Who Says White Boys Can't Fight?

Old white man kicks big mouth blacks ass on bus...........

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9CvsAFLa1Q&feature=player_detailpage]A Black Man Got His Ass Kick By A 67 Year Old White Man - YouTube[/ame]
I loved it when the lady said you need to file charges cause I got it all on tape. Well, if you watched what you taped you would see a young black man letting his mouth overload his ass and throwing the first punch. Then you see him getting his young black ass kicked by old white man. How funny is that.
I enjoy living in peace with everyone. Even Jooz !


  • $MeNsuzi.resized.JPG
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Not this white boy. I know I know for every video of a white boy beating up a black boy you have dozens of black boys beating white boys. But at least this white boy knocked the sterotype that we can't fight!

white kid and black kid - YouTube

Only one person in that fight knew what they were doing.

That was a double leg shot
hip toss
followed by some nasty ground and pound
and a merciful ref stoppage.
Anyone getting excited over a couple of children fighting because they want to read some racial bullshit into it, is a low-life piece of shit.

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