Who Thinks.....

I think he feels those in these countries were mistreated by their leaders of the past
who were supported by our past Presidents.That is to say these people were held back and mistreated
by leaders we supported.
I think he feels those in these countries were mistreated by their leaders of the past
who were supported by our past Presidents.That is to say these people were held back and mistreated
by leaders we supported.

yep, he's an anti-colonialist.
But then again I think Obama doesn't like the United States in general because of out past policies on how
we interacted with the world.He feels we were bullies and we misused our influence as a Super Power.
This is a simple question. The answer is simple.

Me, I do, or not me.

Express yourself. Either you agree with what Mitt Romney had to say or you do not.

Answer the question, coward.

What do you think about this theory?

1. Barack Obama’s life-long anti-Zionism is being played out on the world stage. The George Soros-Jimmy Carter- Zbigniew Brzezinski- Barack Obama-Hillary Clinton complex is out to neutralize any Arab leader who is no threat to Israel, or pro-American, and and to support those who wish, with no hesitation, the demise of the Zionist state.

2. Obama supported the arrest of Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak- a long-time friend of the United States, and a friend of Israel for over 40 years. Now, we will probably see Shariah law being imposed in once-secular Egypt by the violent Muslim Brotherhood.

3. Obama has taken credit for the killing of Ghadafi, who, evil as he was, seemed not to be an enemy of the Jewish state.

a. President Obama confirmed the death of Libya's Moammar Gadhafi in a brief Rose Garden speech, welcoming the lifting of "the dark shadow of tyranny" in Libya and the definitive end of the Gadhafi dictatorship. "Without a single U.S. service member on the ground, we achieved our objective," … Is Obama hogging credit for Gadhafi's death? - Yahoo! News

4. “When the mullahcracy that seeks the nukes in order to attack Israel rigged their presidential election even more clumsily than usual in order to return Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to office, Iranians poured out into the streets in protest for months. Curiously, Barack Obama made no public overtures for weeks to the opposition, and the White House at one point even confirmed the results of the rigged election. “Did Obama ignore plea for help from Iranian opposition in 2009? « Hot Air

a. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is invited to dinner at Columbia University, Ghadafi gets a bullet to the head.

5. The US under Obama seems strangely impotent with respect to Bashar al-Assad in Syria, a puppet of Iran, and foe of Israel.

6. Obama willfully delayed negotiations wieth Iraq on keeping troops inthat country as a counterbalance to Iran. As a result of his intentional dithering, all American troops are to be withdrawn from Iraq.

7. Obama, it seems, is out to liberate Jerusalem for the Muslims.
Michael Savage, “Trickle Down Tyranny,” chapter seven.

Sure seems to be borne out by the Democrat Convention, huh?
Barack Obama sympathizes with those who attacked our embassy in Egypt?

Please........show yourselves.

You've mis-phrased the query....

....essentially, it should be


Please explain the incompetence in this situation so far. Seems to me, the idiots who made this film and then put it on the internet with Egyptian Arabic translation were purposefully poking a stick at the hornets' nests of Egypt and Libya. The ME does not understand that our government does not have the power to shut down such things....oh wait...you are blaming Obama for following the 1st Amendment, aren't you?
Barack Obama sympathizes with those who attacked our embassy in Egypt?

Please........show yourselves.

You've mis-phrased the query....

....essentially, it should be


you ask that question after you voted for shrub twice.

you're funny.

You're not really gonna try to shift this off onto Bush, are you?

Bet you're not gonna try to list Obama's foreign policy 'successes' either.
i don't know that he sympathies with them but I don't think he's especially outraged by their actions either.

I think that is an accurate statement; one that I share. And I am being generous.

You should have learned by now that we are not impressed. You spend an awful lot of time composing those barely intelligible numbered paragraphs that nobody has the desire or patience to drudge through.

Just answer the question or please find another thread to poison.

Barack Obama sympathizes with those who attacked our embassy in Egypt?

Please........show yourselves.

You've mis-phrased the query....

....essentially, it should be


Please explain the incompetence in this situation so far. Seems to me, the idiots who made this film and then put it on the internet with Egyptian Arabic translation were purposefully poking a stick at the hornets' nests of Egypt and Libya. The ME does not understand that our government does not have the power to shut down such things....oh wait...you are blaming Obama for following the 1st Amendment, aren't you?

By that token, girls who wear short skirts were 'just askin' for it.'


Are you really not going to stand up for free speech, and freedom of expression, are you?

Perhaps you might pretend that the Obama State Department had no way to anticipate the result of emasculating 'our thug dictator' and turning the nation over to homicidal psychopaths....

...or pretend that the Right didn't warn about Obama's lack of experience....

Inept, incompetent, inexperienced....at best

An anti-American ideologue at worst.
This is a simple question. The answer is simple.

Me, I do, or not me.

Express yourself. Either you agree with what Mitt Romney had to say or you do not.


It's only a simple question when your using it as a set up to get people to say yes so you can then come back and trash them for it. This is a question with a lot of gray area in it if you want a simple yes or no answer to a simple question ask if fire is hot.
I do. Isn't it better for you lefties to think the attack was part of his agenda than thinking he is the biggest fool to come down the pike since Jimmie Carter?

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