Who's The Guy In Charge, Again.....??


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Federal Budget Deficit Up in March from Year Prior
Published April 11, 2012

The monthly U.S. budget deficit widened to $198.16 billion in March from $188.15 billion in the same month a year earlier, partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March, the Treasury Department said on Wednesday.

The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March, although the first few months of the fiscal year are often higher than the remainder of the year by historical standards, Treasury said. Economists surveyed by Reuters had forecast a $196 billion gap.

Read more: Federal Budget Deficit Up in March from Year Prior | Fox Business


"Credit rating agency Egan Jones downgraded the United States Thursday on concern over the sustainability of public debt. Egan Jones is one of the most important ratings firms in the world; they lowered our credit level from AA+ to AA. The firm reduced America from AAA to AA+ in July 2011, just before Standard & Poor’s did the same.

Egan Jones warned. ”Without some structural changes soon, restoring credit quality will become increasingly difficult . . . without some structural changes soon, restoring credit quality will become increasingly difficult.” They added that there was a 1.2% probability of U.S default in the next 12 months. The company cited the fact that the US’s total debt, which now equals its total GDP, is rising and soon will eclipse the national GDP; the company sees the debt rising to 112% of the GDP by 2014.

OK, that isn’t good news for the country, but why wasn’t this covered by the MSM?"
We Were Downgraded Again, and the MSM Didn’t Cover it » Conservative Hideout 2.0

Four more years?
Yeah, right........
I've got a way to guarantee to fix the defecit.

Lets say the 2013 budget goes over by 13%. Then those responsible for the budget get a 13% pay cut.
OK, that isn’t good news for the country, but why wasn’t this covered by the MSM?"
We Were Downgraded Again, and the MSM Didn’t Cover it » Conservative Hideout 2.0...

Mostly because the free markets you claim to love so much still show that Americas debt is AAA..

Its also nice to note that so far during Obama's budget years the deficit has decreased slightly. Compared to Bush who started out with a 200billion surplus and turned it into a trillion dollar deficit.
US Federal Deficit by Year - Charts Analysis
partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March....

The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March,

Now that is just brilliant.

Is that in nominal or real dollars?

And what about on a per capita basis?

Hmm, and in terms of tax receipts relative to the GDP?

Gee, I wonder why it would be a record high for March. Let's see if there might be a clue....

Could it be partly partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March?

Nah, that can't be it.

Gee, I can't think of why.

Does the phrase "Putting one and one together" mean anything to you?

How about "confirmation bias"?

If Reagan were alive today, and running for President, I'd vote Independent just so as to not be associated with these so called "conservatives".

Really, how devoid of basic reasoning skills does one have to be to think they have "discovered" something, and post;

"partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March...The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March..."

I use to think that people were basically intelligent, at least tried to be. Now I am convinced that they actually try NOT to be. What are the odds of coming up with something that brainless our of shear dumb "luck". The only rational explanation is simply not trying to be coherent.

It's like some sort of self re-enforcing behavior. "If I just keep posting stupid stuff enough, then I can convince myself that they make sense."

Please, tell me that it was a mistake.

I literally got all light headed. It is like one of those rare moments when reality is so far beyond believable that your mind just cannot comprehend it. You know, that feeling you get when you go to the parking lot and your car is gone. At first, there is that moment when it just makes no sense what so ever because you know you didn't leave it at work, then you realize that it was stolen.

Really, you think that "partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March...The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March..." means what you want it to mean?


There is this thing called basic reasoning and rationality. It takes precedence over the conclusion. Whatever the conclusion is, it is what it is. You can't ignore reason to force the conclusion to be true. It is simple insanity. It's psychotic.

Rationality, sane thinking is a learned behavior. You have to at least try.

The next thing, you'll be convincing yourself that your boyfriend isn't really a bad guy, he didn't mean to hit you.

partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March....

The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March,

Now that is just brilliant.

Is that in nominal or real dollars?

And what about on a per capita basis?

Hmm, and in terms of tax receipts relative to the GDP?

Gee, I wonder why it would be a record high for March. Let's see if there might be a clue....

Could it be partly partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March?

Nah, that can't be it.

Gee, I can't think of why.

Does the phrase "Putting one and one together" mean anything to you?

How about "confirmation bias"?

