CDZ Who is worse, democrats who owned slaves, or the communists knocking the statues down...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
When the democrats owned slave, it was a world wide accepted practice....and they had been brought up in a society that had slavery.....they didn't necessarily understand better....

The communists groups knocking down the statues of democrat soldiers who fought to keep slaves? Communism also enslaved entire populations...not just the people of one skin color.....and they committed mass murder in the modern world....not 100 years ago.....

The communists in Russia murdered 25 million people.....the communists in China murdered 70 million people...the communists in Cambodia, 1/3 of the population....and around the world communists enslaved and murdered in order to spread communism.

So who was worse...the democrat slave owners who didn't know any better, or the people today who proudly belong to communist groups and praise mass murderers like the castros, and che...and mao, the mass murderer?
Those southern Democrats eventually become Republicans. Conservatives fought to keep slavery, liberals fought to end it.

It's loyal anti-fascist Americans taking down statues. The Nazis also referred to anyone who opposed fascism as a communist. By declaring how everyone opposing fascism is a communist, 2aguy is showing us how how history repeats itself.

Anyways, nice deflection thread. The phantom communists that 2aguy was told to fear aren't the issue. The point is that post-civil-war monuments to white supremacy are not a good thing, and should be taken down. And nobody seems to have a good argument otherwise, being that "But I love white supremacists!" isn't a good argument.
Those leftist shitheads sure are fond of waving their hammer & sickle flags at their little circle-jerks, ain't they?

They're no better than neo-nazis, Klan members, and ISIS terrorists.
When the democrats owned slave, it was a world wide accepted practice....and they had been brought up in a society that had slavery.....they didn't necessarily understand better....

The communists groups knocking down the statues of democrat soldiers who fought to keep slaves? Communism also enslaved entire populations...not just the people of one skin color.....and they committed mass murder in the modern world....not 100 years ago.....

The communists in Russia murdered 25 million people.....the communists in China murdered 70 million people...the communists in Cambodia, 1/3 of the population....and around the world communists enslaved and murdered in order to spread communism.

So who was worse...the democrat slave owners who didn't know any better, or the people today who proudly belong to communist groups and praise mass murderers like the castros, and che...and mao, the mass murderer?

"Communism" is an economic model. It has nothing to do with "statues". And there were no "democrat [sic] soldiers who fought to keep slaves". If you refer to the Confederacy -- it had no political parties. No "democrats" [sic], no Republicans, no Whigs, no nothing.

Why do you single out "Democrats" -- who existed for roughly 27 years out of the 350 years of American slavery, to the exclusion of everybody else?

Aye, there's the rub.
When the democrats owned slave, it was a world wide accepted practice....and they had been brought up in a society that had slavery.....they didn't necessarily understand better....

The communists groups knocking down the statues of democrat soldiers who fought to keep slaves? Communism also enslaved entire populations...not just the people of one skin color.....and they committed mass murder in the modern world....not 100 years ago.....

The communists in Russia murdered 25 million people.....the communists in China murdered 70 million people...the communists in Cambodia, 1/3 of the population....and around the world communists enslaved and murdered in order to spread communism.

So who was worse...the democrat slave owners who didn't know any better, or the people today who proudly belong to communist groups and praise mass murderers like the castros, and che...and mao, the mass murderer?

"Communism" is an economic model. It has nothing to do with "statues". And there were no "democrat [sic] soldiers who fought to keep slaves". If you refer to the Confederacy -- it had no political parties. No "democrats" [sic], no Republicans, no Whigs, no nothing.

Why do you single out "Democrats" -- who existed for roughly 27 years out of the 350 years of American slavery, to the exclusion of everybody else?

Aye, there's the rub.

The leaders of the confederacy were all democrats.

The people taking the statues down, the majority of them are members of various communist party groups, under different names.....that they declare themselves members of communist groups after the atrocities of communism speaks to their insanity.
Those southern Democrats eventually become Republicans. Conservatives fought to keep slavery, liberals fought to end it.

It's loyal anti-fascist Americans taking down statues. The Nazis also referred to anyone who opposed fascism as a communist. By declaring how everyone opposing fascism is a communist, 2aguy is showing us how how history repeats itself.

