Why are Liberals opposed to ordinary people accumulate a million dollar safety net?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
ANY ONE starting at age 25 being FORCED, i.e. Social Security and Medicare deducted from their paycheck can with NO risk accumulate over 40 years at 3% FDIC savings rate accumulate a minimum of $777,000 to as much as $2,047,989!

So why are Liberals opposed to the ordinary worker being able to accumulate millions and NOT be dependent on the government???
If you think I'm making these numbers up.. I simply did a spreadsheet where a 25 year old increasing salary from $30,000 with salary increases of 2% a year could have over $400,000 paid in and with 3% interest accumulate $777,000! Or if with good financial planning starting with equities yielding 9.6% for 20 years , switching to more security rate of 6% for 20 years and last few years before retiring 3% fixed income assets... $ 2,047,989 accumulation!

simple compound interest at work!!!
ANY ONE starting at age 25 being FORCED, i.e. Social Security and Medicare deducted from their paycheck can with NO risk accumulate over 40 years at 3% FDIC savings rate accumulate a minimum of $777,000 to as much as $2,047,989!

So why are Liberals opposed to the ordinary worker being able to accumulate millions and NOT be dependent on the government???

Social Security private accounts that are played on the stock market are not risk free, where did you get the false impression that it is?

Before those two programs were passed, poverty among seniors was rampant.

After the Great Depression, our grandparents generation decided that when times get bad again for the next generation, they don't want to see happen to their children what happened to them, which was devastating.

What has saved us through this awful crisis is our social safety net.

This economic crisis would have been far worse without Medicare and Social Security, since if you had a stock market based SS account, it would have evaporated 4 years ago when Republicans crashed the economy.
ANY ONE starting at age 25 being FORCED, i.e. Social Security and Medicare deducted from their paycheck can with NO risk accumulate over 40 years at 3% FDIC savings rate accumulate a minimum of $777,000 to as much as $2,047,989!

So why are Liberals opposed to the ordinary worker being able to accumulate millions and NOT be dependent on the government???

Social Security private accounts that are played on the stock market are not risk free, where did you get the false impression that it is?

Before those two programs were passed, poverty among seniors was rampant.

After the Great Depression, our grandparents generation decided that when times get bad again for the next generation, they don't want to see happen to their children what happened to them, which was devastating.

What has saved us through this awful crisis is our social safety net.

This economic crisis would have been far worse without Medicare and Social Security, since if you had a stock market based SS account, it would have evaporated 4 years ago when Republicans crashed the economy.

OBVIOUSLY you have fallen for that OLD CLICHE about RISKY stock market!
Are you aware of this statistic?

Adding up the annual returns from 1975 through 2010, as shown in the Dow Jones Industrial average yearly returns chart, and dividing the result by 36, the number of years covered, you will learn that the Dow appreciated by an average of 9.28 percent annually.

Read more: The Average Stock Market Appreciation Per Year | eHow.com The Average Stock Market Appreciation Per Year | eHow.com

Also NO ONE with the right to CHOOSE has to put into the "risky" stock market!
Can direct it to be put into FDIC insured BETTER then Social security!

finally again... YOU obviously DIDN"T pay attention..
When young you can take risks cause you have time to correct the errors!
When age 40 you move to more secure!
When getting close to retirement MOST of accumulation WOULD NOT be in "risky stock market" but in secure bonds and CDs!

But Obviously you have NO idea of what I describing!
Who in their RIGHT MIND at age 55 would have ALL their money in the stock market???

See you have NO common sense have you?
You believe the Liberals who want to CONTrOL people's destiny rather let people have the freedom!
Why are you so against people having the freedom to choose their destiny???

As far as the "great depression"... MY parents lived through it and SUrVIVED fine because they like MOST people were able to grow their own food, rolled their own cigarettes, made their own entertainment, went to be early woke up early to work!
AND what was wrong with that???
You against people working???
This is NOT for most people but for the liberals that are so obviously IGNORANT about how money accumulates!

Liberals... If you at age 25 starting salary of $30,000 that increased at 2% for 40 years were able to tell Uncle Sam to take the $500 per month your employer and you have deducted from your check each month and put it into a 3% savings account.
You would at age 65 have accumulated $400,000 that YOU put in PLUS $377,000 in compound interest!
It is that simple! Instead of your paycheck having $500 each month being used to pay people on SS/Medicare today.. YOU won't!
You would be able to get that $400,000 you paid in PLUS the $377,000 in interest!
NO risks. NO stock market. No government taking your $500 and paying it out like a Ponzi scheme!
At 65 then you liberals would have $777,000 would pay you THE SAME you would have gotten from regular SS IF you wanted to preserve your $777,000 OR at 5% nearly double what SS is paying today!