If Reagan were alive today, and running for President, I'd vote Independent just so as to not be associated with these so called "conservatives".

Really, how devoid of basic reasoning skills does one have to be to think they have "discovered" something, and post;

"partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March...The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March..."

I use to think that people were basically intelligent, at least tried to be. Now I am convinced that they actually try NOT to be. What are the odds of coming up with something that brainless our of shear dumb "luck". The only rational explanation is simply not trying to be coherent.

It's like some sort of self re-enforcing behavior. "If I just keep posting stupid stuff enough, then I can convince myself that they make sense."

Please, tell me that it was a mistake.

I literally got all light headed. It is like one of those rare moments when reality is so far beyond believable that your mind just cannot comprehend it. You know, that feeling you get when you go to the parking lot and your car is gone. At first, there is that moment when it just makes no sense what so ever because you know you didn't leave it at work, then you realize that it was stolen.

Really, you think that "partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March...The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March..." means what you want it to mean?


There is this thing called basic reasoning and rationality. It takes precedence over the conclusion. Whatever the conclusion is, it is what it is. You can't ignore reason to force the conclusion to be true. It is simple insanity. It's psychotic.

Rationality, sane thinking is a learned behavior. You have to at least try.

The next thing, you'll be convincing yourself that your boyfriend isn't really a bad guy, he didn't mean to hit you.


"There is this thing called basic reasoning and rationality."

Now, if that were in great supply, Barack Obama would be back in Chicago organizing the clean-up of empty lots.
partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March.... The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March,
Now that is just brilliant. Is that in nominal or real dollars? And what about on a per capita basis? Hmm, and in terms of tax receipts relative to the GDP?

Really, you think that "partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March...The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March..." means what you want it to mean?

There is this thing called basic reasoning and rationality. It takes precedence over the conclusion. Whatever the conclusion is, it is what it is. You can't ignore reason to force the conclusion to be true. It is simple insanity. It's psychotic.

Rationality, sane thinking is a learned behavior. You have to at least try.:bang3:

"There is this thing called basic reasoning and rationality."

Now, if that were in great supply, Barack Obama would be back in Chicago organizing the clean-up of empty lots.

Deflection. Your reasoning skills has nothing to do with other people.
Now that is just brilliant. Is that in nominal or real dollars? And what about on a per capita basis? Hmm, and in terms of tax receipts relative to the GDP?

Really, you think that "partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March...The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March..." means what you want it to mean?

There is this thing called basic reasoning and rationality. It takes precedence over the conclusion. Whatever the conclusion is, it is what it is. You can't ignore reason to force the conclusion to be true. It is simple insanity. It's psychotic.

Rationality, sane thinking is a learned behavior. You have to at least try.:bang3:

"There is this thing called basic reasoning and rationality."

Now, if that were in great supply, Barack Obama would be back in Chicago organizing the clean-up of empty lots.

Deflection. Your reasoning skills has nothing to do with other people.

The OP is one more element that proves post #5.

The larger picture includes:

1. "Even though Obama has presided over the greatest increase in debt ever, he and his fellow democrats and the mainstream media continue to blame Bush and the GOP, as Obama nears the end of his third year as president, and democrats controlled all of congress for 4 years from 2007 to 2011, and still controls the senate."
The Debt, Who's Responsible

Now, focus like a laser....do you begin to see where the OP fits?

2. 'Don’t you hate it when your own words come back to bite you in the butt? Back in Febuary 2009 President Obama told Today Show host Matt Lauer that he’d be a one-term president if he didn’t fix the economy in three years.

“I will be held accountable,” Obama said. “I’ve got four years and … A year form now, I think people are going to see that we’re starting to make some progress, but there’s still going to be some pain out there … If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”'
Obama 2009: If I can

OP-> not 'fixed'....

Bye, bye.....
The OP is one more element that proves post #5.

It doesn't. On it's own, in the words "partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March", it eliminates itself as fitting into or proof of anything. The OP simply says that the nominal level for March was higher then other Marchs. And it says that this is partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March. It says that, to even begin to use March, you have to remove the effect of the April payments.

Now, focus like a laser.....

There is this thing called basic reasoning and rationality.

Scampering off to something else doesn't change that.

