Who Was The Best Civil War General?

Who Was The Best Civil War General?

  • General George Pickett

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • General Jebb Stuart

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • General John Hood

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • General Ambrose Burnside

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Who says other than you that it was basic stuff? You will find no credible support for the claim.

Yeah yeah I got it. Cut off their supply, create an embargo, control their main sources of transportation, and devide their forces. Thats not common since?
You are not the judge of it. You can have an opinion, just like me, then we can see what those who are expert on the matter have to say.
General Robert Lee
General Thomas Jackson
General George Pickett
General Jebb Stuart
General John Hood
General Ambrose Burnside
General Ulysses Grant
General William Sherman
General George McClellan
General Winfield Scott


Of course, I have my own opinion.

General Robert Lee
General Thomas Jackson
General George Pickett
General Jebb Stuart
General John Hood
General Ambrose Burnside
General Ulysses Grant
General William Sherman
General George McClellan
General Winfield Scott


Of course, I have my own opinion.

Lee and Grant
Best Union Generals


Best Confederate Generals

All made mistakes, but Jackson's Gambles made Lee look Great.

Had Jackson not died Gettysburg would have been won by the South

Hancock was the best on the North
How are George Henry Thomas and George Custer not on the list? What in the world are the blithering incompetents John Bell Hood and Ambrose Burnside doing on the list?

Given even roughly equal resources, Lee would have beaten Grant nine times out of every 10. Grant could be noble and generous, and he had many good qualities, but he was a mediocre tactician. His assault on Cold Harbor was an inexcusable blunder.

Grant used his men as cannon fodder. He had one of the highest casualty rates of any general in the war. Grant twice made his wounded stay on the field longer than needed because he was reluctant to admit he'd lost the battle.

Grant had the good sense to rely heavily on Sheridan, who in turn relied heavily on Custer.

Given the list as it is, I would vote for McClellan. However, I think Thomas was better than McClellan, but not by much.

Answering Some Criticisms of General George B. McClellan

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