So then if you had health problems... pay it out of your $777,000!
Then when you die, YOU can pass it on to whomever or whatever YOUR ESTATE!!!

Why is that so bad???
NO RISK. Just returning YOUR $400,000 PLUS the use of your money!!! $777,000!
ANY ONE starting at age 25 being FORCED, i.e. Social Security and Medicare deducted from their paycheck can with NO risk accumulate over 40 years at 3% FDIC savings rate accumulate a minimum of $777,000 to as much as $2,047,989!

So why are Liberals opposed to the ordinary worker being able to accumulate millions and NOT be dependent on the government???

I am shocked! I didn't realize it was against the law to have a savings account!

Really? So who's stopping anyone from saving money?
ANY ONE starting at age 25 being FORCED, i.e. Social Security and Medicare deducted from their paycheck can with NO risk accumulate over 40 years at 3% FDIC savings rate accumulate a minimum of $777,000 to as much as $2,047,989!

So why are Liberals opposed to the ordinary worker being able to accumulate millions and NOT be dependent on the government???

Social Security private accounts that are played on the stock market are not risk free, where did you get the false impression that it is?

Before those two programs were passed, poverty among seniors was rampant.

After the Great Depression, our grandparents generation decided that when times get bad again for the next generation, they don't want to see happen to their children what happened to them, which was devastating.

What has saved us through this awful crisis is our social safety net.

This economic crisis would have been far worse without Medicare and Social Security, since if you had a stock market based SS account, it would have evaporated 4 years ago when Republicans crashed the economy.

OBVIOUSLY you have fallen for that OLD CLICHE about RISKY stock market!
Are you aware of this statistic?

Adding up the annual returns from 1975 through 2010, as shown in the Dow Jones Industrial average yearly returns chart, and dividing the result by 36, the number of years covered, you will learn that the Dow appreciated by an average of 9.28 percent annually.

Read more: The Average Stock Market Appreciation Per Year | eHow.com The Average Stock Market Appreciation Per Year | eHow.com

Also NO ONE with the right to CHOOSE has to put into the "risky" stock market!
Can direct it to be put into FDIC insured BETTER then Social security!

finally again... YOU obviously DIDN"T pay attention..
When young you can take risks cause you have time to correct the errors!
When age 40 you move to more secure!
When getting close to retirement MOST of accumulation WOULD NOT be in "risky stock market" but in secure bonds and CDs!

But Obviously you have NO idea of what I describing!

My mother in law lost her retirement with the Arkansas State school system because they invested it with a huge building company in Bella vista, Ark. When the market crashed her retirement she word 35 years for was gone. Hence why the govt. is best when securing a retirement that will not evaporate when the stock market does.
This is NOT for most people but for the liberals that are so obviously IGNORANT about how money accumulates!

Liberals... If you at age 25 starting salary of $30,000 that increased at 2% for 40 years were able to tell Uncle Sam to take the $500 per month your employer and you have deducted from your check each month and put it into a 3% savings account.
You would at age 65 have accumulated $400,000 that YOU put in PLUS $377,000 in compound interest!
It is that simple! Instead of your paycheck having $500 each month being used to pay people on SS/Medicare today.. YOU won't!
You would be able to get that $400,000 you paid in PLUS the $377,000 in interest!
NO risks. NO stock market. No government taking your $500 and paying it out like a Ponzi scheme!
At 65 then you liberals would have $777,000 would pay you THE SAME you would have gotten from regular SS IF you wanted to preserve your $777,000 OR at 5% nearly double what SS is paying today!

So then if you had health problems... pay it out of your $777,000!
Then when you die, YOU can pass it on to whomever or whatever YOUR ESTATE!!!

Why is that so bad???
NO RISK. Just returning YOUR $400,000 PLUS the use of your money!!! $777,000!

First off dick head, I am a liberal and I know how investments work. If you would stop the personal flaming someone may listen to you.

30k a year is 2,500 a month, social security is 15.13% you employer pays half, leaving you to pay 7.5%, which is 187.50 per month for social security taxes.Not 500 dollrs. You need to check your numbers. and stop acting the azz.
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ANY ONE starting at age 25 being FORCED, i.e. Social Security and Medicare deducted from their paycheck can with NO risk accumulate over 40 years at 3% FDIC savings rate accumulate a minimum of $777,000 to as much as $2,047,989!

So why are Liberals opposed to the ordinary worker being able to accumulate millions and NOT be dependent on the government???

No FDIC accounts return 3% now. Few did 5 years ago.
ANY ONE starting at age 25 being FORCED, i.e. Social Security and Medicare deducted from their paycheck can with NO risk accumulate over 40 years at 3% FDIC savings rate accumulate a minimum of $777,000 to as much as $2,047,989!