Presenting "evidence" of something, that the evidence doesn't support, as if it did, is as much an attempt at deceit as anything. It is not just a lame attempt at deceit, it's down right insulting to the reader. It screams on a total lack of respect for others.

Now, focus like a laser....do you begin to see where the OP fits? Good.

Clearly, by this very phrasing, you demonstrate a fundamental lack of respect. Your not the "mommy" teaching others.

Not only this, but the OP doesn't "fit" into anything.

That the car doesn't start doesn't mean that a scratch on the door therefore "fits", even if the scratch was caused by the same guy that was driving it when it ran out of gas.

Just because a jigsaw piece from another puzzle has roughly the same collars as the one your working on, doesn't mean it "fits" is the edges don't match.

Why would anyone in their right mind give any credence to any of your ideas when you demonstrate the willingness to abandon the most basic reasoning in a desperate attempt to prove some a-priori conclusion, when you demonstrate confirmation bias?

Do you simply have so little respect for other people, that you blatantly present complete and obvious bullshit, essentially lying to others?

Why would you even trust your own conclusions, when you are willing to force a meaning on information that it clearly don't have?

Do you really believe that because you know you are right, then it justifies what is basically immoral behavior?

Is it that you just simply and willingly lie to yourself, and lying to others is just a side effect? Really, if you don't have enough respect for yourself, at least have respect for others.

Now, focus like a laser....

The larger picture includes:...

There is no point in following your reasoning any further, given that you demonstrate a complete lack of respect for the intelligence of others.

By your own statement, if the OP is an example of "one more element that fits", then nothing else you have to present fits.

You've already demonstrated that you cannot be trusted to present honest reasoning and information.

I just want you to explain why you believe that you are deserving of respect when you clearly have none for others?

I want you to explain why, if you were drowning, I should bother to throw you a life preserver. Because, at this point, I can see that the average national IQ and rationality would go up if you were to depart from this planet.
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The OP is one more element that proves post #5.

It doesn't. On it's own, in the words "partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March", it eliminates itself as fitting into or proof of anything. The OP simply says that the nominal level for March was higher then other Marchs. And it says that this is partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March. It says that, to even begin to use March, you have to remove the effect of the April payments.

Now, focus like a laser.....

There is this thing called basic reasoning and rationality.

Scampering off to something else doesn't change that.

Presenting "evidence" of something, that the evidence doesn't support, as if it did, is as much an attempt at deceit as anything. It is not just a lame attempt at deceit, it's down right insulting to the reader. It screams on a total lack of respect for others.

Now, focus like a laser....do you begin to see where the OP fits? Good.

Clearly, by this very phrasing, you demonstrate a fundamental lack of respect. Your not the "mommy" teaching others.

Not only this, but the OP doesn't "fit" into anything.

That the car doesn't start doesn't mean that a scratch on the door therefore "fits", even if the scratch was caused by the same guy that was driving it when it ran out of gas.

Just because a jigsaw piece from another puzzle has roughly the same collars as the one your working on, doesn't mean it "fits" is the edges don't match.

Why would anyone in their right mind give any credence to any of your ideas when you demonstrate the willingness to abandon the most basic reasoning in a desperate attempt to prove some a-priori conclusion, when you demonstrate confirmation bias?

Do you simply have so little respect for other people, that you blatantly present complete and obvious bullshit, essentially lying to others?

Why would you even trust your own conclusions, when you are willing to force a meaning on information that it clearly don't have?

Do you really believe that because you know you are right, then it justifies what is basically immoral behavior?

Is it that you just simply and willingly lie to yourself, and lying to others is just a side effect? Really, if you don't have enough respect for yourself, at least have respect for others.

Now, focus like a laser....

The larger picture includes:...

There is no point in following your reasoning any further, given that you demonstrate a complete lack of respect for the intelligence of others.

You've already demonstrated that you cannot be trusted to present honest reasoning and information.

I just want you to explain why you believe that you are deserving of respect when you clearly have none for others?

I want you to explain why, if you were drowning, I should bother to throw you a life preserver. Because, at this point, I can see that the average national IQ and rationality would go up if you were to depart from this planet.

The tension is so thick you could cut it with a tension-cutting device!

1. Let's review...
The data presented in this thread indicates that the current occupant of the White House has assumed responsibilities far beyond his abilities.
This is verified by his own statement.