Anyways, nice deflection thread. The phantom communists that 2aguy was told to fear aren't the issue. The point is that post-civil-war monuments to white supremacy are not a good thing, and should be taken down. And nobody seems to have a good argument otherwise, being that "But I love white supremacists!" isn't a good argument.

No...the parties taking the lead in pushing taking down the statues, especially yesterday, were communists...

No...the communists called anyone who opposed communism, fascists., that came directly from stalin....even though the national socialists were also socialists.

the antifa movement is a fascist movement....not anti-fascist.
Why must one be worse than the other?

They don't...which is why this is a discussion, they are both vile...however, the people who call themselves communists today, after the mass murder around the world, show how insane they are.
As long as we are talking Confeds.....might do well to remember this.

With Malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds. Abraham Lincoln
Read more at: Abraham Lincoln Quotes
When the democrats owned slave, it was a world wide accepted practice....and they had been brought up in a society that had slavery.....they didn't necessarily understand better....

The communists groups knocking down the statues of democrat soldiers who fought to keep slaves? Communism also enslaved entire populations...not just the people of one skin color.....and they committed mass murder in the modern world....not 100 years ago.....

The communists in Russia murdered 25 million people.....the communists in China murdered 70 million people...the communists in Cambodia, 1/3 of the population....and around the world communists enslaved and murdered in order to spread communism.

So who was worse...the democrat slave owners who didn't know any better, or the people today who proudly belong to communist groups and praise mass murderers like the castros, and che...and mao, the mass murderer?

"Communism" is an economic model. It has nothing to do with "statues". And there were no "democrat [sic] soldiers who fought to keep slaves". If you refer to the Confederacy -- it had no political parties. No "democrats" [sic], no Republicans, no Whigs, no nothing.

Why do you single out "Democrats" -- who existed for roughly 27 years out of the 350 years of American slavery, to the exclusion of everybody else?

Aye, there's the rub.

The leaders of the confederacy were all democrats.

The people taking the statues down, the majority of them are members of various communist party groups, under different names.....that they declare themselves members of communist groups after the atrocities of communism speaks to their insanity.

I guess we'll just keep saying this until it sinks in......

>> Despite political differences within the Confederacy, no national political parties were formed because they were seen as illegitimate. "Anti-partyism became an article of political faith."[221] Without a two-party system building alternative sets of national leaders, electoral protests tended to be narrowly state-based, "negative, carping and petty." The 1863 mid-term elections became mere expressions of futile and frustrated dissatisfaction. According to historian David M. Potter, this lack of a functioning two-party system caused "real and direct damage" to the Confederate war effort since it prevented the formulation of any effective alternatives to the conduct of the war by the Davis administration.[222]

.... The absence of political parties made individual roll call voting all the more important, as the Confederate "freedom of roll-call voting [was] unprecedented in American legislative history.[236] << Wiki: CSA
Once again --- no "democrats" (and proper names get capital letters in English) --- no Republicans, no Whigs, no Constitutional Unionists, no Know Nothings ---- NO PARTIES. Which is what I just said.

This just in, "no parties" does not mean "democrats" --- it means "no parties".

Perhaps you should learn some history before you purport to hold forth on it and in the process embarrass yourself.

The people taking the statues down, the majority of them are members of various communist party groups, under different names.....that they declare themselves members of communist groups after the atrocities of communism speaks to their insanity.

Two words:

"Nikki Haley"
And again this point....

-The CSA was formed with the secession of its various states in 1860-61. As detailed above the CSA had no political parties.

The Democratic Party first operated under that name in 1834 after Marin van Buren organized what had loosely been called "Jacksonians".

1834 to 1861 is 27 years. Even if you count the CSA years before slavery was abolished in 1865 it would be 31 years.

The first African slaves in North America were brought to what is now South Carolina in the 1530s. And were already brought to the West Indies at least 20 years before that.

Taking a median year of 1535, that date to 1865 is roughly 330 years of slaveowning specific to North America, specific to the US, before the practice was officially abolished. Slaveowning by Democrats, Whigs, Know Nothings, Constitutional Unionists, Democratic-Republicans, Federalists, British citizens, French citizens, Spanish citizens and of course an overwhelming majority with no political party at all.

Yet for reasons you still haven't explained you want to count only 27 of those 330 years and only one of those political categorizations.

Why is that exactly? Do all those others just ----- not count?
When the democrats owned slave, it was a world wide accepted practice....and they had been brought up in a society that had slavery.....they didn't necessarily understand better....