So why are Liberals opposed to the ordinary worker being able to accumulate millions and NOT be dependent on the government???

I am shocked! I didn't realize it was against the law to have a savings account!

Really? So who's stopping anyone from saving money?

Obviously my point has gone WAY WAY over your head!
Are you telling me that YOU are perfectly happy if you are one of those making $40k per year having $500/month taken from YOUR paycheck so that money is SPENT right away on others?
Especially when the trend is possibly by the time you retire.. there will be less then 2 people working to pay social security for every one person receiving a SS check!
That means of the $1,000 taken from the two working people where will the other $600 come from?
Do you understand simple math? Either MORE money will be needed to be taken from paychecks since less people will be working.

That goes way over your head doesn't it!

See that's why my thread topic... why are people like you so math challenged?
If you think I'm making these numbers up.. I simply did a spreadsheet where a 25 year old increasing salary from $30,000 with salary increases of 2% a year could have over $400,000 paid in and with 3% interest accumulate $777,000! Or if with good financial planning starting with equities yielding 9.6% for 20 years , switching to more security rate of 6% for 20 years and last few years before retiring 3% fixed income assets... $ 2,047,989 accumulation!

simple compound interest at work!!!

Amateur passive investors cannot attain 9.6% rates for 20 years. Your calculations are wrong because they assume one can realize a rate of return equal to the average of the DOW. You're not including trading commissions and management/brokerage fees. Also, it seems good in theory until you're trying to sell or buy $40,000 of one stock (assuming you are just trying to invest in the DOW). You won't be able to do it without a wide range of prices. If the spread (the difference between the Bid price and the Ask price) is too wide, you will lose a lot.

Here's the performance of an ETF the tracks the DOW: iShares Dow Jones U.S. Index Fund (IYY): Overview - iShares

1.74% gain in 10 years.
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A million might be OK if you'r sixty five(today).
If you're fifty or so you need around 3.5 million minimum to quit right now (with no other income) and live in the M_pyre under future inflation and the need to insure yourself.
I am doing it the old fashion way. I bought 4 3acres, iIplan on building one more house. I will give the house and the land to which ever kid wants it, but I get to live there until I die, for free.
any one starting at age 25 being forced, i.e. Social security and medicare deducted from their paycheck can with no risk accumulate over 40 years at 3% fdic savings rate accumulate a minimum of $777,000 to as much as $2,047,989!

So why are liberals opposed to the ordinary worker being able to accumulate millions and not be dependent on the government???

i am shocked! I didn't realize it was against the law to have a savings account!

Really? So who's stopping anyone from saving money?

obviously my point has gone way way over your head!
Are you telling me that you are perfectly happy if you are one of those making $40k per year having $500/month taken from your paycheck so that money is spent right away on others?
Especially when the trend is possibly by the time you retire.. There will be less then 2 people working to pay social security for every one person receiving a ss check!
That means of the $1,000 taken from the two working people where will the other $600 come from?
Do you understand simple math? Either more money will be needed to be taken from paychecks since less people will be working.

That goes way over your head doesn't it!

See that's why my thread topic... Why are people like you so math challenged?


Those "others" are American citizens that are deserving of the same gaurantee I am if they put in the hours and paid in thier share.

There is not now nor ever has been anything preventing someone from starting thier own business and using all of thier resources towards thier own retirement nest egg. That is how one circumvents the SS system in our country. Whining about what someone gets at this stage of the game is pathetic. That is the system we live with. The system is fair and dependable. If you prefer a different system you are free to go THERE and live within THIER rules.
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ANY ONE starting at age 25 being FORCED, i.e. Social Security and Medicare deducted from their paycheck can with NO risk accumulate over 40 years at 3% FDIC savings rate accumulate a minimum of $777,000 to as much as $2,047,989!

So why are Liberals opposed to the ordinary worker being able to accumulate millions and NOT be dependent on the government???

No FDIC accounts return 3% now. Few did 5 years ago.

Not only that, but his calculation does not include inflation which wipes out most if not all of the gain. All that is left is the actual principle, still not anything to sneeze at, but you better get a better return than 3%. One last thing to think about is that having all this extra money thrown into varying markets could actually cause instability in those markets. What happens to the value of the stock market if too many people want to invest? Are returns diminished? I really don't know the answer here, just something to think about.
...accounts that are played on the stock market ...
Hey kids, "play" time is over and we need to get to work. Children 'play' the stock market, and should be punished when they steal money from their parents who are managing the family savings. Grown ups know best about the dangers of risk and kids in Washington need to keep their hands off of money that's not theirs.

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