Why are Democrats Trying to Lose the 2020 Presidential Election?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The Democrats are blowing this election by rigging their process like the GOP does and right now they are panicing to the far left edge of the party, and it wont work.

The vast majority of people want to keep private insurance but allow for a public OPTION, not public option to be sole option.

Most people want to keep the Hyde amendment and to restrict abortion to first trimester.

Most Americans oppose decriminalizing sneaking across the border and want more jobs, not fewer jobs from heavy government regulation or importing millions of cheap laborers and for the Federalis to enforce immigration laws..

People want to hear how Democrats are going to grow the economy better than Trump, not strangle it in the crib.

The only Democrat response right now seems to be 'Trump is a racist!' But I don't think that plays so well any more. People are tired of hearing it first of all and people think it is just a political ploy now.

Trumps numbers have gone up to around 25% support in the black community, so it plainly isn't working well there either.

The Dems need to move back to the center, but I don't know if there is a Democrat center any more.
Democrat Party devoid of true leadership.

No 'Profiles in Courage' to be found anywhere with a (D) beside a name.
So who will the Democrats blame this next time when they lose the election?

South Africans?
" I want a (D) candidate more like Trump. "

If the Dems gave us just easonable ways of delivering on their promises, that would help.

1) Medicare for all; change it to Medicaid for all, IF THEY WANT IT, and keep private health insurance legal. PRo-rate the charge for Medicaid based on income, and you bring in more money to keep it solvent doing so. Plus change the state insurance exchanges to one single national health care exchange.

2) Gun Control: Base any proposals on a principle that all pretty much can live with; new regs should not impact legal gun owners, but should add difficulty for criminals. Banning 'assault weapons' for example violates this principle because semi-automatic rifles are not assault weapons, merely look like them and are cheaper. Stacking additional time on a sentence if someone uses a gun does adhere to that principle.

3) Immigration Reform: Any changes should benefit the American people not immigrants and not corporations. Refugees should not be allowed into our country if they passed through other countries to get here. New Immigrants should not be elligable for welfare, should speak fluent English and have a job lined up. We should prioritize our immigration to immediate relatives only (fathers, mothers children and siblings) for those who have lived here for 5 years and who have remained employed. The next tier of immigration by country should prioritize those who come from English speaking countries and neighboring countries like Russia, Mexico and CaNada.

4) Free College: Tuition for state owned Universities, colleges and community colleges should be virtually free for citizens. Private colleges can do whatever they want, but limits should be set to how much students can borrow and there should be no interest for the loans higher than 3%. Block grants should be given to those who have taken such loans in the past for any interest rates higher than that. States have had their citizens already pay for colleges once, charging their children to attend is price gouging.

5) Robotics Tax: The government is losing revenue due to automation. Corporations should pay an additional tax for their automated machines and systems equal to what a human being would have paid doing the same job. Corporate tax share of total national tax revenue is half of the load shared by citizens compared to what was paid in 1950.

6) We Are Family: We need to emphasize once again that we as a nation of civic nationality citizenship, all are prepared to help those among us who are unfortunate and need help. If you are willing and able to work you should as soon as you can, and we will help you get there. In this country it is citizenship first and race irrelevant.

7) Reform Capitalism: We need to redefine, if necessary, fiduciary responsibility to also include the reputation and good will for a business. We need Capitalism as a controlled and managed force to use for the good of the entire nation, and not simply as a means of cash flow for corporations. If a business cannot play nice, by the rules and keeping the interest of the community of people around it in mind, then they should go do business elsewhere.

8) Abortion: Keep the Hyde Amendment to allow people to not pay for abortion. That is just basic respect for the values that other people have to not compel them to pay for other peoples right to commit what they payer considers to be murder. Rioll back legal abortion to the first trimester and cases of the mothers health.

9) Restore Usury laws: Interest Rate Deductions should be restored or restore Usury laws that limited interest rates. We middle class tax payers agreed to lifting usury laws as long as we could deduct the interest rates from our taxes. Now we have the worst of both worlds. Fix it by fixing that bargain that we made.

