Why Africa is in the stone age and always will be.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Lengthy article about an american's experiences dealing with africans.

How Africans May Differ from Westerners

]I am an American who taught philosophy in several African universities from 1976 to 1988, and have lived since that time in South Africa. When I first came to Africa, I knew virtually nothing about the continent or its people, but I began learning quickly. I noticed, for example, that Africans rarely kept promises and saw no need to apologize when they broke them. It was as if they were unaware they had done anything that called for an apology

It took many years for me to understand why Africans behaved this way but I think I can now explain this and other behavior that characterizes Africa. I believe that morality requires abstract thinking—as does planning for the future—and that a relative deficiency in abstract thinking may explain many things that are typically African.

What follow are not scientific findings. There could be alternative explanations for what I have observed, but my conclusions are drawn from more than 30 years of living among Africans.

My first inklings about what may be a deficiency in abstract thinking came from what I began to learn about African languages. In a conversation with students in Nigeria I asked how you would say that a coconut is about halfway up the tree in their local language.

You can’t say that,” they explained.

All you can say is that it is ‘up’.” “How about right at the top?

Nope; just ‘up’.

In other words, there appeared to be no way to express gradations.*


White rule in South Africa ended in 1994. It was about ten years later that power outages began, which eventually reached crisis proportions. The principle reason for this is simply lack of maintenance on the generating equipment. Maintenance is future-oriented, and the Zulu entry in the dictionary for it is ondla, which means:

1. Nourish, rear; bring up;

2. Keep an eye on; watch (your crop).

In short, there is no such thing as maintenance in Zulu thought, and it would be hard to argue that this is wholly unrelated to the fact that when people throughout Africa say “nothing works,” it is only an exaggeration.
Many languages are static and can't expand, unlike the English language which is more fluid and flexible...But why do the English seem to not want to use prepositional phrases?
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Many languages are static and can't expand, unlike the English language which is more fluid and flexible...But why do the English seem to not want to use propositional phrases?
You mean prepositional phrases?

The answer is because Guns are stronger than spears. And Europe raped Africa for all its resources etc and now points to it as if they had nothing to do with the state of affairs there
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The answer is because Guns are stronger than spears. And Europe raped Africa for all its resources etc and now points to it as if they had nothing to do with the state of affairs there

Hey stupid. Wealth is not rocks in the ground. It's people with technical skills. Engineers and businessmen and scientists. Also farmers and plumbers are auto-repairmen. Blacks can't do things like that.
The answer is because Guns are stronger than spears. And Europe raped Africa for all its resources etc and now points to it as if they had nothing to do with the state of affairs there

Hey stupid. Wealth is not rocks in the ground. It's people with technical skills. Engineers and businessmen and scientists. Also farmers and plumbers are auto-repairmen. Blacks can't do things like that.

I didnt say what wealth is or is not. I said Europe raped the shit out of Africa and after raping it they stand back and complain about the results of their rapes.

You dont like facts so this fact disturbs you
The answer is because Guns are stronger than spears. And Europe raped Africa for all its resources etc and now points to it as if they had nothing to do with the state of affairs there

Hey stupid. Wealth is not rocks in the ground. It's people with technical skills. Engineers and businessmen and scientists. Also farmers and plumbers are auto-repairmen. Blacks can't do things like that.
Funny thing is, I know of black folks that do those trades you just listed...
It's terrible when a racist is over shadowed by someone like Ben Carson.....
The answer is because Guns are stronger than spears. And Europe raped Africa for all its resources etc and now points to it as if they had nothing to do with the state of affairs there

Hey stupid. Wealth is not rocks in the ground. It's people with technical skills. Engineers and businessmen and scientists. Also farmers and plumbers are auto-repairmen. Blacks can't do things like that.
Funny thing is, i know of black folks that do those trades you just listed...

