Who Really Won the June 13th Debate?

First of all, AVG_JOE, thanks for the laugh man ... that picture and caption really are priceless.

You've probably heard this before here, but in answer to your whistling sig' ... 100 years from now there will be a few geeky history wonks who care ... but you think too small ... go out a few thousand ... a few hundred thousand years. Seems like a long time from now, so long that why should we care? Right?

Think of it this way ... what if instead of being mired in a slave labor economy the Romans had been the ones to have gone through the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution. Rather than giving the world a millennia of intellectually stagnant genocidal conquest they could have been the ones to have taken us to the moon over 1500 years before Apollo.

So how important is one man, one election? How important is crossing the Rubicon?


Someone mentioned that there was no mention of the middle class nor any specifics on job creation,
I respectfully invite you to listen to Newt's short opening statement at the June 13th debate


Guess you missed the entire point. Try again. Can he win the actual election, not the primary? I do not think he can.

"YES HE CAN" :lol:

Newt is the Anti-Bama.

To all of the swing voters we can say "Good looking, charismatic, historical ... yeah, how's that been working out for ya'?"

The one facet on which his is not opposite to 'Bama is in his intellect. I don't think that the swing voters have forgotten the cautionary tale of George W quite yet.

Newt is also, from what I can see, the only other centrist currently in the race other than Romney. I don't trust Romney. He strikes me as a status-quo elitist.

@GeoLaureat8 -- Ron Paul is worthy of respect and his core message about monetary policy is potent. Did you ever see him on a panel questioning Bernake? The level of contempt and disrespect that Bernake demonstrated the one time I saw this was rather breathtaking.

In the end, I just don't know if this country is really ready for the Libertarian solution. Perhaps we've already missed the opportunity for a centrist to pull things back toward some type of a stable equilibrium ... so perhaps my concern is moot.


But does he have any real prospects?

Fair question. Go back and review the results of the 1994 congressional elections. True, the Dems that year were reeling from scandal and a cultural backlash to Clinton's bows to his base, but there is a reason that Newt fills the media with hatred and fear.

Newt is the candidate that Bill Maher mentions most often next only to Sarah Palin. Why is that? Why does Newt have Maher's mind share?

Compare how tentative Santorum and Pawlenty were relative to Newt during that debate. Compare the risks that Newt took to Romney's playing it safe. What was that saying from Brarak in '08? "The audacity of hope?"


If enough people vote for Paul, he will win the nomination. There isn't some sort of shadowy figure that is going to rub out his delegates at the convention making sure some pre-determined choice is selected.

Yes we should all be grateful for this state of affairs. Realistically, though, the smoke-filled rooms that matter these days are full of heavy-duty fund-raisers who will throw their weight in the form of resources behind some anointed candidate and drown out the field. These all take place months before Iowa much less the convention.

Think of what a different world we would be in today had John McCain been the candidate in 2000.


I think Bachmann won the debate if you're trying to gauge who came off the most polished and attractive.

Only if you ignore the fact that she couldn't make a single choice ... couldn't even decide between Johnny Cash and Elvis. What a cliche! :lol:

She is obviously a serious candidate worthy of respect, but she would be George W. part II. She wins the nomination and Barack gets a second term.

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