Why Are Obama Supporters Now Playing the Race Card?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
A. Getting desperate
B. Can't help it
C. White Guilt
D. Chicago Politics
E. All of the above

And the answer is: E. All of the above, based on the absurd premise that many people who voted for Obama in 2008 didn't realize he was Black...
[Nice poem by one of the commenters. Deserves a round of applause before the next Civil War breaks out.]

"War on women,
War on fuel,
War on America,
What are we to do?

Fast and Furious,
And Benghazi too.
Several are dead,
Because of you.

Splitting the country,
In more ways than one.
You won't be happy,
Until you have won.

Wasted tax dollars,
Right down the drain.
And you want more,
You are inflicting such pain.

On November the sixth,
I will cast my vote.
And I hope and pray,
This is far as it goes.

I am a proud veteran,
Who went to Viet Nam.
And I will not bury,
My head in the sand.

To "The Messiah" Obama,
You must go.
For the good of the country,
God please make it so.

John D. 10/1/2012 USN 71-77

Vote for America, vote R&R !!


Bill Maher Warns Romney Supporters: 'Black People Know Who You Are and They Will Come After You' | NewsBusters.org
"Now"? I have never seen the race card played so regularly and by so many than in the last four years.

Ever since a Black President took office?

Eric holder is the most racist ag ever!!!!!

He said we dint talk about race in frank terms....thats because if you offend libtards they call you a racist...which i dont care , because its just a partisan attack word now
A, B & D i guess...
time to stop this Obamination (killing/destruction of the youngest breed/ race of Americans, the Babies... (3 times vote of this man for partial-birth-abortion), rejection of talks with the Prime Minister of Israel several times, crippling & destruction of the economy of the US and worldwide, destruction of the moral and biblical foundations of America (cancelling the day of prayer while celebrating Ramadan in the white house...) & denouncing in his Homeland-Security-Papers people, who made the US great as terrorists (bible-believing Christians, 2nd amendment-groups & Veterans(!)) & then insulting candidate Romney, calling him a a "bullshitter" etc.; oh Bummer, this primitivity has got 2 stop...
Great. Yet another conservative race-card-playing and race-baiting thread. The race card and the victimhood card really are all they have left. "Desperate" doesn't even begin to describe them.

Why can't conservatives be like liberals, color-blind and victimhood-free? Why has nearly every conservative in America turned into a squealing pansy?
Great. Yet another conservative race-card-playing and race-baiting thread. The race card and the victimhood card really are all they have left. "Desperate" doesn't even begin to describe them.

Why can't conservatives be like liberals, color-blind and victimhood-free? Why has nearly every conservative in America turned into a squealing pansy?

The bolded bit... that made me :lmao:
So have I convinced you to stop playing the race card and the victimhood card, to grow a spine and act like a liberal?

If so, I'll call it a win, no matter who you vote for in the future. After all, it's a matter of percentages. Most people who start acting like grownups also start voting like liberals.

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