Why Did RNC Not Spend All Its Money On Getting This Run Repeatedly On Prime Time Television ?


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Why Did RNC Not Spend All Its Money On Getting This Run Repeatedly On Prime Time Television ? "

* Criminal Elect Bad Decisions : The Biden Story *

The chinese connection approximately 24 minutes into the video is straight up treason !

" Why Did RNC Not Spend All Its Money On Getting This Run On Prime Time Television ? "

* Criminal Elect *

The chinese connection is ESPIONAGE !

Because Donald Trump is not a republican and the RNC despises him and wants him out of the White House. Few if any right wing politicians truly support or like our President. We knew this going in. We took a chance on it and it mostly paid off in spades. Don't worry, DJT ain't going nowhere for four more years.
" Hypocrites Of Foreign Influence Meme "

* Better Campaign Manager Needed *

Because Donald Trump is not a republican and the RNC despises him and wants him out of the White House. Few if any right wing politicians truly support or like our President. We knew this going in. We took a chance on it and it mostly paid off in spades. Don't worry, DJT ain't going nowhere for four more years.
The democrats raised large sums of money from individual donations .

The same could have been done by the trump supporters with a contributions website and an objective to have the video shown repeatedly on mainstream television in prime time , that could have begun with reference links on social media .

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