Why couldnt US plant WMDs in Iraq?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
With all the plots, conspiracies and scams the US is supposedly involved in, like 9-11, how can a nation so much evil and wickedness in its leaders......not find a way to plant some WMD's in Iraq? I mean....life would've been a lot smoother for Bush had he just done it. It would've been so easy. Hell, we coulda just claimed to have found a missing Russian nuke in Iraq, but we conveniently disabled it and dumped it in the ocean somewhere so no one could find it and use the technology!!! But not only did we not plant WMD's.....we wouldn't even make up a lie that we had found them???

Awfully hard to buy the 9-11 conspiracy while also buying the idea that the same folks couldn't plant some nerve gas in the desert of Baghdad.
So our government is SO EVIL AND WICKED...that it conspired 9-11 on it's on people, then couldn't pull a little WMD hoax in Iraq, the same place we sent weapons to in the 80s?

Our evil, conspiracy government sure is inconsistent.

OR.......it could be that pissed off Muslims did 9-11 and Saddam got rid of his WMD's. Either explanation makes sense I guess.
Maybe Bush agreed to take that one in the ass for the team so that people would refuse to get on board with the 9/11 theories for this very same reason? :dunno:

I mean we're already entertaining the idea that he, his father, and his brother were in on 9/11, so why not just add in another little detail?
So our government is SO EVIL AND WICKED...that it conspired 9-11 on it's on people, then couldn't pull a little WMD hoax in Iraq, the same place we sent weapons to in the 80s?

Our evil, conspiracy government sure is inconsistent.

OR.......it could be that pissed off Muslims did 9-11 and Saddam got rid of his WMD's. Either explanation makes sense I guess.

Other than the 9/11 Commission Report being 100% accurate on all of the major facts, this alone is probably the one of the most significant flaws in twoofer "logic".
With all the plots, conspiracies and scams the US is supposedly involved in, like 9-11, how can a nation so much evil and wickedness in its leaders......not find a way to plant some WMD's in Iraq? I mean....life would've been a lot smoother for Bush had he just done it. It would've been so easy. Hell, we coulda just claimed to have found a missing Russian nuke in Iraq, but we conveniently disabled it and dumped it in the ocean somewhere so no one could find it and use the technology!!! But not only did we not plant WMD's.....we wouldn't even make up a lie that we had found them???

Awfully hard to buy the 9-11 conspiracy while also buying the idea that the same folks couldn't plant some nerve gas in the desert of Baghdad.

The Us was all out of WMD, they sold them to Iraq.
Bush gave Saddam about a year to comply with UN sanctions. Iraq knew it was about to be invaded. All of a sudden Iran comes up with suspected nuclear sites. Duh. You don't even have to be a fat assed CIA analyst to figure it out.
We couldn't plant WMD's. Bush senior, after having been the head of the CIA and president, would have known about the deception. I'm sure he feels bad enough how his son and the Republicans have damaged this country.

After Saddam was chased out of Kuwait back into Iraq, of course the CIA and other American intelligence agencies kept a close watch on Iraq. You don't turn your back on an enemy, especially after you've given them a black eye. Bush Sr., after being president and head of the CIA and been in the military knew this better than anyone. If people think he didn't order close surveillance of Iraq after Desert Storm they're crazy.
Ok. So that settles it. Pfc Ollie, thanks. I share your opinion. Saddam had them. Shipped 'em off somewhere pre-invasion.

Common sense explanation trumps troofer logic all day.

- Saddam had WMD's.
- Angry Muslims did 9-11.
- We invaded Iraq.
- Saddam got rid of WMD's pre-invasion.
- We got caught up in a war we won, but an occupation that was politically hard to own.
Because they don't give a fuck. What're YOU gonna do about it?
"He dunn tried ta kill mah daddy"
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKX6luiMINQ]Bush Jokes about WMD - YouTube[/ame]
Ok. So that settles it. Pfc Ollie, thanks. I share your opinion. Saddam had them. Shipped 'em off somewhere pre-invasion.

Common sense explanation trumps troofer logic all day.

- Saddam had WMD's.
- Angry Muslims did 9-11.
- We invaded Iraq.
- Saddam got rid of WMD's pre-invasion.
- We got caught up in a war we won, but an occupation that was politically hard to own.

This is a load of crap. I don't know how any of you military types think that after several wars and withering sanctions a resource/cash strapped nation could first replenish all the hardware they expended while building a massive WMD program. That would be a neat trick. Especially considering they were under extremely tight surveillence.
With all the plots, conspiracies and scams the US is supposedly involved in, like 9-11, how can a nation so much evil and wickedness in its leaders......not find a way to plant some WMD's in Iraq? I mean....life would've been a lot smoother for Bush had he just done it. It would've been so easy. Hell, we coulda just claimed to have found a missing Russian nuke in Iraq, but we conveniently disabled it and dumped it in the ocean somewhere so no one could find it and use the technology!!! But not only did we not plant WMD's.....we wouldn't even make up a lie that we had found them???

Awfully hard to buy the 9-11 conspiracy while also buying the idea that the same folks couldn't plant some nerve gas in the desert of Baghdad.
The WMD's that made us go to war against iraq were supposedly NUCLEAR.....not this chemical weapons stuff....

it was nuclear.....the smoking gun that could reach us in 45 minutes...the Yellowcake kind...no chemical weapon in iraq could blow us in America to smithereens in 45 minutes.....
No amount of history revision is going to change the fact that the invasion and conquering of Iraq, and forced submission of her people was nothing less then a war crime.

And once the redacted chapter of the 9/11 report comes to light, specifically dealing with Saudi involvement with the attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, this will compound the gross incompetence of the Bush administration in this regard.
With all the plots, conspiracies and scams the US is supposedly involved in, like 9-11, how can a nation so much evil and wickedness in its leaders......not find a way to plant some WMD's in Iraq? I mean....life would've been a lot smoother for Bush had he just done it. It would've been so easy. Hell, we coulda just claimed to have found a missing Russian nuke in Iraq, but we conveniently disabled it and dumped it in the ocean somewhere so no one could find it and use the technology!!! But not only did we not plant WMD's.....we wouldn't even make up a lie that we had found them???

Awfully hard to buy the 9-11 conspiracy while also buying the idea that the same folks couldn't plant some nerve gas in the desert of Baghdad.

Bush was a straight shooter. Hussein was so convinced by the French that the climate was going to change, that he kept the WMD's disassembled in anticipation. :)
Too bad the French misread Bush.
No amount of history revision is going to change the fact that the invasion and conquering of Iraq, and forced submission of her people was nothing less then a war crime.

And once the redacted chapter of the 9/11 report comes to light, specifically dealing with Saudi involvement with the attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, this will compound the gross incompetence of the Bush administration in this regard.

Talk about history revision, please enlighten us on this mysterious redacted chapter that only the Bush haters know about.
Forced Submission? I would have been Glad with an Equal Right's Equal Protection Clause in the Iraqi Constitution. We lost it there. I guess you Cannot beat Sharia, though you can use Sharia to beat, enslave, and kill.

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