He does too but in order to maintain the stupid OP he has to keep wearing the stupid mask
The answer is because Guns are stronger than spears. And Europe raped Africa for all its resources etc and now points to it as if they had nothing to do with the state of affairs there

Hey stupid. Wealth is not rocks in the ground. It's people with technical skills. Engineers and businessmen and scientists. Also farmers and plumbers are auto-repairmen. Blacks can't do things like that.
Funny thing is, i know of black folks that do those trades you just listed...

He does too but in order to maintain the stupid OP he has to keep wearing the stupid mask
Ignorance is bliss...
Many languages are static and can't expand, unlike the English language which is more fluid and flexible...But why do the English seem to not want to use prepositional phrases?

The only language I know of that is "static and can't expand" is Icelandic, and that's because it's intentionally kept that way to preserve an echo of Old Norse.

Not sure what the connection is though.
Many languages are static and can't expand, unlike the English language which is more fluid and flexible...But why do the English seem to not want to use prepositional phrases?

The only language I know of that is "static and can't expand" is Icelandic, and that's because it's intentionally kept that way to preserve an echo of Old Norse.

Not sure what the connection is though.
If you lived on a frozen volcano you would also....
The answer is because Guns are stronger than spears. And Europe raped Africa for all its resources etc and now points to it as if they had nothing to do with the state of affairs there

Hey stupid. Wealth is not rocks in the ground. It's people with technical skills. Engineers and businessmen and scientists. Also farmers and plumbers are auto-repairmen. Blacks can't do things like that.

Millions and millions of Africans do exactly that.

And all of them are more skilled than you.
Lengthy article about an american's experiences dealing with africans.

How Africans May Differ from Westerners

]I am an American who taught philosophy in several African universities from 1976 to 1988, and have lived since that time in South Africa. When I first came to Africa, I knew virtually nothing about the continent or its people, but I began learning quickly. I noticed, for example, that Africans rarely kept promises and saw no need to apologize when they broke them. It was as if they were unaware they had done anything that called for an apology

It took many years for me to understand why Africans behaved this way but I think I can now explain this and other behavior that characterizes Africa. I believe that morality requires abstract thinking—as does planning for the future—and that a relative deficiency in abstract thinking may explain many things that are typically African.

What follow are not scientific findings. There could be alternative explanations for what I have observed, but my conclusions are drawn from more than 30 years of living among Africans.

My first inklings about what may be a deficiency in abstract thinking came from what I began to learn about African languages. In a conversation with students in Nigeria I asked how you would say that a coconut is about halfway up the tree in their local language.

You can’t say that,” they explained.

All you can say is that it is ‘up’.” “How about right at the top?

Nope; just ‘up’.

In other words, there appeared to be no way to express gradations.*


White rule in South Africa ended in 1994. It was about ten years later that power outages began, which eventually reached crisis proportions. The principle reason for this is simply lack of maintenance on the generating equipment. Maintenance is future-oriented, and the Zulu entry in the dictionary for it is ondla, which means:

1. Nourish, rear; bring up;

2. Keep an eye on; watch (your crop).

In short, there is no such thing as maintenance in Zulu thought, and it would be hard to argue that this is wholly unrelated to the fact that when people throughout Africa say “nothing works,” it is only an exaggeration.

The Africa that I saw on this thread was not in the stone ages: African Adult cinema
I didnt say what wealth is or is not. I said Europe raped the shit out of Africa and after raping it they stand back and complain about the results of their rapes.

You dont like facts so this fact disturbs you

Fact is africa peaked in the 1950s when colonialism peaked. Then the independence movement started and the continent has gone down the tubes ever since. Resources are not important. Tech skills are important and black africans can't do things like that.
Funny thing is, I know of black folks that do those trades you just listed...
It's terrible when a racist is over shadowed by someone like Ben Carson.....

Carson is a fraud. He has admitted he gto thru college via affirmative action and that means his degrees are honorary. THINK
Millions and millions of Africans do exactly that.


You mean they call themselves businessmen or engineers when the fact is they can't read or even add up a column of numbers. Affirmative action is everywhere in africa and it's destroying the continent. THINK

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