10) Vow to be Honest and Respectful With the American People: Stop using hyperbole and slander and start admitting to the good that ones opponents accomplish. Restore respect for both the nonviolent right and left simultaneously.

All of these would convince me to vote for even the Devil if he ran.
" I want a (D) candidate more like Trump. "

If the Dems gave us just easonable ways of delivering on their promises, that would help.

1) Medicare for all; change it to Medicaid for all, IF THEY WANT IT, and keep private health insurance legal. PRo-rate the charge for Medicaid based on income, and you bring in more money to keep it solvent doing so. Plus change the state insurance exchanges to one single national health care exchange.

2) Gun Control: Base any proposals on a principle that all pretty much can live with; new regs should not impact legal gun owners, but should add difficulty for criminals. Banning 'assault weapons' for example violates this principle because semi-automatic rifles are not assault weapons, merely look like them and are cheaper. Stacking additional time on a sentence if someone uses a gun does adhere to that principle.

3) Immigration Reform: Any changes should benefit the American people not immigrants and not corporations. Refugees should not be allowed into our country if they passed through other countries to get here. New Immigrants should not be elligable for welfare, should speak fluent English and have a job lined up. We should prioritize our immigration to immediate relatives only (fathers, mothers children and siblings) for those who have lived here for 5 years and who have remained employed. The next tier of immigration by country should prioritize those who come from English speaking countries and neighboring countries like Russia, Mexico and CaNada.

4) Free College: Tuition for state owned Universities, colleges and community colleges should be virtually free for citizens. Private colleges can do whatever they want, but limits should be set to how much students can borrow and there should be no interest for the loans higher than 3%. Block grants should be given to those who have taken such loans in the past for any interest rates higher than that. States have had their citizens already pay for colleges once, charging their children to attend is price gouging.

5) Robotics Tax: The government is losing revenue due to automation. Corporations should pay an additional tax for their automated machines and systems equal to what a human being would have paid doing the same job. Corporate tax share of total national tax revenue is half of the load shared by citizens compared to what was paid in 1950.

6) We Are Family: We need to emphasize once again that we as a nation of civic nationality citizenship, all are prepared to help those among us who are unfortunate and need help. If you are willing and able to work you should as soon as you can, and we will help you get there. In this country it is citizenship first and race irrelevant.

7) Reform Capitalism: We need to redefine, if necessary, fiduciary responsibility to also include the reputation and good will for a business. We need Capitalism as a controlled and managed force to use for the good of the entire nation, and not simply as a means of cash flow for corporations. If a business cannot play nice, by the rules and keeping the interest of the community of people around it in mind, then they should go do business elsewhere.

8) Abortion: Keep the Hyde Amendment to allow people to not pay for abortion. That is just basic respect for the values that other people have to not compel them to pay for other peoples right to commit what they payer considers to be murder. Rioll back legal abortion to the first trimester and cases of the mothers health.

9) Restore Usury laws: Interest Rate Deductions should be restored or restore Usury laws that limited interest rates. We middle class tax payers agreed to lifting usury laws as long as we could deduct the interest rates from our taxes. Now we have the worst of both worlds. Fix it by fixing that bargain that we made.

10) Vow to be Honest and Respectful With the American People: Stop using hyperbole and slander and start admitting to the good that ones opponents accomplish. Restore respect for both the nonviolent right and left simultaneously.

All of these would convince me to vote for even the Devil if he ran.

Seems to me you have.
" I want a (D) candidate more like Trump. "

If the Dems gave us just easonable ways of delivering on their promises, that would help.

1) Medicare for all; change it to Medicaid for all, IF THEY WANT IT, and keep private health insurance legal. PRo-rate the charge for Medicaid based on income, and you bring in more money to keep it solvent doing so. Plus change the state insurance exchanges to one single national health care exchange.

2) Gun Control: Base any proposals on a principle that all pretty much can live with; new regs should not impact legal gun owners, but should add difficulty for criminals. Banning 'assault weapons' for example violates this principle because semi-automatic rifles are not assault weapons, merely look like them and are cheaper. Stacking additional time on a sentence if someone uses a gun does adhere to that principle.

