Who Really Got Us Into Iraq?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

This is a truly interesting piece. The Hate Bush crowd are going to attack it – especially its source. It had to be Cheney, didn't it? The thought that truly concerned, patriotic Americans were seeking any way possible to protect US means nothing to those who will blame the Bush Administration for it. After all – where were the WMDs?

Read the truth @ The people who duped the United States into invading Iraq
So, apparently, was everyone else. That being said, there was little evidence that Saddam would have made WMD's available for attacks on the USA or Israel even if he had them (like Syria?). Instead, Bush 43 thought he saw an opportunity to change the paradigm of the Middle East by creating a multicultural democracy in Iraq. Wishful thinking at best. Instead of a wasteful squandering of our national blood and treasure on this pipe dream, we should have simply removed Saddam and then partitioned this artificially created country into semi-autonomous ethnic regions which would have been much easier to control. At any rate, Obama's unilateral withdrawal of all US forces insured that this area would descend into chaos. Instead of establishing a permanent military presence there (with or without Malaki's permission), he created a power vacuum which is being filled by Iran and Al Qaeda. His next brilliant move will be to acquiesce to Iran's nuclear weapon program in return for stability in the area. Profound ignorance results from thinking you know it all.
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58% of Democratic senators (29 of 50)
voted for the resolution. Those voting for the resolution are:

Sens. Lincoln (D-AR), Feinstein (D-CA), Dodd (D-CT), Lieberman (D-CT), Biden (D-DE), Clinton (D-NY) Carper (D-DE), Nelson (D-FL), Cleland (D-GA), Miller (D-GA), Bayh (D-IN), Harkin (D-IA), Breaux (D-LA), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Kerry (D-MA), Carnahan (D-MO), Baucus (D-MT), Nelson (D-NE), Reid (D-NV), Torricelli (D-NJ), Clinton (D-NY), Schumer (D-NY), Edwards (D-NC), Dorgan (D-ND), Hollings (D-SC), Daschle (D-SD), Johnson (D-SD), Cantwell (D-WA), Rockefeller (D-WV), and Kohl (D-WI).

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The point of the OP was to indicate WHO PROVIDED THE PROVOCATIVE INFORMATION that brought about decisions that would have otherwise NOT BEEN MADE!
After 9/11 people in America were ready to kick everyone's ass over there. So it was easy to get a popular uprising against Iraq and those who had been a thorn in the world. Saddam was a thorn. He had openly used Chemical weapons against the Khurds, and against Iran. He also bragged about having them before he had a barrel to his head.

Weapons inspectors kept saying that Iraq was not being forthcoming and blocking their investigations into whether he had them or not. Bush along with Congress decided to take his butt out on which I had no problem believing the Lying Sack of Saddam had them. And Marines in the 1st Gulf War told me about their Sarin Monitors going off on multiple vehicles in the 1st Gulf War.

Where we made the mistake is thinking we could turn them into a Democracy and that they would suddenly be peaceful after they got a taste of Freedom. They don't really want Freedom. They want to be ruled by a dictator due to their Religion. They don't have the same sense of Freedom as we do.

So we should have pounded them and left. Same in Afghanistan. We should have never used a Nation building strategy there. Kill as many as possible and leave. Give them no one to shoot at. As it is, we played right into their tactics and now pay the price.
"The War in Iraq was founded on lies. It was conceived in the waning days of the first Bush administration when the “crazies” as they were called — Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle — were talking about taking over the Middle East. By the time Bush II came to power in 2001, these crazies, rechristened as “neocons,” were ready with a game plan. All they needed, they said in the Project for a New American Century, (PNAC) was “another Pearl Harbor,” something to galvanize the nation into action. Amazingly, that catalytic event materialized on schedule as 9/11.

Within hours of the 9/11 attack in September 2001, Donald Rumsfeld was telling those around him to “roll it all up” into a plan for attacking Iraq. George W. Bush was telling National Security Council counter-terrorism expert Richard Clarke to “find the connections to Iraq.” But Paul O’Neil, Bush’s first Treasury Secretary, has noted that the formal planning for an invasion of Iraq began at Bush’s first cabinet meeting, in January 2001."

War of the crazies: Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle and the Vietnamisation of Iraq | OpenSpace

58% of Democratic senators (29 of 50)
voted for the resolution. Those voting for the resolution are:

Sens. Lincoln (D-AR), Feinstein (D-CA), Dodd (D-CT), Lieberman (D-CT), Biden (D-DE), Clinton (D-NY) Carper (D-DE), Nelson (D-FL), Cleland (D-GA), Miller (D-GA), Bayh (D-IN), Harkin (D-IA), Breaux (D-LA), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Kerry (D-MA), Carnahan (D-MO), Baucus (D-MT), Nelson (D-NE), Reid (D-NV), Torricelli (D-NJ), Clinton (D-NY), Schumer (D-NY), Edwards (D-NC), Dorgan (D-ND), Hollings (D-SC), Daschle (D-SD), Johnson (D-SD), Cantwell (D-WA), Rockefeller (D-WV), and Kohl (D-WI).

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

While 21 voted against is compared to 1 repub...in the Senate...
126 Dem congressmen voted against it while 82 voted for it....
Repubs congresscritters were almost unanimous....
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This is a truly interesting piece. The Hate Bush crowd are going to attack it – especially its source. It had to be Cheney, didn't it? The thought that truly concerned, patriotic Americans were seeking any way possible to protect US means nothing to those who will blame the Bush Administration for it. After all – where were the WMDs?

Read the truth @ The people who duped the United States into invading Iraq
There's nothing patriotic about doing the same thing the Nazis did in Poland.

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