Why All This Drama Over Obama?


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2009
I wish I could post the entire article. I think it describes perfectly what is going on in this country.

Why All This Drama Over Obama?

Why Do Republicans and Tea Baggers Hate President Obama?

I guess more accurately the question should be why do some people hate President Obama? He was elected by a large margin of electoral votes so there are definitely a lot of people who like him. But that said! Why All his Drama Over Obama?

When he announced he was running for president, the secret service had to start guarding him about six months before they normally start guarding presidential candidates, because of all the death threats he was receiving. So the question is why is that? What had he done that was so bad that they had to start guarding him that early? Did he murder somebody, rape somebody, rob a bank, commit an act of terrorism?

No he didn't.

All through the presidential campaign there were people protesting his candidacy, calling him a traitor, a socialist, a communist, a Muslim or an Arab, (which to their minds were all bad things) but none of this was true! But they still persisted in spewing their hatred toward him and were not amenable to reason or the truth.

They want to de-legitimize his presidency and get him out of office by any means necessary! It was just one thing after another all summer long. Again Why All This Drama Over Obama?

As shocking as this may seem to some of you, there are some people in this country who just don’t want to see a black man be president of the United States! Or any none white person for that matter. But definitely not a black man! They say this is a white country and should be ruled or governed only by white people, preferably white men.

To these people (including some in the congress) President Obama can do no good. He could walk on water, bring the dead back to life, wipe out world hunger, bring peace to the world and they’ll find a way to find something wrong with what he did. Because it’s not about what he did. It’s about what he is!

Why Do Republicans And Tea Baggers Hate President Obama?
If only Obama wasn't just half white...then everyone would have happily endorsed his conservative policies.:eusa_whistle:
He was elected by a large margin of electoral votes…

That’s partly the reason why – conservatives were extremely angry that such a large number of Americans were rejecting the conservative agenda. To prove all those voters were wrong and redeem conservative dogma, Obama not only needed to be defeated but destroyed.

Remember also that republicans perceive the WH as their birthright, that democrats have ‘no business’ being president. Republicans have no interest in Congress, a venue of negotiations and compromise; as authoritarians, conservatives crave the Imperial Presidency where they can rule unhindered by the need for consensus.
What liberals reject is the fact that to the majority of conservatives, race makes no difference, policy does. Liberals simply want to make everything about race. That's why they wanted Obama in the first place.
I wish I could post the entire article. I think it describes perfectly what is going on in this country.

Why All This Drama Over Obama?

Why Do Republicans and Tea Baggers Hate President Obama?

I guess more accurately the question should be why do some people hate President Obama? He was elected by a large margin of electoral votes so there are definitely a lot of people who like him. But that said! Why All his Drama Over Obama?

When he announced he was running for president, the secret service had to start guarding him about six months before they normally start guarding presidential candidates, because of all the death threats he was receiving. So the question is why is that? What had he done that was so bad that they had to start guarding him that early? Did he murder somebody, rape somebody, rob a bank, commit an act of terrorism?

No he didn't.

All through the presidential campaign there were people protesting his candidacy, calling him a traitor, a socialist, a communist, a Muslim or an Arab, (which to their minds were all bad things) but none of this was true! But they still persisted in spewing their hatred toward him and were not amenable to reason or the truth.

They want to de-legitimize his presidency and get him out of office by any means necessary! It was just one thing after another all summer long. Again Why All This Drama Over Obama?

As shocking as this may seem to some of you, there are some people in this country who just don’t want to see a black man be president of the United States! Or any none white person for that matter. But definitely not a black man! They say this is a white country and should be ruled or governed only by white people, preferably white men.

To these people (including some in the congress) President Obama can do no good. He could walk on water, bring the dead back to life, wipe out world hunger, bring peace to the world and they’ll find a way to find something wrong with what he did. Because it’s not about what he did. It’s about what he is!

Why Do Republicans And Tea Baggers Hate President Obama?

I never met the man, I don't hate him, I do, however hate the ideals he espouses. If that makes me a racist, then you have a serious problem with reality.
The hate and lying that has been directed at President Obama is not normal. Come on, people!!! It has nothing to do with his policies. And this issue needs to be recognized. I'm tired of people acting like it doesn't exist.

If people don't want to be accused of being a racist then shey should not act like one.
And of course we have many on the right who feel the need to engage in ‘payback’ for GWB, ‘maligned and ridiculed’ for 8 years by the left.

Actually, I kinda figure Bush pretty much deserves the ridicule. Scary, huh? A conservative who can think for herself. Try it sometime. It's very liberating... and liberty is a very American concept.
Well sorry Rinata..Gas prices, national debt, unemployment, the business atmosphere, the splitting of the American people into groups of good and bad, the dirty dealings with obamacare, just to name a few of the failings of this President and his policies, this all points to a leader that just can't lead the country in a positive direction.

It's not primarily race although that does play a small part on both sides of the spectrum. Many, African Americans vote Obama because he's black and not because they feel he's doing a great job, that's a form of racism I simply accept. I can understand attacks on Obama being taken personally but there's more at stake than feelings, this country is going downhill at a rather quick pace. I fear for the country and my children's future quite honestly under an Obama Presidency.
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Well sorry Rinata..Gas prices, national debt, unemployment, the business atmosphere, the splitting of the American people into groups of good and bad, the dirty dealings with obamacare, just to name a few of the failings of this President, all point to a leader just that can't lead the country in a positive direction.

It's not primarily race although that does play a small on both sides of the spectrum. Many, African Americans vote Obama because he's black and not because they feel he's doing a great job, that's a form of racism I simply accept. I can understand attacks on Obama being taken personally but there's more at stake than feelings, this country is going downhill at a rather quick pace. I fear for the country and my children's future quite honestly under an Obama Presidency.

