Why Did Obama Hire a Top Criminal Attorney for WH Counsel?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Because of the obamacare catastrophe, obozo has few friends in DC now. If repubs get smart and go on the attack, obozo will be on his own.

Why Did Obama Hire a Top Criminal Attorney for WH Counsel? | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

April 23, 2014

If I suddenly told you I was hiring Johnny Cochran to be my attorney, you’d think – well, first of all, you’d think it was peculiar, since Johnny Cochran is dead. Maybe I’m looking to save some money. But, assuming I mean the metaphorical Johnny Cochran, you’d be pretty sure I’m in some kind of really serious trouble.

Or if your wife mentioned she had hired a lawyer, and you found out the attorney specializes in . . . divorce. You’d probably start checking some apartment listings.

Which brings us to the strange case of President Obama’s decision to hire Neil Eggleston to be his new White House Counsel.

Neil Eggleston is the kind of guy you go to when someone tells you, “time to lawyer up.” He’s a veteran at cleaning up ethics messes for politicians, most notably Bill Clinton, whom he aided during the Whitewater probes and the Monica Lewinsky affair, double entendre intended.

But that’s not nearly all. He represented Rahm Emanuel during the scandal surrounding former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, as well as Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) and George W. Bush political director Sara Taylor when scandals touched them, Clinton Cabinet members Federico Pena and Alexis Herman during corruption probes, and various business people involved in “complex criminal investigations” according to the New York Times.

Which begs and pleads the question, is Obama looking for more protection for the White House from the various GOP congressional probes, or is he aware of the possibility that something much, much worse could break?
C'mon now, give Obozo a break. He doesn't KNOW anybody who isn't either a criminal or a defender of criminals. If he did, I'm sure he would consider them for the job before hiring the criminal.
I know why they got this lawyer. According to Lt. Mike Zullo of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office Cold Case Posse in a interview last week, Sheriff Joe Arpaio is making preperations to release all the new evidence his investigators have uncovered against Obama that are indirectly tied to his forged birth certificate, his fraudulent selective service registration as well as past . Since their last press conference in July of 2012, new leads poured in and according to the Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo, the leads led to new information uncovered on Obama. That prompted Arpaio to officially open a new second criminal case indirectly seperate from the birth certificate evidence and he appointed two full time seasoned detectives from the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office to pursue criminal leads across the country working with other law enforcement agencies. Zullo stated the press conference in Phoenix will be a international event that will reveal what they've uncovered and Zullo stated it will be 'Universe Shattering' that will affect the nation. I've been monitoring this case for months and I believe they have uncovered hard copy evidence of Obama's true birth status and that he went to college as a foreigner and the players who all covered it up.
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Can you smell the evil broiling in DC yet?
Something evil surely cometh our way.
More than likely it will be evil in the plural.
I know why they got this lawyer. According to Lt. Mike Zullo of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office Cold Case Posse in a interview last week, Sheriff Joe Arpaio is making preperations to release all the new evidence his investigators have uncovered against Obama that are tied to his forged birth certificate, his fraudulent selective service registration as well as past . Since their last press conference in July of 2012, new leads poured in and according to the Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo, the leads led to evidence uncovered on Obama. That prompted Arpaio to officially open a new second criminal case seperate from the birth certificate evidence and he appointed two full time seasoned detectives from the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office to pursue criminal leads across the country working with other law enforcement agencies. Zullo stated the press conference in Phoenix will be a international event that will reveal what they've uncovered and Zullo stated it will be 'Universe Shattering' that will affect the nation. I've been monitoring this case for months and I believe they have uncovered hard copy evidence of Obama's true birth status and that he went to college as a foreigner and the players who all covered it up.

Uh huh.

1. Calling used car salesman Mike Zullo a "Lieutenant" is like calling you intelligent.

2. Zullo and the Cold Cuts Posse have been promising "something big, no wait, HUGE, no wait, UNIVERSE SHATTERING!!!!1!!one for five years now. "We can't reveal it yet. Any day now. Aaaaany day now. Send money." Only idiots like you still swallow their bullshit, and ask for more.

I know why they got this lawyer. According to Lt. Mike Zullo of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office Cold Case Posse in a interview last week, Sheriff Joe Arpaio is making preperations to release all the new evidence his investigators have uncovered against Obama that are tied to his forged birth certificate, his fraudulent selective service registration as well as past . Since their last press conference in July of 2012, new leads poured in and according to the Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo, the leads led to evidence uncovered on Obama. That prompted Arpaio to officially open a new second criminal case seperate from the birth certificate evidence and he appointed two full time seasoned detectives from the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office to pursue criminal leads across the country working with other law enforcement agencies. Zullo stated the press conference in Phoenix will be a international event that will reveal what they've uncovered and Zullo stated it will be 'Universe Shattering' that will affect the nation. I've been monitoring this case for months and I believe they have uncovered hard copy evidence of Obama's true birth status and that he went to college as a foreigner and the players who all covered it up.

Uh huh.

1. Calling used car salesman Mike Zullo a "Lieutenant" is like calling you intelligent.

2. Zullo and the Cold Cuts Posse have been promising "something big, no wait, HUGE, no wait, UNIVERSE SHATTERING!!!!1!!one for five years now.
Arpaio didn't start this ongoing investigation until 3 years ago. As for Zullo, he's been with the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office CCP for 7 years. Prior to that for 5 years, he was a law enforcement officer in New Jersey plus he was a private investigator after that. Just because he did a brief career change (like tens of millions of Americans do) with the family car business at one point doesn't mean jack sh*t. He has been fully trained in criminal investigations into homicides, petty crimes, how to conduct interrogations and evidence cataloging and all the other things that go along with police work. What are your credentials in law enforcement compared to Mike Zullo?
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We should still hang George W. Bush for war crimes.

No question about that. Clinton too - his bombing of eastern europe murdered thousands of civilians. And then there's waco.

Fact is our last 4 presidents have been mass murdering psychopaths.
I know why they got this lawyer. According to Lt. Mike Zullo of the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office Cold Case Posse in a interview last week, Sheriff Joe Arpaio is making preperations to release all the new evidence his investigators have uncovered against Obama that are indirectly tied to his forged birth certificate, his fraudulent selective service registration as well as past . Since their last press conference in July of 2012, new leads poured in and according to the Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo, the leads led to new information uncovered on Obama. That prompted Arpaio to officially open a new second criminal case indirectly seperate from the birth certificate evidence and he appointed two full time seasoned detectives from the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office to pursue criminal leads across the country working with other law enforcement agencies. Zullo stated the press conference in Phoenix will be a international event that will reveal what they've uncovered and Zullo stated it will be 'Universe Shattering' that will affect the nation. I've been monitoring this case for months and I believe they have uncovered hard copy evidence of Obama's true birth status and that he went to college as a foreigner and the players who all covered it up.

Zullo has no credibility anymore. He promised to release huge evidence in march and he didn't. I think he's working for obozo.

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