WHO Threatens America with More Deaths


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
WHO ignored warnings from Taiwan about the virus so as not to offend the ChiComs, won’t let Taiwan be a member so as not to offend the ChiComs, lied with the ChiComs so the virus could spread, and denounced Trumps travel restrictions on China.

And they accuse us of politicizing their actions.

The head of the World Health Organization took aim at President Trump’s criticism of the agency on Wednesday, telling him and other world leaders not to politicize the coronavirus crisis “if you don’t want many more body bags.”

“If you don’t want many more body bags you refrain from politicizing it – please quarantine politicizing COVID,” WHO Director Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters in a lengthy answer when asked about Trump’s criticism of the agency. A day earlier, the U.S. president had threatened to cut off funding.

“My short message is please quarantine politicizing COVID – the unity of your country will be very important to defeat this dangerous virus. Without unity we assure you even any country that may have a better system will be in more trouble. That’s our message,” he said.

That jackass won't be around very long now.

Trump is going to take his paycheck away. China doesn't pay shit to the WHO and they carry China's water for them. It's over, they screwed the pooch and the reason he's railing is he knows his time is short.
Almost as bumpy as the road the US is currently on thanks to Trump ignoring WHO and CDC advice. Trump tells US "this is going to go away quickly" (and other lies). What happens is what Trump has been told, C19 doesn't go away. What happens when Trump realises he was wrong? He finds another organisation to flail about at, this time WHO. If WHO is so bad why did he only just think of that? Answer: bc ne needed yet another distraction from his incompetent management. Prediction: Trump will not survive the 2020 election unless he manages to gerrymander it.
That Ethiopian said if you don’t want more body bags shut it lol wow Ethiopians are some mofos
CDC Atlanta Georgia is a holdover from the secessionist Confederate South, along with the surgeon general who used to amputate the feet of slaves.

They still do. COPD, what do they call it? They're in a wheelchair missing their legs straight off the tobacco plantation.
Almost as bumpy as the road the US is currently on thanks to Trump ignoring WHO and CDC advice. Trump tells US "this is going to go away quickly" (and other lies). What happens is what Trump has been told, C19 doesn't go away. What happens when Trump realises he was wrong? He finds another organisation to flail about at, this time WHO. If WHO is so bad why did he only just think of that? Answer: bc ne needed yet another distraction from his incompetent management. Prediction: Trump will not survive the 2020 election unless he manages to gerrymander it.
Almost as bumpy as the road the US is currently on thanks to Trump ignoring WHO and CDC advice
Which advice was that? That CV does not transfer human to human or that travel restrictions and quarantines are stupid?
WHO ignored warnings from Taiwan about the virus so as not to offend the ChiComs, won’t let Taiwan be a member so as not to offend the ChiComs, lied with the ChiComs so the virus could spread, and denounced Trumps travel restrictions on China.

And they accuse us of politicizing their actions.

The head of the World Health Organization took aim at President Trump’s criticism of the agency on Wednesday, telling him and other world leaders not to politicize the coronavirus crisis “if you don’t want many more body bags.”

“If you don’t want many more body bags you refrain from politicizing it – please quarantine politicizing COVID,” WHO Director Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters in a lengthy answer when asked about Trump’s criticism of the agency. A day earlier, the U.S. president had threatened to cut off funding.

“My short message is please quarantine politicizing COVID – the unity of your country will be very important to defeat this dangerous virus. Without unity we assure you even any country that may have a better system will be in more trouble. That’s our message,” he said.

Lol, you're really dumb enough to think that was a threat?

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