Why Americans don’t respect other nations?


Aug 24, 2011
Why Americans don’t respect other nations?

Why Americans don’t respect other nations? Do you know how do your compatriots call a Kirghiz airbase "Manas"? "Main Ass"!! What outrage! Moreover, when Kirghiz parliament talked over construction of a monument to national hero of the Manas epos, Americans decided to build a monument to "Main Ass" that completely reflects their attitude to Central Asia and Afghanistan. It’s another flagrant case of casting dirt at other cultures by Americans. Do you think you’re better than others?! A fat chance! Would you like if somebody called your national flag "an old tinkled mattress" for instance?!
The greatest document ever written provides in its first amendment the right to say things about and even to burn the American flag. What's the issue?
Which Americans are you referring too?

Unlike some nations we aren't people that act like robotic clones.
We respect other countries a lot. As a matter of fact most us are here from "other" countries and as a whole get along very well. Some were brought here against there will and under bad circumstances, but even they are doing pretty well here. We make fun of other countries just as much as they make fun of us.

Here's how much we respect other countries, to the tune of 1% of our GDP:

Foreign Assistance Fast Facts: FY2009

And that does not certainly count for all of the voluntary donations that millions of Americans make to other countries when "shit" happens.
Why Americans don’t respect other nations?

Why Americans don’t respect other nations? Do you know how do your compatriots call a Kirghiz airbase "Manas"? "Main Ass"!! What outrage!
You're seriously upset because of that? You probably shouldn't go to America then. We have even worse names for our own bases and cities. I would describe where I'm stationed at now as a forsaken shit hole in the middle of bumfuck nowhere New Mexico.

Moreover, when Kirghiz parliament talked over construction of a monument to national hero of the Manas epos, Americans decided to build a monument to "Main Ass" that completely reflects their attitude to Central Asia and Afghanistan.
I got a chuckle out of this.

It’s another flagrant case of casting dirt at other cultures by Americans. Do you think you’re better than others?! A fat chance! Would you like if somebody called your national flag "an old tinkled mattress" for instance?!
Develop a sense of humor. You can say whatever you want about our cities, people, culture, whatever. You can even talk shit about my flag, because you're a foreigner, and I don't expect you to understand a lot about us. Get a baby wipe, and scoop the sand out of your vagina, then come to realize that American Troops are vulgar bastards, and proud of it.
Why Americans don’t respect other nations?

Why Americans don’t respect other nations? Do you know how do your compatriots call a Kirghiz airbase "Manas"? "Main Ass"!! What outrage! Moreover, when Kirghiz parliament talked over construction of a monument to national hero of the Manas epos, Americans decided to build a monument to "Main Ass" that completely reflects their attitude to Central Asia and Afghanistan. It’s another flagrant case of casting dirt at other cultures by Americans. Do you think you’re better than others?! A fat chance! Would you like if somebody called your national flag "an old tinkled mattress" for instance?!

I don't know who you are or where you are from gringle but the greatest document on earth, the US Constitution, set the standard for the freedom you might be enjoying today. What's more there is a good chance that the greatest Country in the world saved your DNA about half a century ago along with most of the world. How about showing some humility and gratitude instead of corny bigotry..
Why Americans don’t respect other nations?

Why Americans don’t respect other nations? Do you know how do your compatriots call a Kirghiz airbase "Manas"? "Main Ass"!! What outrage! Moreover, when Kirghiz parliament talked over construction of a monument to national hero of the Manas epos, Americans decided to build a monument to "Main Ass" that completely reflects their attitude to Central Asia and Afghanistan. It’s another flagrant case of casting dirt at other cultures by Americans. Do you think you’re better than others?! A fat chance! Would you like if somebody called your national flag "an old tinkled mattress" for instance?!

It's "Man Ass".

Oh, and as far as respect for other nations goes, I'll respect them when they stop acting like they deserve American dollars and then turning around and shitting on us when they get our money.
Why Americans don’t respect other nations?