3) Immigration Reform: Any changes should benefit the American people not immigrants and not corporations. Refugees should not be allowed into our country if they passed through other countries to get here. New Immigrants should not be elligable for welfare, should speak fluent English and have a job lined up. We should prioritize our immigration to immediate relatives only (fathers, mothers children and siblings) for those who have lived here for 5 years and who have remained employed. The next tier of immigration by country should prioritize those who come from English speaking countries and neighboring countries like Russia, Mexico and CaNada.

4) Free College: Tuition for state owned Universities, colleges and community colleges should be virtually free for citizens. Private colleges can do whatever they want, but limits should be set to how much students can borrow and there should be no interest for the loans higher than 3%. Block grants should be given to those who have taken such loans in the past for any interest rates higher than that. States have had their citizens already pay for colleges once, charging their children to attend is price gouging.

5) Robotics Tax: The government is losing revenue due to automation. Corporations should pay an additional tax for their automated machines and systems equal to what a human being would have paid doing the same job. Corporate tax share of total national tax revenue is half of the load shared by citizens compared to what was paid in 1950.

6) We Are Family: We need to emphasize once again that we as a nation of civic nationality citizenship, all are prepared to help those among us who are unfortunate and need help. If you are willing and able to work you should as soon as you can, and we will help you get there. In this country it is citizenship first and race irrelevant.

7) Reform Capitalism: We need to redefine, if necessary, fiduciary responsibility to also include the reputation and good will for a business. We need Capitalism as a controlled and managed force to use for the good of the entire nation, and not simply as a means of cash flow for corporations. If a business cannot play nice, by the rules and keeping the interest of the community of people around it in mind, then they should go do business elsewhere.

8) Abortion: Keep the Hyde Amendment to allow people to not pay for abortion. That is just basic respect for the values that other people have to not compel them to pay for other peoples right to commit what they payer considers to be murder. Rioll back legal abortion to the first trimester and cases of the mothers health.

9) Restore Usury laws: Interest Rate Deductions should be restored or restore Usury laws that limited interest rates. We middle class tax payers agreed to lifting usury laws as long as we could deduct the interest rates from our taxes. Now we have the worst of both worlds. Fix it by fixing that bargain that we made.

10) Vow to be Honest and Respectful With the American People: Stop using hyperbole and slander and start admitting to the good that ones opponents accomplish. Restore respect for both the nonviolent right and left simultaneously.

All of these would convince me to vote for even the Devil if he ran.

Seems to me you have.

You think I have already decided to vote for the devil?

lol, so which one is the devil and I will vote for them.
" I want a (D) candidate more like Trump. "

If the Dems gave us just easonable ways of delivering on their promises, that would help.

1) Medicare for all; change it to Medicaid for all, IF THEY WANT IT, and keep private health insurance legal. PRo-rate the charge for Medicaid based on income, and you bring in more money to keep it solvent doing so. Plus change the state insurance exchanges to one single national health care exchange.

2) Gun Control: Base any proposals on a principle that all pretty much can live with; new regs should not impact legal gun owners, but should add difficulty for criminals. Banning 'assault weapons' for example violates this principle because semi-automatic rifles are not assault weapons, merely look like them and are cheaper. Stacking additional time on a sentence if someone uses a gun does adhere to that principle.

3) Immigration Reform: Any changes should benefit the American people not immigrants and not corporations. Refugees should not be allowed into our country if they passed through other countries to get here. New Immigrants should not be elligable for welfare, should speak fluent English and have a job lined up. We should prioritize our immigration to immediate relatives only (fathers, mothers children and siblings) for those who have lived here for 5 years and who have remained employed. The next tier of immigration by country should prioritize those who come from English speaking countries and neighboring countries like Russia, Mexico and CaNada.

4) Free College: Tuition for state owned Universities, colleges and community colleges should be virtually free for citizens. Private colleges can do whatever they want, but limits should be set to how much students can borrow and there should be no interest for the loans higher than 3%. Block grants should be given to those who have taken such loans in the past for any interest rates higher than that. States have had their citizens already pay for colleges once, charging their children to attend is price gouging.

