Who Showed up at the Million Muslim March?


Apr 22, 2007
The answer could easily be NO ONE, because they fell 999,980 short of 1 million (that is about 20 people ClosedMinded, because we all know you can't count)!

Well it was a 9/11 troofer and hate the Jews fest!

See the Pictures Here:
"Million Muslim March" Actually Just A Handful Of 9/11 Truthers

A reporter that heard only one speech was entirely a 9/11 troofer speech! Yep it was really intended to be a peace filled event.

Articles: A Million Muslims and Two Million Bikers
This observer heard only one speech, delivered by a bearded professorial type who asserted to his few listeners that The World Trade Center Towers could not have come down the way they did unless there were explosives planted within the buildings beforehand. As he left the stage, no one applauded.

'Million Muslim March' a Bust
James Barrett, national spokesman for American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC)...Barrett, who was wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the logo Washington, D.C. 9/11 Truth (A troofer site that says the JJJOOSSS did it!), told Newsmax.

main speaker, M.D. Rabbi Alam, is a "9/11 Truther," or someone who claims the government was behind the Sept. 11 attacks

Here is the speaker list (funny the amount of speakers outnumbered the amount of attendees)! See all the 9/11 troofers and fundamentalist Muslims on the list! What a disgrace!
I am glad that Muslims didn't come out for this ridiculous event. I guess they were smart enough to realize that it would not help their image at all to march on Sept. 11. Maybe they had private celebrations at home. I remember how many were cheering when the towers fell.

If they want to improve relations and are truly peaceful, a million of them would come out and condemn al Qaeda, The Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. If they do that, I will be convinced they want peace.
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Let's review shall we?

In the million Muslim march, only 26 dared show up. That's 999,974 less than what they were planning.

On the other hand, there were bikers. 2 million of them. That's 1 million more than what they were planning.
I saw this yesterday and they denied the bikers a Permit to protest, ride etc.

Then a clip came on where one biker said "Theyy denied us the permit, I think that's unconstitutional"

Isnt it funny how people view things?

He never questioned WHY he NEEDS a PERMIT to ride around. He only said that because he wasn't given the permit it was unconstitutional lol. Since when did you ever need a permit before the 1990's? Ever?
Muslims and right-wing bikers . . . whelp, there goes the neighborhood.

Liberal Biker

DC certainly showed those bikers who the boss is. No permit for you!

In the real world permits aren't issued for the benefit of the event. They are issued for the benefit of the city. To move the event along smoothly and quickly.

Washington is what happens when a liberal city wants to be liberal-sutpid.

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