2. Any who still support this empty suit 'have already demonstrated that they cannot be trusted to incorporate reasoning and information into their worldview, and may be...sadly...beyond help.

3. BTW...it's not 'Your not the "mommy" teaching others."
It's You're not the "mommy" teaching others.
You're welcome.

4. "OP doesn't "fit" into anything."
This is evidence that you will never be convinced of the blunder of supporting
President Obama.

5. If I were to say ‘it’s not you, it’s me,’…I’d be lying.

6. "There is no point in following your reasoning any further..."
Due to your limitations, that is a true statement.

....see ya'....
Every manner of deflection, except addressing the OP, the reasoning that

"partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March, The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March."

presents any information beyond it needing to be adjusted by removing the April before it can be compared to anything.

Holding to rational thinking isn't supporting anything except rational thinking. Just because YOUR trying to prove something and I'm pointing out that the proof is irrational, doesn't lead to a conclusion that I am supporting the opposition of YOU'RE premise.

Is this concept of considering the logic and reasoning, independent of the subject, foreign to you?

If you said, "that oranges were better then apples", and I said, "you can't compare apples to oranges", would you then conclude I must like apples?

At no time, have I addressed the subject of Obama or the deficit. My subject is your reasoning, that an unadjusted budget number can be compared to another unadjusted budget number.

I'm just trying to get you to explain what this "logic" is that leads you to believe that you can ignore the "partly because some benefit payments", even ignore things like "per capita" and "real dollar". Thees are as basic as it comes.

And I'm trying to decide if it is because you simply have no respect for the reader, you are intentionally ignorant, or you have some mental deficiency.
Every manner of deflection, except addressing the OP, the reasoning that

"partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March, The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March."

presents any information beyond it needing to be adjusted by removing the April before it can be compared to anything.

Holding to rational thinking isn't supporting anything except rational thinking. Just because YOUR trying to prove something and I'm pointing out that the proof is irrational, doesn't lead to a conclusion that I am supporting the opposition of YOU'RE premise.

Is this concept of considering the logic and reasoning, independent of the subject, foreign to you?

If you said, "that oranges were better then apples", and I said, "you can't compare apples to oranges", would you then conclude I must like apples?

At no time, have I addressed the subject of Obama or the deficit. My subject is your reasoning, that an unadjusted budget number can be compared to another unadjusted budget number.

I'm just trying to get you to explain what this "logic" is that leads you to believe that you can ignore the "partly because some benefit payments", even ignore things like "per capita" and "real dollar". Thees are as basic as it comes.

And I'm trying to decide if it is because you simply have no respect for the reader, you are intentionally ignorant, or you have some mental deficiency.

1. Hey....what happened to:
"There is no point in following your reasoning any further, given that you demonstrate a complete lack of respect for the intelligence of others."

Couldn't stay away, huh?

I don't blame you.

2. OK...let's confirm:
Was the OP correct re: the Obama administration presided over this "The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March,..."??

It was?

So the OP was correct? Flawless, in fact?

Did it reflect poorly on the Obama administration, as intended??
OK then!

3. Did you notice the second part of the OP: "Credit rating agency Egan Jones downgraded the United States Thursday on concern over the sustainability of public debt. Egan Jones is one of the most important ratings firms in the world; they lowered our credit level from AA+ to AA."

Did it occur to you that this, as well, is hardly a good reflection on the Obama administration?
No? Well, folks more perceptive than you are made the connection....

Now, don't worry....Moses was once a basket case.

4. So, your posts really didn't address the point, that the Obama administration is an economic disaster...did they?

Don't worry...with a little help, you'll probably get better at this. Maybe a lot of help.

5. By the way...the 'deflection' is in not addressing the theme, the terrible job that Obama is doing. That would be you.

Write soon.....y'hear?
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Every manner of deflection, except addressing the OP, the reasoning that

"partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March, The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March."

presents any information beyond it needing to be adjusted by removing the April before it can be compared to anything.

Was the OP correct re: the Obama administration presided over this "The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March,..."??

It was?

Every president has presided over a record deficit since the 60's.

It was also a record GDP, a record population, a record CPI, a record tax receipts and record outlays, record consumption, record gross national incomes, record gross exports and imports.

Yeah, every president has presided over a record for all of these.