5) Robotics Tax: The government is losing revenue due to automation. Corporations should pay an additional tax for their automated machines and systems equal to what a human being would have paid doing the same job. Corporate tax share of total national tax revenue is half of the load shared by citizens compared to what was paid in 1950.

6) We Are Family: We need to emphasize once again that we as a nation of civic nationality citizenship, all are prepared to help those among us who are unfortunate and need help. If you are willing and able to work you should as soon as you can, and we will help you get there. In this country it is citizenship first and race irrelevant.

7) Reform Capitalism: We need to redefine, if necessary, fiduciary responsibility to also include the reputation and good will for a business. We need Capitalism as a controlled and managed force to use for the good of the entire nation, and not simply as a means of cash flow for corporations. If a business cannot play nice, by the rules and keeping the interest of the community of people around it in mind, then they should go do business elsewhere.

8) Abortion: Keep the Hyde Amendment to allow people to not pay for abortion. That is just basic respect for the values that other people have to not compel them to pay for other peoples right to commit what they payer considers to be murder. Rioll back legal abortion to the first trimester and cases of the mothers health.

9) Restore Usury laws: Interest Rate Deductions should be restored or restore Usury laws that limited interest rates. We middle class tax payers agreed to lifting usury laws as long as we could deduct the interest rates from our taxes. Now we have the worst of both worlds. Fix it by fixing that bargain that we made.

10) Vow to be Honest and Respectful With the American People: Stop using hyperbole and slander and start admitting to the good that ones opponents accomplish. Restore respect for both the nonviolent right and left simultaneously.

All of these would convince me to vote for even the Devil if he ran.

Seems to me you have.

You think I have already decided to vote for the devil?

lol, so which one is the devil and I will vote for them.

I'm simply going off your tag.
This is the current problem in the Democratic Party.

If the nominee is a far left progressive, you risk the centrist and independent vote.

If the nominee is an establishment moderate, you risk the progressive voters becoming apathetic.
Democrats know they aren't going to win. Therefore, it's just a free for all do whatever you want time.

All of these would convince me to vote for even the Devil if he ran.
Seems to me you have.
You think I have already decided to vote for the devil?
lol, so which one is the devil and I will vote for them.
I'm simply going off your tag.

The sig is a joke. Democrats cry too much about Trump, and the farther left they are the more they cry.

So I ridicule them for it.

The USA is blessed with decent leaders for Presidents if you compare them with leaders around the world or through history.

Obama, Reagan, Carter, JFK, Bush the Elder, Bush the Younger, etc all of them are better than David Cameron was for the UK, or Macron in France, etc.

I would take Obama over BoJo any day of the week.

We have let the political partisanship ruin our appreciation for the 'other side' in our politics.

And that is a shame.
Democrats know they aren't going to win. Therefore, it's just a free for all do whatever you want time.

I am getting that impression as well, that this is more a fight for the base of the party organization at the national level than to win the WH.
This is the current problem in the Democratic Party.

If the nominee is a far left progressive, you risk the centrist and independent vote.

If the nominee is an establishment moderate, you risk the progressive voters becoming apathetic.

The GOP has had the same problem since Goldwater.

People have to stop dehumanizing the rivals or their political opponents.

Voters want reasonable people who will go for pragmatic workable solutions, not so much ideology.
All of these would convince me to vote for even the Devil if he ran.
Seems to me you have.
You think I have already decided to vote for the devil?
lol, so which one is the devil and I will vote for them.
I'm simply going off your tag.

The sig is a joke. Democrats cry too much about Trump, and the farther left they are the more they cry.

So I ridicule them for it.

Fair enough.

The USA is blessed with decent leaders for Presidents if you compare them with leaders around the world or through history.

I'm not sure that should be the standard and I might even argue otherwise.

Obama, Reagan, Carter, JFK, Bush the Elder, Bush the Younger, etc all of them are better than David Cameron was for the UK, or Macron in France, etc.

Bush, Obama, Trump, they have all slaughtered tens of thousands innocent people.

I would take Obama over BoJo any day of the week.

