Why Did Media And DemonRATS Abandon Their Investigation Into Brett Kavanaugh?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
DemonRATS demands a thorough investigation of all the charges against Judge Kavanaugh.
Now they are opposed to any investigation whatsoever.
The RATS who have any common sense want the whole subject of Kavanaugh to go away. They KNOW they blew themselves up BIGLEY when they pulled an obvious last-minute disgraceful smear against Kavanaugh.
The only deranged Rat @ssholes like incompetent CPL Avenatti want to talk about the Kavanaugh fiasco......And where is DiFi on this...missing in action?

What happened to the multiple allegations of sexual misconduct levied against Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation battle? The claims ranged from Christine Blasey Ford’s remotely plausible if unsubstantiated allegation of a violent attempted rape to Michael Avenatti’s completely outlandish and also unsubstantiated allegation of hosting serial gang rape parties.

From September 12 to October 6, the claims absolutely dominated all major media. They ran on the front pages of all major newspapers and filled the hours on cable and network news. Magazine journalists at The New Yorker ran with the claims, despite massive corroboration problems.

The claims were taken so seriously by the media and some U.S. senators it led to serious delays of the confirmation voting process. A hearing was held during and after which all the talking heads on cable asserted Blasey Ford was completely “credible.” Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, even maneuvered to reopen an FBI investigation to dig into the claims. Then they disappeared. Overnight.....(It was a political hit that blew up on the RATS, simple answer.)

Read more at thefederalist.com ...
DemonRATS demands a thorough investigation of all the charges against Judge Kavanaugh.
Now they are opposed to any investigation whatsoever.
The RATS who have any common sense want the whole subject of Kavanaugh to go away. They KNOW they blew themselves up BIGLEY when they pulled an obvious last-minute disgraceful smear against Kavanaugh.
The only deranged Rat @ssholes like incompetent CPL Avenatti want to talk about the Kavanaugh fiasco......And where is DiFi on this...missing in action?

What happened to the multiple allegations of sexual misconduct levied against Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation battle? The claims ranged from Christine Blasey Ford’s remotely plausible if unsubstantiated allegation of a violent attempted rape to Michael Avenatti’s completely outlandish and also unsubstantiated allegation of hosting serial gang rape parties.

From September 12 to October 6, the claims absolutely dominated all major media. They ran on the front pages of all major newspapers and filled the hours on cable and network news. Magazine journalists at The New Yorker ran with the claims, despite massive corroboration problems.

The claims were taken so seriously by the media and some U.S. senators it led to serious delays of the confirmation voting process. A hearing was held during and after which all the talking heads on cable asserted Blasey Ford was completely “credible.” Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, even maneuvered to reopen an FBI investigation to dig into the claims. Then they disappeared. Overnight.....(It was a political hit that blew up on the RATS, simple answer.)

Read more at thefederalist.com ...
It seem much Democrat/Progressive conversations have died off. Open Borders, died. Open illegal entry. Died. Removal of Judge Kavenaugh Died. Removal of the President. Died. Open Free Medial. Died. No it seems Get out the vote, illegal or legal. Open voting for border jumpers, voting for the dead. and e,t,c. is now the talking points.
"DemonRATS repeatedly asserted that Christine Blasey Ford had ‘nothing to gain’ by coming forward with her explosive accusation of attempted rape against the Supreme Court nominee,” reporter Paul Sperry writes. “In fact, Ford stands to gain some $1 million and counting from national crowdfunding campaigns launched by friends and other supporters, while she is said to be fielding book offers.” Sperry casts doubt on the idea that Ford and her husband need donations, noting that they own two homes valued at a combined $4.3 million, sold a bed-and-breakfast a decade ago for more than $1.5 million, and hold well-paying gigs in academia and biotechnology, respectively. Sperry also questions where the GoFundMe money is going, since Ford’s lawyers offered their services pro bono. He estimates that Ford could have spent only about $55,000 on security so far and claims she’s been staying with relatives and at her beach house, not in any rented safe house she’d have to shell out for.

Read more at slate.com ...A LEFT WING SITE!!!

This Fraud needs to be investigated and prosecuted for lying to Congress. Why isn't Senator Grassley referring this Fraud to the FBI and DOJ for investigation??? Her lies are full of holes.


Brett Kavanaugh Turns Down Over $600K Raised By GoFundMe Page

Brett Kavanaugh Turns Down Over $600K Raised By GoFundMe Page
DemonRATS demands a thorough investigation of all the charges against Judge Kavanaugh.
Now they are opposed to any investigation whatsoever.
The RATS who have any common sense want the whole subject of Kavanaugh to go away. They KNOW they blew themselves up BIGLEY when they pulled an obvious last-minute disgraceful smear against Kavanaugh.
The only deranged Rat @ssholes like incompetent CPL Avenatti want to talk about the Kavanaugh fiasco......And where is DiFi on this...missing in action?

What happened to the multiple allegations of sexual misconduct levied against Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation battle? The claims ranged from Christine Blasey Ford’s remotely plausible if unsubstantiated allegation of a violent attempted rape to Michael Avenatti’s completely outlandish and also unsubstantiated allegation of hosting serial gang rape parties.

