Whoopie Dehumanizes Trump Asks Kamala Harris "When Are You Gonna Get THAT Out Of WH"?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Whoopie Goldberg is a racist.

This imbecile doesn't care what a president does while in office as long as he's black, female, or Gay.

It's clear that the only reason Whoopie has a problem with President Trump is because he isn't a Democrat.
If that were the case she would totally ignore any imaginary flaws he might have. She seems to do it with everyone else she knows personally.
Whoopie automatically hates straight people, men, whites in general, and really hates Republicans.

So this week Whoopie is talking to another imbecile, Rep Kamala Harris, a woman who most notably slept her way to the top. Sleeping with your boss is just fine if you're a Democrat. Apparently so is molesting under age girls and starlets. It's just fine with Whoopie as long as you're a Democrat.

So we have these people on "The View", who are arguably outright degenerates, talking about a president like he's an object of disgust, an inanimate object. Like he's not even worthy of being called a human-being. And the audience is applauding this crap enthusiastically. It would be great if someone told those people in the audience about the private lives of those people up on stage, and the people they prefer to associate with.
'View' Hosts Obsess over Race, Trump with 2020 Dem Kamala Harris

It is very apparent that Whoopie Goldberg either thinks truthfully or is faking the feeling that she's living in a pre-Civil Rights America that existed during the JFK Administration. She is so paranoid that she thinks that Trump is going to bring us back to those days and throw her back in chains. Chains she never wore in her life. She is literally insane if she thinks that is what is going to happen.

The View has 5 crazy hosts, including Megan McCain, spreading lies and Democrat propaganda, and the network supports this. They are allowed to spread this rubbish to the cheers of a hand-picked studio audience. No wonder so many in America are confused about what is real and what is just another Democrat hoax.

Don't get me wrong.They have every right to spread their views, but as a network that has an FCC license....do they have the right to lie to the public so blatantly? What happened to all of that accountability that used to exist in our media???

I wonder what their ratings are. The only place I see "The View" is in waiting rooms at the doctor's office. Every single one of them.
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When a bitch sells her soul they end up being the company they keep. Spew the defense or sink. They all have chit on each other.
The best line I heard was in the new Predator movie when there trying to describe the Predator the guy says do you know who Whoopi Goldberg is, it looks like her but an Alien version.

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