how to thank you!
You've got my vote to replace the witty and charismatic Harry Reid!
For the same reason why Most Democrats will not admit to supporting their Agenda Items in Congress the last 2 years.

Because it is EXTREMELY unpopular to admit to.

What agenda would liberals be ashambed to admit to? And what agenda would the republicans be ashambed to admit to (for another thread)? Judging the 8 year blitz & 2 year Obama records, who should be ashambed for not helping the American taxpayer?? When you put into the light, I see nothing a liberal should be ashambed of.

Very pretty cat. Very ugly logic.
For the same reason why Most Democrats will not admit to supporting their Agenda Items in Congress the last 2 years.

Because it is EXTREMELY unpopular to admit to.

What agenda would liberals be ashambed to admit to?

How many Democrats running for office do you see admitting to voting for the Health care bill, or Omnibus, or stimulus? How many are admitting they support cap and trade?
Jesus says you shouldn't brag about your great accomplishments. Are you a christian by chance who actually believes what is in your Bible? Obama did NHC in 12 months, something 2 previous presidents failed to do. Why be ashamed of it? Protecting federal lands, help to restart "capitalist" America. Why be ashamed.

The only Dems even mentioning Stimulus and Health care in their adds, are doing so to point out they VOTED AGAINST them.

LOL!! And you can prove that huh?
What agenda would liberals be ashambed to admit to?

How many Democrats running for office do you see admitting to voting for the Health care bill, or Omnibus, or stimulus? How many are admitting they support cap and trade?
Jesus says you shouldn't brag about your great accomplishments. Are you a christian by chance who actually believes what is in your Bible? Obama did NHC in 12 months, something 2 previous presidents failed to do. Why be ashamed of it? Protecting federal lands, help to restart "capitalist" America. Why be ashamed.

The only Dems even mentioning Stimulus and Health care in their adds, are doing so to point out they VOTED AGAINST them.

LOL!! And you can prove that huh?

Show me one single add where A democrat is proudly admitting they voted for the Stimulus or Health care, and I will gladly retract my comment.


At least five of the 34 House Democrats who voted against their party’s health care reform bill are highlighting their “no” votes in ads back home. By contrast, party officials in Washington can’t identify a single House member who’s running an ad boasting of a “yes” vote — despite the fact that 219 House Democrats voted in favor of final passage in March.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0910/41777.html#ixzz1204mhZIi

Oh and by the way, I never said they should be ashamed of it. I said they are not admitting to supporting it in Campaign adds.

I await you proving me wrong.
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