Why can't they wait and immigrate legally?

They wont be illegals if Obama gives them amnesty!!! I don't care how long you have been here ILLEGALLY you are still a lawbreaker and criminal and should be refused citizenship because you are a criminal. How do they survive here without a social security card, get a job or anything, right there they are a felon for using a stolen and fraud social security card!!!! Round them up and deport all of them. Think of all the needed jobs the unemployed could use if you deported the 25 million illegals and opened up all these jobs!!!! Our streets and schools would be so much safer with these low life lawbreaking criminals gone!!!!
Why do I have to follow the laws when these people don't? I would like to ignore the laws on paying taxes,
And don't start calling me a racist, I don't care what color or nationality you are If you are a illegal then deport them!!!! Any color any flavor, I am in favor of LEGAL IMMIGRATION!!!!!! What don't you understand about the word ILLEGAL?
And don't start calling me a racist, I don't care what color or nationality you are If you are a illegal then deport them!!!! Any color any flavor, I am in favor of LEGAL IMMIGRATION!!!!!! What don't you understand about the word ILLEGAL?

Maybe not racist but a little dumb. How would you suggest we round up 12-20 million people and deport them?

Wingnuts just don't make sense sometimes.
It’s a honest and simple question, why can't Latin American nationals that want to immigrate, just be patient, and follow the same rules ALL other immigrants HAVE to follow? Mexican/Latin American nationals, they feel it’s their birthright to violate American immigration laws. I have talked to many immigrants. Mexican illegals seem to be, by and large, nothing more than opportunists, for nothing more than more than materialism . They are here because they can get away with it, NOTHING more. Not because they really need to be here. They are stealing opportunities from truly needy immigrants from around the world , they think, because they live next door, they are entitled. That should outrage everyone, Liberal, conservative or just plain ol’ rational human beings, period. Thing is: they don’t wait and follow immigration laws, not because they will die, but because it’s easier than following the fucking RULES. It is that simple. Dirty little secret, some of you won’t to recognize. And the REAL immigrants? They suffer. THEY wait, they have no alternative. Mexicans can wade the Rio Grande. They can just as easily wade back, and since the economy has tanked? They DO, proves where their intentions truly are.

I go to the grocery store closest to my house instead of the next town over. Go figure?
I hate how people characterize Mexicans as supporting amnesty. I am Mexican, I support deporting all who are here illegally. I grew up in Kern County, where there are many immigrants and migrant workers who work on the farms. Many who I have talked to feel the same way, for they are hurt by illegal immigration more than anyone.
It’s a honest and simple question, why can't Latin American nationals that want to immigrate, just be patient, and follow the same rules ALL other immigrants HAVE to follow? Mexican/Latin American nationals, they feel it’s their birthright to violate American immigration laws. I have talked to many immigrants. Mexican illegals seem to be, by and large, nothing more than opportunists, for nothing more than more than materialism . They are here because they can get away with it, NOTHING more. Not because they really need to be here. They are stealing opportunities from truly needy immigrants from around the world , they think, because they live next door, they are entitled. That should outrage everyone, Liberal, conservative or just plain ol’ rational human beings, period. Thing is: they don’t wait and follow immigration laws, not because they will die, but because it’s easier than following the fucking RULES. It is that simple. Dirty little secret, some of you won’t to recognize. And the REAL immigrants? They suffer. THEY wait, they have no alternative. Mexicans can wade the Rio Grande. They can just as easily wade back, and since the economy has tanked? They DO, proves where their intentions truly are.

desperation. they move here mostly to get money to feed their families and have a better life, or so i've been taught. i could be wrong.

Exactly. They don't have that kind of time.

I would do the same thing if it were a choice between crossing the border or watching my child starve.

I have spoken to illegal aliens, and most of them were neither starving nor were they mothers. You, my dear, obviously haven’t dealt with these people. We both may over generalize, but, at bottom line, they are coming here because they can get away with it, and it isn’t much more complicated than that. Scout’s honor. No starving kids, no lingering death, no pogroms, no oppression. Just good old fashioned greed and materialism. But well intentioned folks like you make excuses for them. You empower them with this bullshit. People like you make excuses for them. What a bunch of brainwashed nimrods. Now, what about all those Americans that are jobless & homeless? They are real and they are much more immediate. Face it, Mexico is a toxic economic Chernobyl with one hell of a overpopulation problem. There are other countries with starving kids, and, guess what? They STILL have to immigrate legally. Seems like all these poor starving people have to wait longer, or perhaps, never get in the US because these jerks can’t wait and do the right thing. That seem fair to you?
I guess all those that received amnesty under Reagan have destroyed the country...right? Jeez, you've got to love wingnuts.

Ravi:What do I know, I'm a fucking idiot. Well, Republicans destroyed the country, my dear, and they have this schizoid love/hate thing with illegals. You know what I mean. But, then, Democratic party had a big hand in this whole fiasco, so let's don't ignore them. Well, we were better off in1986 than we are now, before that FIRST amnesty. Then there were only 6 million illegals, now, twice that number at best estimate. Since we live in the same country, tell me: do you believe we are better off now than 1986? Maybe that isn’t a fair question, being that you are already brainwashed by all that Hispanic propaganda and live in Nuevo Havana. Or you are too young to remember 1986. I am neither, I hold a bias towards reality and fairness, not groupthink.
Why did most colonists immigrate illegally onto Native American lands?