Much the same reason as a lot of western nations don't respect Islamic charity cases such as Kyrgystan. For the most part it's because they insist on remaining in the 11th century, but rely on outside funding for their feudal existance. That simply won't do, old boy! If you must carry-on as you are, then so be it. But do it off your own back, not ours.

Though having said all that, the rest of the world doesn't call them the Jewnited States for no reason. You know, on account of their incredibly niave arrangement with Israel. I mean, one often wonders who's actually pulling the strings - them, or the Jews that fund all their election campaigns. Food for thought, wouldn't you say?
Though having said all that, the rest of the world doesn't call them the Jewnited States for no reason. You know, on account of their incredibly niave arrangement with Israel. I mean, one often wonders who's actually pulling the strings - them, or the Jews that fund all their election campaigns. Food for thought, wouldn't you say?

Was that a joke, or are you really an anti-Semite?
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Why Americans don’t respect other nations?

Why Americans don’t respect other nations? Do you know how do your compatriots call a Kirghiz airbase "Manas"? "Main Ass"!! What outrage! Moreover, when Kirghiz parliament talked over construction of a monument to national hero of the Manas epos, Americans decided to build a monument to "Main Ass" that completely reflects their attitude to Central Asia and Afghanistan. It’s another flagrant case of casting dirt at other cultures by Americans. Do you think you’re better than others?! A fat chance! Would you like if somebody called your national flag "an old tinkled mattress" for instance?!

What an over-sensitive little fool you are! Run away and play with your Man Arse!
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Though having said all that, the rest of the world doesn't call them the Jewnited States for no reason. You know, on account of their incredibly niave arrangement with Israel. I mean, one often wonders who's actually pulling the strings - them, or the Jews that fund all their election campaigns. Food for thought, wouldn't you say?

Was that a joke, or are you really an anti-Semite?

What makes you think it was a joke; and what in the post you've quoted me on makes you think that I'm an anti-Semite?
Though having said all that, the rest of the world doesn't call them the Jewnited States for no reason. You know, on account of their incredibly niave arrangement with Israel. I mean, one often wonders who's actually pulling the strings - them, or the Jews that fund all their election campaigns. Food for thought, wouldn't you say?

Was that a joke, or are you really an anti-Semite?

What makes you think it was a joke; and what in the post you've quoted me on makes you think that I'm an anti-Semite?

So, you're an anti-Semite and an idiot? That figures.
Was that a joke, or are you really an anti-Semite?

What makes you think it was a joke; and what in the post you've quoted me on makes you think that I'm an anti-Semite?

So, you're an anti-Semite and an idiot? That figures.

I see, you've resorted to name-calling. How typical. Though I noticed that you omitted what could've been recieved as a derogatory comment on muslims in the post that you initially quoted me on. Do you not consider muslims worthy of your defensive indignation?
What makes you think it was a joke; and what in the post you've quoted me on makes you think that I'm an anti-Semite?

So, you're an anti-Semite and an idiot? That figures.

I see, you've resorted to name-calling. How typical. Though I noticed that you omitted what could've been recieved as a derogatory comment on muslims in the post that you initially quoted me on. Do you not consider muslims worthy of your defensive indignation?

I've resorted to describing you based on how you are presenting yourself here. And put away that sad attempt at a straw man. That was pathetically transparent.
So, you're an anti-Semite and an idiot? That figures.

I see, you've resorted to name-calling. How typical. Though I noticed that you omitted what could've been recieved as a derogatory comment on muslims in the post that you initially quoted me on. Do you not consider muslims worthy of your defensive indignation?

I've resorted to describing you based on how you are presenting yourself here. And put away that sad attempt at a straw man. That was pathetically transparent.

So you say. But the fact remains that you cherry picked a point of contention, due to what I'm assuming was personally relevant i.e - you're a Jew. In any case, it wasn't my intention to hurt your feelings.
Uncle Ferd says is `cause most of the rest of the world is namby-pamby when it comes to gettin' things straightened out...

... den we have to be the world's police...

... an' either lead the way...

... or do it all ourselves.

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