From September 12 to October 6, the claims absolutely dominated all major media. They ran on the front pages of all major newspapers and filled the hours on cable and network news. Magazine journalists at The New Yorker ran with the claims, despite massive corroboration problems.

The claims were taken so seriously by the media and some U.S. senators it led to serious delays of the confirmation voting process. A hearing was held during and after which all the talking heads on cable asserted Blasey Ford was completely “credible.” Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, even maneuvered to reopen an FBI investigation to dig into the claims. Then they disappeared. Overnight.....(It was a political hit that blew up on the RATS, simple answer.)

Read more at thefederalist.com ...
It seem much Democrat/Progressive conversations have died off. Open Borders, died. Open illegal entry. Died. Removal of Judge Kavenaugh Died. Removal of the President. Died. Open Free Medial. Died. No it seems Get out the vote, illegal or legal. Open voting for border jumpers, voting for the dead. and e,t,c. is now the talking points. View attachment 225921
Christine Blasey Ford was well compensated for her attempt to destroy Justice Kavanaugh.

I guess the left isn't interested in getting "justice" for her anymore.
The RepubliKlan party pushed through the nomination of a rapist
The RepubliKlan party pushed through the nomination of a rapist
You do realize the only ones that believe your shit is your fellow low 2 digit IQ'd ABNORMALS...It seems they are getting fewer and fewer on USMB all the time....guess they can't take the HITS we keep piling on them....when are you leaving, hate to see you go, you're part of our entertainment!
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DemonRATS demands a thorough investigation of all the charges against Judge Kavanaugh.
Now they are opposed to any investigation whatsoever.
The RATS who have any common sense want the whole subject of Kavanaugh to go away. They KNOW they blew themselves up BIGLEY when they pulled an obvious last-minute disgraceful smear against Kavanaugh.
The only deranged Rat @ssholes like incompetent CPL Avenatti want to talk about the Kavanaugh fiasco......And where is DiFi on this...missing in action?

What happened to the multiple allegations of sexual misconduct levied against Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation battle? The claims ranged from Christine Blasey Ford’s remotely plausible if unsubstantiated allegation of a violent attempted rape to Michael Avenatti’s completely outlandish and also unsubstantiated allegation of hosting serial gang rape parties.

From September 12 to October 6, the claims absolutely dominated all major media. They ran on the front pages of all major newspapers and filled the hours on cable and network news. Magazine journalists at The New Yorker ran with the claims, despite massive corroboration problems.

The claims were taken so seriously by the media and some U.S. senators it led to serious delays of the confirmation voting process. A hearing was held during and after which all the talking heads on cable asserted Blasey Ford was completely “credible.” Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, even maneuvered to reopen an FBI investigation to dig into the claims. Then they disappeared. Overnight.....(It was a political hit that blew up on the RATS, simple answer.)

Read more at thefederalist.com ...

They abandoned it because it blew up in their stupid faces.
DemonRATS demands a thorough investigation of all the charges against Judge Kavanaugh.
Now they are opposed to any investigation whatsoever.
The RATS who have any common sense want the whole subject of Kavanaugh to go away. They KNOW they blew themselves up BIGLEY when they pulled an obvious last-minute disgraceful smear against Kavanaugh.
The only deranged Rat @ssholes like incompetent CPL Avenatti want to talk about the Kavanaugh fiasco......And where is DiFi on this...missing in action?

What happened to the multiple allegations of sexual misconduct levied against Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation battle? The claims ranged from Christine Blasey Ford’s remotely plausible if unsubstantiated allegation of a violent attempted rape to Michael Avenatti’s completely outlandish and also unsubstantiated allegation of hosting serial gang rape parties.

From September 12 to October 6, the claims absolutely dominated all major media. They ran on the front pages of all major newspapers and filled the hours on cable and network news. Magazine journalists at The New Yorker ran with the claims, despite massive corroboration problems.

The claims were taken so seriously by the media and some U.S. senators it led to serious delays of the confirmation voting process. A hearing was held during and after which all the talking heads on cable asserted Blasey Ford was completely “credible.” Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, even maneuvered to reopen an FBI investigation to dig into the claims. Then they disappeared. Overnight.....(It was a political hit that blew up on the RATS, simple answer.)

Read more at thefederalist.com ...
DemonRATS demands a thorough investigation of all the charges against Judge Kavanaugh.
Now they are opposed to any investigation whatsoever.
The RATS who have any common sense want the whole subject of Kavanaugh to go away. They KNOW they blew themselves up BIGLEY when they pulled an obvious last-minute disgraceful smear against Kavanaugh.
The only deranged Rat @ssholes like incompetent CPL Avenatti want to talk about the Kavanaugh fiasco......And where is DiFi on this...missing in action?

What happened to the multiple allegations of sexual misconduct levied against Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation battle? The claims ranged from Christine Blasey Ford’s remotely plausible if unsubstantiated allegation of a violent attempted rape to Michael Avenatti’s completely outlandish and also unsubstantiated allegation of hosting serial gang rape parties.