Whats your point?
Every manner of deflection, except addressing the OP, the reasoning that

"partly because some benefit payments normally made in April were shifted to March, The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March."

presents any information beyond it needing to be adjusted by removing the April before it can be compared to anything.

Was the OP correct re: the Obama administration presided over this "The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March,..."??

It was?

Every president has presided over a record deficit since the 60's.

It was also a record GDP, a record population, a record CPI, a record tax receipts and record outlays, record consumption, record gross national incomes, record gross exports and imports.

Yeah, every president has presided over a record for all of these.

Whats your point?

1. "Whats your point?"

Now, Itzzy....I realize you are....'slow'....
...but this query defies credibility..

2. You've read, or had someone read to you, my OP and several posts designed to reveal the ineptitude of this empty suit in the White House....

...and you claim to be oblivious of the 'point'?


3. Let's remind all:

a. "Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined"
Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined | CNSNews.com

b. "Obama in 2009: If I can’t fix the economy in three years, you can call me former President Obama"
Obama 2009: If I can

4. "Whats your point?"
If that is your actual question, I'm beginning to believe that are so dumb you can only hitchhike in one direction.

As a child, did you often mistake an Ant Farm for an Etch-A-Sketch?
2. You've read, or had someone read to you, my OP and several posts designed to reveal the ineptitude of this empty suit in the White House....
Has already shown your OP was ignorant inaccruate and stupid pretty much just like everything you post
3. Let's remind all:
a. "Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined"
Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined | CNSNews.com
Actually under Obama the deficit has decreased far better then Bush taking a surplus and turning it into a trillion dollar deficit
But i realiszxe that you are to stupid to see reality so g on
Was the OP correct re: the Obama administration presided over this "The monthly U.S. budget deficit was the highest on record for the month of March,..."??

It was?

Every president has presided over a record deficit since the 60's.

It was also a record GDP, a record population, a record CPI, a record tax receipts and record outlays, record consumption, record gross national incomes, record gross exports and imports.

Yeah, every president has presided over a record for all of these.

Whats your point?

1. "Whats your point?"

Now, Itzzy....I realize you are....'slow'....
...but this query defies credibility..

2. You've read, or had someone read to you, my OP and several posts designed to reveal the ineptitude of this empty suit in the White House....

...and you claim to be oblivious of the 'point'?


3. Let's remind all:

a. "Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined"
Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined | CNSNews.com

b. "Obama in 2009: If I can’t fix the economy in three years, you can call me former President Obama"
Obama 2009: If I can

4. "Whats your point?"
If that is your actual question, I'm beginning to believe that are so dumb you can only hitchhike in one direction.

As a child, did you often mistake an Ant Farm for an Etch-A-Sketch?

Let me see if I can get this very simple point into your thick skull.

You are wrong. The reason you are wrong is because you have no evidence.

It may be that Obama, Bush, Reagan, and Clinton all sucked.

But you don't know if they did or didn't.

There are three ways on knowing something. You can know it is so. You can know it is not so. Or you can have no clue.

You have no clue.

Your very reason is detached from reality.

Every president has had a record deficit since Reagan.

Because every president has had a record deficit means that it means nothing.

It is always a record, in part, because the economy and population grows.

Do you even know nominal and real dollars means? What per capita means? Are you capable of doing basic algebra, like calculating rate of change?

Nothing you present has any meaning.

You may, on occasion, happen to present something relevant, and it is a rare occasion, but a broken clock is right twice a day.

Like I said, if you were to die today, the national IQ would increase.

Your simply fucking stupid, beyond comprehension.
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2. You've read, or had someone read to you, my OP and several posts designed to reveal the ineptitude of this empty suit in the White House....
Has already shown your OP was ignorant inaccruate and stupid pretty much just like everything you post
3. Let's remind all:
a. "Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined"
Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined | CNSNews.com
Actually under Obama the deficit has decreased far better then Bush taking a surplus and turning it into a trillion dollar deficit
But i realiszxe that you are to stupid to see reality so g on

Your post is the usual untrue sophmoric tripe.

I’d love to hear the rest of your rant, but I’m very busy…I have several more quarters to flip.
Every president has presided over a record deficit since the 60's.

It was also a record GDP, a record population, a record CPI, a record tax receipts and record outlays, record consumption, record gross national incomes, record gross exports and imports.