The communists groups knocking down the statues of democrat soldiers who fought to keep slaves? Communism also enslaved entire populations...not just the people of one skin color.....and they committed mass murder in the modern world....not 100 years ago.....

The communists in Russia murdered 25 million people.....the communists in China murdered 70 million people...the communists in Cambodia, 1/3 of the population....and around the world communists enslaved and murdered in order to spread communism.

So who was worse...the democrat slave owners who didn't know any better, or the people today who proudly belong to communist groups and praise mass murderers like the castros, and che...and mao, the mass murderer?

"Communism" is an economic model. It has nothing to do with "statues". And there were no "democrat [sic] soldiers who fought to keep slaves". If you refer to the Confederacy -- it had no political parties. No "democrats" [sic], no Republicans, no Whigs, no nothing.

Why do you single out "Democrats" -- who existed for roughly 27 years out of the 350 years of American slavery, to the exclusion of everybody else?

Aye, there's the rub.

The leaders of the confederacy were all democrats.

The people taking the statues down, the majority of them are members of various communist party groups, under different names.....that they declare themselves members of communist groups after the atrocities of communism speaks to their insanity.

I guess we'll just keep saying this until it sinks in......

>> Despite political differences within the Confederacy, no national political parties were formed because they were seen as illegitimate. "Anti-partyism became an article of political faith."[221] Without a two-party system building alternative sets of national leaders, electoral protests tended to be narrowly state-based, "negative, carping and petty." The 1863 mid-term elections became mere expressions of futile and frustrated dissatisfaction. According to historian David M. Potter, this lack of a functioning two-party system caused "real and direct damage" to the Confederate war effort since it prevented the formulation of any effective alternatives to the conduct of the war by the Davis administration.[222]

.... The absence of political parties made individual roll call voting all the more important, as the Confederate "freedom of roll-call voting [was] unprecedented in American legislative history.[236] << Wiki: CSA
Once again --- no "democrats" (and proper names get capital letters in English) --- no Republicans, no Whigs, no Constitutional Unionists, no Know Nothings ---- NO PARTIES. Which is what I just said.

This just in, "no parties" does not mean "democrats" --- it means "no parties".

Perhaps you should learn some history before you purport to hold forth on it and in the process embarrass yourself.

The people taking the statues down, the majority of them are members of various communist party groups, under different names.....that they declare themselves members of communist groups after the atrocities of communism speaks to their insanity.

Two words:

"Nikki Haley"

Jefferson Davis and most of his administration were democrats by party affiliation.....

No....the ones breaking the law and tearing down the statues without permission, as happened yesterday to the statue of the confederate soldier who pulled it down with ropes and then spit and kicked it were part of various communist groups.

Those local and state governments who have voted and used the rule of law are not the communists....

Please..try to keep up...the truth is out there...
And again this point....

-The CSA was formed with the secession of its various states in 1860-61. As detailed above the CSA had no political parties.

The Democratic Party first operated under that name in 1834 after Marin van Buren organized what had loosely been called "Jacksonians".

1834 to 1861 is 27 years. Even if you count the CSA years before slavery was abolished in 1865 it would be 31 years.

The first African slaves in North America were brought to what is now South Carolina in the 1530s. And were already brought to the West Indies at least 20 years before that.

Taking a median year of 1535, that date to 1865 is roughly 330 years of slaveowning specific to North America, specific to the US, before the practice was officially abolished. Slaveowning by Democrats, Whigs, Know Nothings, Constitutional Unionists, Democratic-Republicans, Federalists, British citizens, French citizens, Spanish citizens and of course an overwhelming majority with no political party at all.

Yet for reasons you still haven't explained you want to count only 27 of those 330 years and only one of those political categorizations.

Why is that exactly? Do all those others just ----- not count?

The people who went to war to keep the slaves....were democrats...Jefferson Davis and his crew were doesn't matter what happened before...the ones who took the states to war did so as democrats....the democrats started the klan after the war...and democrats started and maintained the Jim Crow laws.....

If those statues have to come down...then the democrat party must also be disbanded and their assets paid to the former slave' families...
And again this point....

-The CSA was formed with the secession of its various states in 1860-61. As detailed above the CSA had no political parties.

