Why Are Walmart Prices So Cheap?


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Man this is great! $200 for a 32" HD LCD TV...how do they do it?

Well that is easy..first they had to close all the plants in the U.S. where greedy American workers use to work(picture on the left of old American Plant)...but screw them right?

Then they opened massive plants in Mexico (Sony in Baja Mexico photo below) and India.

But hey...Walmart keeps them prices down for the rest of us!


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So Sony is an American company now?

No...did I say they was?
I tried to get a photo of RCA and G.E. plants in Mexico - but they are obviously hard to get.
Sony built the plant in Baja to keep manufacturing low to provide the cheap TV's we want.
So Sony is an American company now?

No...did I say they was?
I tried to get a photo of RCA and G.E. plants in Mexico - but they are obviously hard to get.
Sony built the plant in Baja to keep manufacturing low to provide the cheap TV's we want.

I just assumed since you posted a picture of a Sony plant, that it was Sony TVs on sale.

I hate WalMart for what they have done to community business all across the US. I really, really do. But as big as they are, I still find ways to kick their ass every day.

But WalMart may very well be the ultimate American success story and Sam Walton the King of the American Dream.
So Sony is an American company now?

No...did I say they was?
I tried to get a photo of RCA and G.E. plants in Mexico - but they are obviously hard to get.
Sony built the plant in Baja to keep manufacturing low to provide the cheap TV's we want.

I just assumed since you posted a picture of a Sony plant, that it was Sony TVs on sale.

I hate WalMart for what they have done to community business all across the US. I really, really do. But as big as they are, I still find ways to kick their ass every day.

But WalMart may very well be the ultimate American success story and Sam Walton the King of the American Dream.

Walmart is a success?
I guess if you consider store profits of 0.5% - 2% profits and where many workers are on financial aid to supplement their income a success.
This Thread has been Retitled so it is in effect not confused with Spam.
Wall Mart practically invented off shoring of US jobs to China to gain access to cheaper finished products. That is the core of their business model.
1. Offshoring.
2. Fantastic supply chain management.

Wallmart also invented just in time delivery.

But really all they did was figure out how to get products made and delivered as cheaply as was possible at the expense of everything and everybody else.

Deferred costs are still real.
No...did I say they was?
I tried to get a photo of RCA and G.E. plants in Mexico - but they are obviously hard to get.
Sony built the plant in Baja to keep manufacturing low to provide the cheap TV's we want.

I just assumed since you posted a picture of a Sony plant, that it was Sony TVs on sale.

I hate WalMart for what they have done to community business all across the US. I really, really do. But as big as they are, I still find ways to kick their ass every day.

But WalMart may very well be the ultimate American success story and Sam Walton the King of the American Dream.

Walmart is a success?
I guess if you consider store profits of 0.5% - 2% profits and where many workers are on financial aid to supplement their income a success.

Well......4 of the richest people in the US earned their fortunes from WalMart, so yeah, I'd say its a success. Probably the most successful company in US history, certainly among the top 3.

And its all our fault.
Well......4 of the richest people in the US earned their fortunes from WalMart, so yeah, I'd say its a success. Probably the most successful company in US history, certainly among the top 3.

And its all our fault.

It is absolutely our fault.
It is difficult for me to find the words to accurately state my anger towards American consumers.
I don't believe it is possible to find any specific group across the globe now or throughout history that is as hypocritical, selfish and self-destructive than the Americans are in the act of consumption.

People loooove to sit around and talk about the evil corporations that moved manufacturing to Mexico, Cambodia, India ect. ect. where there are volumes of evidence of deplorable employee treatment, child labor and downright slave labor. Americans love to talk about companies doing this to "make more profits".
Companies do it to because without doing so - they will be out of business in a year.
Wall Mart practically invented off shoring of US jobs to China to gain access to cheaper finished products. That is the core of their business model.

i'd say off-shoring manufacture. slightly different that off-shoring jobs.
It is absolutely our fault.
It is difficult for me to find the words to accurately state my anger towards American consumers.
I don't believe it is possible to find any specific group across the globe now or throughout history that is as hypocritical, selfish and self-destructive than the Americans are in the act of consumption.

People loooove to sit around and talk about the evil corporations that moved manufacturing to Mexico, Cambodia, India ect. ect. where there are volumes of evidence of deplorable employee treatment, child labor and downright slave labor. Americans love to talk about companies doing this to "make more profits".
Companies do it to because without doing so - they will be out of business in a year.

It reminds me of the BP Manaconda spill. The rage was to villify BP even tho they have a pretty good safety record doing the impossible to serve our addiction. I told folks the spill was our fault and they deferred the blame to the market that "made them buy oil" to run their cars.

Nobody makes you shop at WalMart, or buy Chinese goods. A % of responsibility does fall on the government embracing globalization, and corporations who offshore manufacturing, but the ultimate responsibility is born by a public who only wants the cheapest goods regardless.

It took business a decade to switch to an almost exclusively chinese made product offering encouraged by the fact that we were buying it.

On the flip side we the consumer still has the power to reverse the trend.

If we reduced our consumption of Chinese goods 20% the trade deficit with China would disappear. And we could do that in a month. The Chinese leadership would freak. They would go apoplectic. But we have that power and we are to pampered and lazy to use it.
Man this is great! $200 for a 32" hd lcd tv...how do they do it?

Well that is easy..first they had to close all the plants in the u.s. Where greedy american workers use to work(picture on the left of old american plant)...but screw them right?

Then they opened massive plants in mexico (sony in baja mexico photo below) and india.

But hey...walmart keeps them prices down for the rest of us!

wal-mart is soaked in the blood and sweat of slave labor

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