What did most Americans immigrate illegally into Texas before 1836?

That desire and drive for opportunity, particularly at another people's expense, is historical.
Why did most colonists immigrate illegally onto Native American lands?

What did most Americans immigrate illegally into Texas before 1836?

That desire and drive for opportunity, particularly at another people's expense, is historical.

Why oh why? It's such a simple question, we aren't living in 1836, Well, here in 2009, things have changed. Not the same, bubba. But, feel free to ignore me & reality. It’s what well meaning liberals do.
Why did most colonists immigrate illegally onto Native American lands?

What did most Americans immigrate illegally into Texas before 1836?

That desire and drive for opportunity, particularly at another people's expense, is historical.

Why oh why? It's such a simple question, we aren't living in 1836, Well, here in 2009, things have changed. Not the same, bubba. But, feel free to ignore me & reality. It’s what well meaning liberals do.

Nope, bubba, that's the point. The desire and drive for opportunity, particularly at another people's expense, is historical. That is the point. Nothing you can say or do will change that. They are here. They are "home". Their children born here are home. You are going to have to live with the reality of that for the rest of your life. Get used to it and move on.
Because they are starving.

These people risk their lives coming here. They are desperate.

This, and the backlog for this is horrible. I remember reading a story of someone who is here legally but has been trying to become a citizen for the past five years. They keep either backing up the date MONTHS or say come back again when the date finally arrives.

It took me over two years to get my Green Card, and I was on the fast track.

I came to the U.S. in '94 on a 4 year H1B work visa. I had a job, worked hard, paid my taxes and when my company applied for a visa extension it was turned down on the basis that I was taking a job that could go to an American.

Either there's a double standard, or that criterion no longer applies. Or maybe it was just the fact that I had a well-paid professional job that could go to an American.
Why did most colonists immigrate illegally onto Native American lands?

What did most Americans immigrate illegally into Texas before 1836?

That desire and drive for opportunity, particularly at another people's expense, is historical.

Why oh why? It's such a simple question, we aren't living in 1836, Well, here in 2009, things have changed. Not the same, bubba. But, feel free to ignore me & reality. It’s what well meaning liberals do.

Nope, bubba, that's the point. The desire and drive for opportunity, particularly at another people's expense, is historical. That is the point. Nothing you can say or do will change that. They are here. They are "home". Their children born here are home. You are going to have to live with the reality of that for the rest of your life. Get used to it and move on.
Their children that are born here were born under false premise. Illegal aliens lie, buck-o. really. Let’s leave children out of this. Please. So, if illegals are THAT driven, immigrating legally won’t curb their ambition one iota, will it? Jesus, you don't get that, do you? They don’t give a shit about 2009 international law, they don’t give a damn about laws in general. It isn’t for the sake of children that they sneak in here, numbnuts. Why bring them up? How many immigrants get rejected, that have children? Too bad, they weren’t Mexican, heh? So, sneaking in the country is OK with you? Tells me were you are coming from on this issue, Charlie. Get used to it? My fucking god, what is that supposed to mean? Get used to IT? Get used to WHAT? ASSHOLES making excuses for illegal aliens? Sadly, I already have. That’s called freedom of speech, so rant on, brother. Illegal aliens are not your friend, and they aren’t noble, and they don’t know a fucking thing about history. They sneak in because they can, and because jerks like you dream up excuses for them. Feel all warm and fuzzy now? They are lying sacks of humanity and they don't deserve so much praise. Perhaps, you should take your own advice, and move on. Please.
Let me add something, on a more personal note. I have two wonderful kids living here under my roof, who's father is a fucking illegal alien. And a dog, a Hispanic woman gave me as a puppy. Momo, the kids call im'. Bless the beasts and children. Momo, Jasmine and Damian, those beautiful souls caught up in this fucking mess, Yes, I get the picture. I KNOW what illegals bring, I live with that legacy every day. I can turn off my PC, I also have these wonderful people 50 feet away, right next door, sun up till sun down, that is were I am coming from. You, Snarkey? How is living in that elitist gated community treating ya’all?
People from south of the border want to come to the USA - are you ready for this? - BECAUSE THEY KNOW THIS COUNTRY WILL GIVE THEM JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING THEY WANT!!! FREE!!!!! Some of you people are so darn naive it boggles the mind. When you can understand the third world mentality and the latino mentality then we can talk.
Why did most colonists immigrate illegally onto Native American lands?

What did most Americans immigrate illegally into Texas before 1836?

That desire and drive for opportunity, particularly at another people's expense, is historical.

Talk about stretching the truth and revisionism, what school brainwashed you.

Which law are you refering too.
The revision comes from the nativists, not me. Get over it, guys and gals. It's not going to change. Whine and pine all you want. Squall and bawl all you want. Nothing is going to change. Tough luck.

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