Yeah, every president has presided over a record for all of these.

Whats your point?

1. "Whats your point?"

Now, Itzzy....I realize you are....'slow'....
...but this query defies credibility..

2. You've read, or had someone read to you, my OP and several posts designed to reveal the ineptitude of this empty suit in the White House....

...and you claim to be oblivious of the 'point'?


3. Let's remind all:

a. "Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined"
Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined | CNSNews.com

b. "Obama in 2009: If I can’t fix the economy in three years, you can call me former President Obama"
Obama 2009: If I can

4. "Whats your point?"
If that is your actual question, I'm beginning to believe that are so dumb you can only hitchhike in one direction.

As a child, did you often mistake an Ant Farm for an Etch-A-Sketch?

Let me see if I can get this very simple point into your thick skull.

You are wrong. The reason you are wrong is because you have no evidence.

It may be that Obama, Bush, Reagan, and Clinton all sucked.

But you don't know if they did or didn't.

There are three ways on knowing something. You can know it is so. You can know it is not so. Or you can have no clue.

You have no clue.

Your very reason is detached from reality.

Every president has had a record deficit since Reagan.

Because every president has had a record deficit means that it means nothing.

It is always a record, in part, because the economy and population grows.

Do you even know nominal and real dollars means? What per capita means? Are you capable of doing basic algebra, like calculating rate of change?

Nothing you present has any meaning.

You may, on occasion, happen to present something relevant, and it is a rare occasion, but a broken clock is right twice a day.

Like I said, if you were to die today, the national IQ would increase.

Your simply fucking stupid, beyond comprehension.
Being as weak as you are, the ease with which liberalism can mesmerize, and constrict any nascent insight, was within the blink of an eye.

"Your simply fucking stupid, beyond comprehension."
Now, now...you're in public, not talking to the family.

Nothing reeks of loser more than the language I've reduced you to.....

And the simple-minded are the easiest, I've found, to twist around my finger....
How many times have you fallen for Lucy’s football trick?

I note that you've also ignored:
"Obama Has Now Increased Debt[/B] More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined"

Perhaps I've over-estimated your ability...
Let me make you feel at home, I’ll speak to you in the language you are most familiar with: sit-stay-roll over.
Good boy!

But, I must admit how nice it is to have you here, Itzzy.....you could be known as the 'Human Piñata.'

Ooooo, no....did I enrage you again?
Tsk, tsk.....
Well, that's the penalty for trying to compete over your head....
2. You've read, or had someone read to you, my OP and several posts designed to reveal the ineptitude of this empty suit in the White House....
Has already shown your OP was ignorant inaccruate and stupid pretty much just like everything you post
3. Let's remind all:
a. "Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined"
Obama Has Now Increased Debt More than All Presidents from George Washington Through George H.W. Bush Combined | CNSNews.com
Actually under Obama the deficit has decreased far better then Bush taking a surplus and turning it into a trillion dollar deficit
But i realiszxe that you are to stupid to see reality so g on

Your post is the usual untrue sophmoric tripe.

I’d love to hear the rest of your rant, but I’m very busy…I have several more quarters to flip.
Bushes last budget year saw a deficit of 1.4trillion which equaled more then 10% of GDP
Since then the deficit has fallen by around 100billion and now equals 9% of GDP.
Also Bush started with a budget surplus that equaled around 2% of GDP
US Federal Deficit by Year - Charts Analysis
SO like always you are a clueless partisan hack
Has already shown your OP was ignorant inaccruate and stupid pretty much just like everything you post

Actually under Obama the deficit has decreased far better then Bush taking a surplus and turning it into a trillion dollar deficit
But i realiszxe that you are to stupid to see reality so g on

Your post is the usual untrue sophmoric tripe.

I’d love to hear the rest of your rant, but I’m very busy…I have several more quarters to flip.
Bushes last budget year saw a deficit of 1.4trillion which equaled more then 10% of GDP
Since then the deficit has fallen by around 100billion and now equals 9% of GDP.
Also Bush started with a budget surplus that equaled around 2% of GDP
US Federal Deficit by Year - Charts Analysis
SO like always you are a clueless partisan hack

The Clinton surplus is a myth.

Never happened.

Not surprising that you believe it, though.

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