The Democratic Party first operated under that name in 1834 after Marin van Buren organized what had loosely been called "Jacksonians".

1834 to 1861 is 27 years. Even if you count the CSA years before slavery was abolished in 1865 it would be 31 years.

The first African slaves in North America were brought to what is now South Carolina in the 1530s. And were already brought to the West Indies at least 20 years before that.

Taking a median year of 1535, that date to 1865 is roughly 330 years of slaveowning specific to North America, specific to the US, before the practice was officially abolished. Slaveowning by Democrats, Whigs, Know Nothings, Constitutional Unionists, Democratic-Republicans, Federalists, British citizens, French citizens, Spanish citizens and of course an overwhelming majority with no political party at all.

Yet for reasons you still haven't explained you want to count only 27 of those 330 years and only one of those political categorizations.

Why is that exactly? Do all those others just ----- not count?

The people who went to war to keep the slaves....were democrats...Jefferson Davis and his crew were doesn't matter what happened before...the ones who took the states to war did so as democrats....the democrats started the klan after the war...and democrats started and maintained the Jim Crow laws.....

If those statues have to come down...then the democrat party must also be disbanded and their assets paid to the former slave' families...

Nope, they had no political parties. I guess we'll just keep saying this until it sinks in......

>> Despite political differences within the Confederacy, no national political parties were formed because they were seen as illegitimate. "Anti-partyism became an article of political faith."[221] Without a two-party system building alternative sets of national leaders, electoral protests tended to be narrowly state-based, "negative, carping and petty." The 1863 mid-term elections became mere expressions of futile and frustrated dissatisfaction. According to historian David M. Potter, this lack of a functioning two-party system caused "real and direct damage" to the Confederate war effort since it prevented the formulation of any effective alternatives to the conduct of the war by the Davis administration.[222]

.... The absence of political parties made individual roll call voting all the more important, as the Confederate "freedom of roll-call voting [was] unprecedented in American legislative history.[236] << Wiki: CSA

Once again --- no "democrats" (and proper names get capital letters in English) --- no Republicans, no Whigs, no Constitutional Unionists, no Know Nothings ---- NO PARTIES. Which is what I just said. Three times now.

Do you not understand that posting "they were democrats" --- without a single piece of evidence and without a capital letter which all proper nouns get in English --- DOES NOT magically change history into what you wish it had been? Don't you get that?

Your title refers to "Democrats who owned slaves". The question as to why that specialized designation is cherrypicked ----- still stands unaddressed.
the ones breaking the law and tearing down the statues without permission, as happened yesterday to the statue of the confederate soldier who pulled it down with ropes and then spit and kicked it were part of various communist groups.

Once AGAIN ------ Link??
the ones breaking the law and tearing down the statues without permission, as happened yesterday to the statue of the confederate soldier who pulled it down with ropes and then spit and kicked it were part of various communist groups.

Once AGAIN ------ Link??

Here you go.....

Protesters topple Confederate soldier statue in downtown Durham

A protest in downtown Durham on Monday night left a statue of a Confederate soldier erected nearly a century ago crumpled on the ground.

Sheriff’s deputies recorded the event but did not intervene as a protester climbed a ladder and slipped a yellow, bungie-like cord around the soldier’s head and arm and a group pulled the cord.

The statue did a somersault, collapsing against the stone pedestal in front of the old county courthouse on East Main Street.

Groups at the rally included members of the Triangle People’s Assembly, Workers World Party, Industrial Workers of the World, Democratic Socialists of America and the antifa movement.
the ones breaking the law and tearing down the statues without permission, as happened yesterday to the statue of the confederate soldier who pulled it down with ropes and then spit and kicked it were part of various communist groups.

Once AGAIN ------ Link??

Here you go.....

Protesters topple Confederate soldier statue in downtown Durham

A protest in downtown Durham on Monday night left a statue of a Confederate soldier erected nearly a century ago crumpled on the ground.

Sheriff’s deputies recorded the event but did not intervene as a protester climbed a ladder and slipped a yellow, bungie-like cord around the soldier’s head and arm and a group pulled the cord.

The statue did a somersault, collapsing against the stone pedestal in front of the old county courthouse on East Main Street.

Groups at the rally included members of the Triangle People’s Assembly, Workers World Party, Industrial Workers of the World, Democratic Socialists of America and the antifa movement.