We have let the political partisanship ruin our appreciation for the 'other side' in our politics.

And that is a shame.

I say neither side has been admirable.
The USA is blessed with decent leaders for Presidents if you compare them with leaders around the world or through history.

I'm not sure that should be the standard and I might even argue otherwise.

I guess you can only gauge the leadership by the improvement made to their peoples lives, how well they are fit to the culture of that nation and the security of their nation.

While Cameron was a 'conservative' by Brit standards, Obama was more conservative as Obama respected gun rights far more than Cameron could tolerate, etc.

Obama, Reagan, Carter, JFK, Bush the Elder, Bush the Younger, etc all of them are better than David Cameron was for the UK, or Macron in France, etc.

Bush, Obama, Trump, they have all slaughtered tens of thousands innocent people.

"Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown."

National leaders have to do ugly things from time to time. An accepted system of values helps with that some, but it doesn't ease it all I am sure.

I do not think Obama or any of our Presidents have relished the deaths they caused in order to secure our nation.

I would take Obama over BoJo any day of the week.

We have let the political partisanship ruin our appreciation for the 'other side' in our politics.

And that is a shame.

I say neither side has been admirable.

I vote and critique our politicians, knowing the entire time I could not possibly do that job myself.

I admire them for being willing to take on a vast Herculean responsibility. They are the Atlases of our time.

Ever notice how Presidents go in to office without much gray hair, but tons of it when they leave?

I don't think they sleep so well and that is for lots of reasons.

If someone offered me that job I would not hesitate to refuse it.
The USA is blessed with decent leaders for Presidents if you compare them with leaders around the world or through history.

I'm not sure that should be the standard and I might even argue otherwise.

I guess you can only gauge the leadership by the improvement made to their peoples lives, how well they are fit to the culture of that nation and the security of their nation.

While Cameron was a 'conservative' by Brit standards, Obama was more conservative as Obama respected gun rights far more than Cameron could tolerate, etc.

Obama, Reagan, Carter, JFK, Bush the Elder, Bush the Younger, etc all of them are better than David Cameron was for the UK, or Macron in France, etc.

Bush, Obama, Trump, they have all slaughtered tens of thousands innocent people.

"Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown."

National leaders have to do ugly things from time to time. An accepted system of values helps with that some, but it doesn't ease it all I am sure.

I do not think Obama or any of our Presidents have relished the deaths they caused in order to secure our nation.

I would take Obama over BoJo any day of the week.

We have let the political partisanship ruin our appreciation for the 'other side' in our politics.

And that is a shame.

I say neither side has been admirable.

I vote and critique our politicians, knowing the entire time I could not possibly do that job myself.

I admire them for being willing to take on a vast Herculean responsibility. They are the Atlases of our time.

Ever notice how Presidents go in to office without much gray hair, but tons of it when they leave?

I don't think they sleep so well and that is for lots of reasons.

If someone offered me that job I would not hesitate to refuse it.

What we did had nothing to do with securing our nation unless you consider Wall Street what this country stands for now.
What we did had nothing to do with securing our nation unless you consider Wall Street what this country stands for now.
The value of the US dollar is based on the demand created for it by the majority of oil producing nations demanding payment for their oil only in USD.

Thus if Japan wants to by Saudi crude, they have to get US dollars by purchasing them on currency exchanges. This drives up the US dollar quite a lot.

If the oil producing nations like Saudi Arabia decided to take Euros instead, it will drive the Euro way up and it would crash the USD.

Consequently every fart in the Middle East has ramifications for the US. Qadafi's oil reserve notes he wanted to replace the US dollar with was aimed straight to the heart of the American economy (well, really the interests of our Oligarchs which are usually the same thing) and he paid the price for it, like Epstein did.

But that was a suicide, wink-wink, and Libya had a revolution, wink-wink

We are governed by Luciferian magicians who use distraction, misdirection and smoke and mirrors like experts.

We think we see one thing, when we should be looking somewhere else.
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Seems that the minority groups within the DNC have take over and most of the leadership of those groups have been socialist for decades now.

Is that perhaps the core problem for the Dems?


And therein also lies their Achilles Heel.

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