whuts yer eye que


no fly list
Jan 6, 2007
::simple-iq.com:: -- Simple IQ Test -- The free and simple online ...FREE ONLINE IQ TEST. This is a very accurate IQ test. Will test your brain in 38 questions, for like 13 minutes or less.
simple-iq.com/ - 3k - Cached - Similar pages

my score was 115 a LITTLE above average , couldn't they have just said above average and left out the little part
137...but I think its a bit bullshit. A lot of the questions were overly vague imo.
Last Time I took one it was 129 but as Larkinn points out, they are prone to be overly simplistic and generalized. Any reasonable test will, in fact, tell you just that before you take and again when it gives you the results.
Took and paid for the GIQ test on that page.

Score was 123 over all. They said thats higher than 93.74 % of the population ( they didn't specify but I assume they mean world wide) The test is ( according to them) with in 4 percent of what you would get on a proctored test ( assuming you didn't cheat, and I didn't)

Unfortunately I am not mensa material, you gotta have a 131 for that :eusa_dance:

They Break the 5 areas of the test down. Basicly 10 is average and 20 is max.

I did poorly on the recall section. 10 was my score. Picture section I got a 15, vocabulary I got an 18, relationship questions was a 15 and my strong section was Arithmetic section, got a 19 there, not sure what question I missed to only get a 19. I suspect I know though.

Concentration, short term memory, sequential ability are in the area I did poorly in. I was surprised I did so well with those blasted pictures , I hate those things. My concentration has been shot since 1995 when I got sick. All the meds probably don't help either LOL. Well and I have been up all night.

After over all score they also list Verbal ( was over 130) I scored at 0ver 98.61 on that and the other was Performance.

Performance I got a whomping 55.3% just over 100.

For a measley 10 bucks you too can take the test.
A lot of the questions were overly vague imo.

Much like the political questionnaires online are, that tell you what your political stance is. The sad part is that these things exist so prominently because there are enough people who actually take them seriously.

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