Why A Speech On Tuesday?,Need Time For "Teleprompter Preparation" ??

Feb 1, 2013
Naples,Marco Area

Why "Tuesday"? why not last Friday or Saturday?
What are we waiting for? Millions of Americans are borderline panic mode. They can't make any financial decisions till the Syrian crisis comes to an end.:eusa_pray:
Or could it be that our "Jesus Like Leader" needs 4 to 5 days to rehearse the speech?
Why Can't Obama just go on live TV and talk directly to the 300 Million Americans and tell us all what in Gods Name Is Going On In The Middle East! and what can you do to solve the crisis?
Can any of you take another 3 years of your own leader reading cue cards?:trolls:
Does anyone else find it ironic that the Congress is going to vote on 9-11 on helping AQ to win a civil war?
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Bush didnt wait 4/5 days after 9/11 to address the nation of the horror. he didnt even ask for a teleprompter. he stayed at the school in Sarasota, spoke of the terror in New York, and flew back to DC. and yet they bashed Bush?
There's one reason above all others that President Obama uses a teleprompter in delivering most of his speeches: he's good at it.

Ronald Reagan was the same way. He was more at ease in reading his speech off the dual screens of a teleprompter than looking up and down at a speech text on his lectern

Not so, George W. Bush. He often got that nervous, deer-in-the-headlights look when giving an address from a teleprompter. He would seem stiff and ill-at-ease. He did not convey a sense of understanding.

"He preferred using large index cards," said his one-time White House Press Secretary Ari Fleisher, "plus I think he was just more comfortable with the cards."

Waaaaahhhh I don't have anything so I'll cry about something that's gone on for decades. But only now I pretend it bothers me waaaaaahhh
Bush didnt wait 4/5 days after 9/11 to address the nation of the horror. he didnt even ask for a teleprompter. he stayed at the school in Sarasota, spoke of the terror in New York, and flew back to DC. and yet they bashed Bush?

:lol::lol::lol: Bush never goes anywhere without his teleprompter. In the rare cases he was without it, he spoke like an inbred yokel making up words and sending people into complete outrages like his "crusade" nonsense.
I'm not sure of relevancy of the Wubious comparison, but i read some commentary on how Obama continues giving these feats or oratory, but nobody's listening anymore.
Bush didnt wait 4/5 days after 9/11 to address the nation of the horror. he didnt even ask for a teleprompter. he stayed at the school in Sarasota, spoke of the terror in New York, and flew back to DC. and yet they bashed Bush?

Crap, I didn't realize we were just attacked again. Who did it this time? Obama better talk to all of us about this attack on America right now. :cuckoo:
Seems he is waiting for Congress to return from their one month vacation
President Obama speaks to us every single week.

All presidents and others use teleprompters. Give it a rest already.

No one is voting to help al Qeada but if they were, the rw's would vote to help them. The R has always been against Obamas killing of al Qeada. Except, of course, when they're trying to take credit for it.

FACT is Putin was ready to help Syria UNTIL Obama talked to him. Then, ever so suddenly, Putin is telling Syria to stand down.

The rw's will always side against their own country but they can't ignore the facts of this.

Well, actually, of course they can. LOL
wrong, Bush did not need a teleprompter on 9/11 when he spoke to those 6th graders! but didn't Obama need a teleprompter to speak at some elementry school?

But Bush did need that cute little book to read from. Little goats or something.

bush was an idiot, a liar and a failure. Why bring him up and embarrass yourself?

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