From September 12 to October 6, the claims absolutely dominated all major media. They ran on the front pages of all major newspapers and filled the hours on cable and network news. Magazine journalists at The New Yorker ran with the claims, despite massive corroboration problems.

The claims were taken so seriously by the media and some U.S. senators it led to serious delays of the confirmation voting process. A hearing was held during and after which all the talking heads on cable asserted Blasey Ford was completely “credible.” Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, even maneuvered to reopen an FBI investigation to dig into the claims. Then they disappeared. Overnight.....(It was a political hit that blew up on the RATS, simple answer.)

Read more at thefederalist.com ...

They can always hope.
DemonRATS demands a thorough investigation of all the charges against Judge Kavanaugh.
Now they are opposed to any investigation whatsoever.
The RATS who have any common sense want the whole subject of Kavanaugh to go away. They KNOW they blew themselves up BIGLEY when they pulled an obvious last-minute disgraceful smear against Kavanaugh.
The only deranged Rat @ssholes like incompetent CPL Avenatti want to talk about the Kavanaugh fiasco......And where is DiFi on this...missing in action?

What happened to the multiple allegations of sexual misconduct levied against Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation battle? The claims ranged from Christine Blasey Ford’s remotely plausible if unsubstantiated allegation of a violent attempted rape to Michael Avenatti’s completely outlandish and also unsubstantiated allegation of hosting serial gang rape parties.

From September 12 to October 6, the claims absolutely dominated all major media. They ran on the front pages of all major newspapers and filled the hours on cable and network news. Magazine journalists at The New Yorker ran with the claims, despite massive corroboration problems.

The claims were taken so seriously by the media and some U.S. senators it led to serious delays of the confirmation voting process. A hearing was held during and after which all the talking heads on cable asserted Blasey Ford was completely “credible.” Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, even maneuvered to reopen an FBI investigation to dig into the claims. Then they disappeared. Overnight.....(It was a political hit that blew up on the RATS, simple answer.)

Read more at thefederalist.com ...
Probably for the same reason the voter fraud committee disbanded...there was no there there....
DemonRATS demands a thorough investigation of all the charges against Judge Kavanaugh.
Now they are opposed to any investigation whatsoever.
The RATS who have any common sense want the whole subject of Kavanaugh to go away. They KNOW they blew themselves up BIGLEY when they pulled an obvious last-minute disgraceful smear against Kavanaugh.
The only deranged Rat @ssholes like incompetent CPL Avenatti want to talk about the Kavanaugh fiasco......And where is DiFi on this...missing in action?

What happened to the multiple allegations of sexual misconduct levied against Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation battle? The claims ranged from Christine Blasey Ford’s remotely plausible if unsubstantiated allegation of a violent attempted rape to Michael Avenatti’s completely outlandish and also unsubstantiated allegation of hosting serial gang rape parties.

From September 12 to October 6, the claims absolutely dominated all major media. They ran on the front pages of all major newspapers and filled the hours on cable and network news. Magazine journalists at The New Yorker ran with the claims, despite massive corroboration problems.

The claims were taken so seriously by the media and some U.S. senators it led to serious delays of the confirmation voting process. A hearing was held during and after which all the talking heads on cable asserted Blasey Ford was completely “credible.” Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, even maneuvered to reopen an FBI investigation to dig into the claims. Then they disappeared. Overnight.....(It was a political hit that blew up on the RATS, simple answer.)

Read more at thefederalist.com ...
You think there isn't some investigative reporter(s) really taking the time to dig into this from soup to nuts?
DemonRATS demands a thorough investigation of all the charges against Judge Kavanaugh.
Now they are opposed to any investigation whatsoever.
The RATS who have any common sense want the whole subject of Kavanaugh to go away. They KNOW they blew themselves up BIGLEY when they pulled an obvious last-minute disgraceful smear against Kavanaugh.
The only deranged Rat @ssholes like incompetent CPL Avenatti want to talk about the Kavanaugh fiasco......And where is DiFi on this...missing in action?

What happened to the multiple allegations of sexual misconduct levied against Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation battle? The claims ranged from Christine Blasey Ford’s remotely plausible if unsubstantiated allegation of a violent attempted rape to Michael Avenatti’s completely outlandish and also unsubstantiated allegation of hosting serial gang rape parties.

From September 12 to October 6, the claims absolutely dominated all major media. They ran on the front pages of all major newspapers and filled the hours on cable and network news. Magazine journalists at The New Yorker ran with the claims, despite massive corroboration problems.

The claims were taken so seriously by the media and some U.S. senators it led to serious delays of the confirmation voting process. A hearing was held during and after which all the talking heads on cable asserted Blasey Ford was completely “credible.” Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, even maneuvered to reopen an FBI investigation to dig into the claims. Then they disappeared. Overnight.....(It was a political hit that blew up on the RATS, simple answer.)

Read more at thefederalist.com ...
Ford is a loopy kunt, And had absolutely zero proof... Therefore making her absolutely not credible

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