Why do Republicans ignore the fact most Americans favor tax hikes for the rich?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
BONUS FACT: Taxes for the middle class have been at their lowest since Obama took office.
Of course they favor raising someone elses taxes.

Human nature dude.

Ask em if they want everyones taxes raised and see what the answer is.

The rich pay the lions share of Fed taxes in this country. We have 47% who pay no Fed taxes at all. Do you honestly think those folks want to pay Fed Taxes??

Of course their mantra is raise taxes on the Rich. Your so funny.
Of course they favor raising someone elses taxes.

Human nature dude.

Ask em if they want everyones taxes raised and see what the answer is.

The rich pay the lions share of Fed taxes in this country. We have 47% who pay no Fed taxes at all. Do you honestly think those folks want to pay Fed Taxes??

Of course their mantra is raise taxes on the Rich. Your so funny.

It's the leecher mentality.
BONUS FACT: Taxes for the middle class have been at their lowest since Obama took office.

Define rich? If you are saying $250K. Then I say no way, because that would hit too many SUCCESSFUL small business owners and S-Corp owners who employee 55% of Americans. If you put the level at people making $1 million and greater I could live with that.
Anybody earning more than a million profit a year can pay a higher % of income tax on that, sure.

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