Why can't we simply prevent China from de-valuing their currency by buying theirs in retaliation?


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
If they buy a trillion US dollars, we buy two trillion dollars worth of yuan. Additionally, we could print up massive amounts of U.S. dollars to devalue the currency they're buying as well as the money we gave them for their currency. We could also stop trading with them entirely.
There currently is another thread where some dumbass thinks Obama declared martial law or something. That thread actually makes sense compared to yours.

In case you haven’t noticed, we’re trillions in debt the way it is for starters. Additionally….our consumer based economy is fueled by imports; largely from China
There currently is another thread where some dumbass thinks Obama declared martial law or something. That thread actually makes sense compared to yours.

In case you haven’t noticed, we’re trillions in debt the way it is for starters. Additionally….our consumer based economy is fueled by imports; largely from China
Please, you gotta post or send me the link to the kook that thinks Obama declared martial law.
China owns us, they have a billion more people than the US and the people work for less, that is why the US corps send raw material to China so they can assemble them in factories.

Tramps trade wars is not going to reopen factories. All they are going to do is drive prices up and create a larger income inequality.
Great idea. We can just give them a few trillion more of our money. I'll bet that will teach them not to mess with us.
There currently is another thread where some dumbass thinks Obama declared martial law or something. That thread actually makes sense compared to yours.

In case you haven’t noticed, we’re trillions in debt the way it is for starters. Additionally….our consumer based economy is fueled by imports; largely from China
Please, you gotta post or send me the link to the kook that thinks Obama declared martial law.

She's probably referring to this one, which is a hilarious read. :lol:

Here Are The Obama-Era Officials Allegedly Behind The Alabama False Flag Campaign
There currently is another thread where some dumbass thinks Obama declared martial law or something. That thread actually makes sense compared to yours.

In case you haven’t noticed, we’re trillions in debt the way it is for starters. Additionally….our consumer based economy is fueled by imports; largely from China
Please, you gotta post or send me the link to the kook that thinks Obama declared martial law.

Here Are The Obama-Era Officials Allegedly Behind The Alabama False Flag Campaign
If they buy a trillion US dollars, we buy two trillion dollars worth of yuan. Additionally, we could print up massive amounts of U.S. dollars to devalue the currency they're buying as well as the money we gave them for their currency. We could also stop trading with them entirely.

Yep, we could do all those things, and while we are at it crash the economy, the stock market and destroy the value of anything that is not gold or real estate. Come on man.
If they buy a trillion US dollars, we buy two trillion dollars worth of yuan. Additionally, we could print up massive amounts of U.S. dollars to devalue the currency they're buying as well as the money we gave them for their currency. We could also stop trading with them entirely.

If they buy a trillion US dollars, we buy two trillion dollars worth of yuan.

Their currency doesn't freely trade.
They didn't buy dollars, they just declared their currency bought fewer dollars.
If they buy a trillion US dollars, we buy two trillion dollars worth of yuan. Additionally, we could print up massive amounts of U.S. dollars to devalue the currency they're buying as well as the money we gave them for their currency. We could also stop trading with them entirely.

If they buy a trillion US dollars, we buy two trillion dollars worth of yuan.

Their currency doesn't freely trade.
They didn't buy dollars, they just declared their currency bought fewer dollars.

Then we can simply declare ours buys fewer yuan.
If they buy a trillion US dollars, we buy two trillion dollars worth of yuan. Additionally, we could print up massive amounts of U.S. dollars to devalue the currency they're buying as well as the money we gave them for their currency. We could also stop trading with them entirely.

If they buy a trillion US dollars, we buy two trillion dollars worth of yuan.

Their currency doesn't freely trade.
They didn't buy dollars, they just declared their currency bought fewer dollars.

Then we can simply declare ours buys fewer yuan.
We do that by printing more money.
If they buy a trillion US dollars, we buy two trillion dollars worth of yuan. Additionally, we could print up massive amounts of U.S. dollars to devalue the currency they're buying as well as the money we gave them for their currency. We could also stop trading with them entirely.

If they buy a trillion US dollars, we buy two trillion dollars worth of yuan.

Their currency doesn't freely trade.
They didn't buy dollars, they just declared their currency bought fewer dollars.

Then we can simply declare ours buys fewer yuan.

If they buy a trillion US dollars, we buy two trillion dollars worth of yuan. Additionally, we could print up massive amounts of U.S. dollars to devalue the currency they're buying as well as the money we gave them for their currency. We could also stop trading with them entirely.

If they buy a trillion US dollars, we buy two trillion dollars worth of yuan.

Their currency doesn't freely trade.
They didn't buy dollars, they just declared their currency bought fewer dollars.

Then we can simply declare ours buys fewer yuan.

I'll bet you gained your vast financial knowledge by attending Trump University, didn't you? It's easy to pick out that kind of reasoning ability in a crowd.
If they buy a trillion US dollars, we buy two trillion dollars worth of yuan. Additionally, we could print up massive amounts of U.S. dollars to devalue the currency they're buying as well as the money we gave them for their currency. We could also stop trading with them entirely.

essentially has happened via debt

If they buy a trillion US dollars, we buy two trillion dollars worth of yuan. Additionally, we could print up massive amounts of U.S. dollars to devalue the currency they're buying as well as the money we gave them for their currency. We could also stop trading with them entirely.

I'm guessing that you looked up "how to stagflation"
Why would we try to keep them from de-valuing their worthless currency??? That's just bizarre. Are there any idiots in the world who take their official govt. valuation seriously? No.

And wasn't BRICS supposed to crash the dollar n stuff, ruin us and make Rubles and Yuan and Rupees 'great', as was so breathlessly and enthusiastically touted all over the place not long ago?
My take away from all these post- the 2 largest economies in the world are curtailing trade between them. Europe is headed towards a recession, Germany is probably already in recession, Hong Kong, China as well as most of Asia are staring at economic turmoil exacerbated by the trade/currency war. The US stock market is within single digits of all time highs yet the prospect for global and US growth are at best bleak. It’s summer in the market, and you’d be wise to wear shorts.

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