All that, and then some.

Any president who stands in front of the podium and calls his fellow Americans 'the enemy' simply because we do not support his 'agenda', is beyond offensive. Their president is a hack. And so is that fat ass Rinata.
He was elected by a large margin of electoral votes…

That’s partly the reason why – conservatives were extremely angry that such a large number of Americans were rejecting the conservative agenda. To prove all those voters were wrong and redeem conservative dogma, Obama not only needed to be defeated but destroyed.

Remember also that republicans perceive the WH as their birthright, that democrats have ‘no business’ being president. Republicans have no interest in Congress, a venue of negotiations and compromise; as authoritarians, conservatives crave the Imperial Presidency where they can rule unhindered by the need for consensus.


That..and he's um..black.


(But they did their damndest to destroy Clinton as well..)
Well sorry Rinata..Gas prices, national debt, unemployment, the business atmosphere, the splitting of the American people into groups of good and bad, the dirty dealings with obamacare, just to name a few of the failings of this President and his policies, this all points to a leader that just can't lead the country in a positive direction.

It's not primarily race although that does play a small on both sides of the spectrum. Many, African Americans vote Obama because he's black and not because they feel he's doing a great job, that's a form of racism I simply accept. I can understand attacks on Obama being taken personally but there's more at stake than feelings, this country is going downhill at a rather quick pace. I fear for the country and my children's future quite honestly under an Obama Presidency.

With the exception of the Obama care thing..most of what you mention is the result of Bush policies.

Lee Atwater, Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove have been engaging in wedge politics for quite some time. What exactly did you guys think was going to happen?
Well sorry Rinata..Gas prices, national debt, unemployment, the business atmosphere, the splitting of the American people into groups of good and bad, the dirty dealings with obamacare, just to name a few of the failings of this President, all point to a leader just that can't lead the country in a positive direction.

It's not primarily race although that does play a small on both sides of the spectrum. Many, African Americans vote Obama because he's black and not because they feel he's doing a great job, that's a form of racism I simply accept. I can understand attacks on Obama being taken personally but there's more at stake than feelings, this country is going downhill at a rather quick pace. I fear for the country and my children's future quite honestly under an Obama Presidency.

All that, and then some.

Any president who stands in front of the podium and calls his fellow Americans 'the enemy' simply because we do not support his 'agenda', is beyond offensive. Their president is a hack. And so is that fat ass Rinata.

Sheesh, Rinata has always been fine with me.. just sayin

CG.. Not to long ago I was visiting my daughter and along comes this young Gal around 8 years old, a cute little darlin, spunky as all get out, she was just kicking kid butt all over the place, including this statement to my grandson, "So..You don't want to play swords with me because your afraid a girl will kick your butt, right?"

She reminded me of You and my sister as a matter of fact....:lol:
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Well sorry Rinata..Gas prices, national debt, unemployment, the business atmosphere, the splitting of the American people into groups of good and bad, the dirty dealings with obamacare, just to name a few of the failings of this President, all point to a leader just that can't lead the country in a positive direction.

It's not primarily race although that does play a small on both sides of the spectrum. Many, African Americans vote Obama because he's black and not because they feel he's doing a great job, that's a form of racism I simply accept. I can understand attacks on Obama being taken personally but there's more at stake than feelings, this country is going downhill at a rather quick pace. I fear for the country and my children's future quite honestly under an Obama Presidency.

All that, and then some.

Any president who stands in front of the podium and calls his fellow Americans 'the enemy' simply because we do not support his 'agenda', is beyond offensive. Their president is a hack. And so is that fat ass Rinata.

Sheesh, Rinata has always been fine with me.. just sayin

CG.. Not to long ago I was visiting my daughter and along comes this young Gal around 8 years old, a cute little darlin, spunky as all get out, she was just kicking kid butt all over the place, including this statement to my grandson, "So..You don't want to play swords with me because your afraid a girl will kick your butt, right?"

She reminded me of You and my sister as a matter of fact....:lol:

And I would care about how Rinata is with you.... why exactly? Bitch is a tramp.
All that, and then some.

Any president who stands in front of the podium and calls his fellow Americans 'the enemy' simply because we do not support his 'agenda', is beyond offensive. Their president is a hack. And so is that fat ass Rinata.

Sheesh, Rinata has always been fine with me.. just sayin

CG.. Not to long ago I was visiting my daughter and along comes this young Gal around 8 years old, a cute little darlin, spunky as all get out, she was just kicking kid butt all over the place, including this statement to my grandson, "So..You don't want to play swords with me because your afraid a girl will kick your butt, right?"

She reminded me of You and my sister as a matter of fact....:lol:

And I would care about how Rinata is with you.... why exactly? Bitch is a tramp.

What.. are you fishing for more compliments? ...I like kids with lotsa spark..
Hate is a bit strong to describe my feelings. N.D.A.A. suffices to disqualify him, though there are other gripes I have.
The stronger emotion might apply to 'W'.
He was elected by a large margin of electoral votes…

That’s partly the reason why – conservatives were extremely angry that such a large number of Americans were rejecting the conservative agenda. To prove all those voters were wrong and redeem conservative dogma, Obama not only needed to be defeated but destroyed.

Remember also that republicans perceive the WH as their birthright, that democrats have ‘no business’ being president. Republicans have no interest in Congress, a venue of negotiations and compromise; as authoritarians, conservatives crave the Imperial Presidency where they can rule unhindered by the need for consensus.
2010 was the third biggest shift in power at a midterm and we've won most all elections since the country is moving to fiscal responsibility and the left will be almost extinct in Congress by 14

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