OK, I read your entire linked article and nowhere does it mention any political party, except for the Worker's World Party, if that's a political party (I don't know it). No mention of any "Democrats". There is a quote from the Governor, Cooper, who is quoted "“the racism and deadly violence in Charlottesville is unacceptable but there is a better way to remove these monuments.”. The story does not mention his political party although I happen to know is a Democrat because I live here.

No other mention of any "Democrats", "Republicans" or any other political party.
the ones breaking the law and tearing down the statues without permission, as happened yesterday to the statue of the confederate soldier who pulled it down with ropes and then spit and kicked it were part of various communist groups.

Once AGAIN ------ Link??

Here you go.....

Protesters topple Confederate soldier statue in downtown Durham

A protest in downtown Durham on Monday night left a statue of a Confederate soldier erected nearly a century ago crumpled on the ground.

Sheriff’s deputies recorded the event but did not intervene as a protester climbed a ladder and slipped a yellow, bungie-like cord around the soldier’s head and arm and a group pulled the cord.

The statue did a somersault, collapsing against the stone pedestal in front of the old county courthouse on East Main Street.

Groups at the rally included members of the Triangle People’s Assembly, Workers World Party, Industrial Workers of the World, Democratic Socialists of America and the antifa movement.

OK, I read your entire linked article and nowhere does it mention any political party, except for the Worker's World Party, if that's a political party (I don't know it). No mention of any "Democrats". There is a quote from the Governor, Cooper, who is quoted "“the racism and deadly violence in Charlottesville is unacceptable but there is a better way to remove these monuments.”. The story does not mention his political party although I happen to know is a Democrat because I live here.

No other mention of any "Democrats", "Republicans" or any other political party.

You missed the Triangle People's assembly, nd the Industrial workers of the world and Democratic socialists of America, amd antifa....?

Wow...try reading the link again...
When the democrats owned slave, it was a world wide accepted practice....and they had been brought up in a society that had slavery.....they didn't necessarily understand better....

The communists groups knocking down the statues of democrat soldiers who fought to keep slaves? Communism also enslaved entire populations...not just the people of one skin color.....and they committed mass murder in the modern world....not 100 years ago.....

The communists in Russia murdered 25 million people.....the communists in China murdered 70 million people...the communists in Cambodia, 1/3 of the population....and around the world communists enslaved and murdered in order to spread communism.

So who was worse...the democrat slave owners who didn't know any better, or the people today who proudly belong to communist groups and praise mass murderers like the castros, and che...and mao, the mass murderer?

poor dear... having to go back to the 1800's to find democrats owning slaves.

you aren't Lincoln's Republican Party. you're a racist misogynist disgusting trumptard and white supremacists haven't been Dems since the civil rights laws were passed.

which is why you're all republicans now.

No...the racists are still in the democrat party....

Tell us that la raza isn't racist.

Tell us that black lives matter isn't racist.

Tell us that al sharpton isn't racist.

Tell us that the nation of islam isn't racist.

Tell us that jeremiah wright isn't racist.

What do all of the above have in common...they are either core groups of the Democrat party, or members of their leadership.....and many of them have been to obama's White House ...fully embraced by the democrat party.....

The white racists are not part of the republican party. They are not accepted by the republican party and they have never been invited to the White House.

You are not telling the truth.
the ones breaking the law and tearing down the statues without permission, as happened yesterday to the statue of the confederate soldier who pulled it down with ropes and then spit and kicked it were part of various communist groups.

Once AGAIN ------ Link??

Here you go.....

Protesters topple Confederate soldier statue in downtown Durham

A protest in downtown Durham on Monday night left a statue of a Confederate soldier erected nearly a century ago crumpled on the ground.

Sheriff’s deputies recorded the event but did not intervene as a protester climbed a ladder and slipped a yellow, bungie-like cord around the soldier’s head and arm and a group pulled the cord.

The statue did a somersault, collapsing against the stone pedestal in front of the old county courthouse on East Main Street.

Groups at the rally included members of the Triangle People’s Assembly, Workers World Party, Industrial Workers of the World, Democratic Socialists of America and the antifa movement.

OK, I read your entire linked article and nowhere does it mention any political party, except for the Worker's World Party, if that's a political party (I don't know it). No mention of any "Democrats". There is a quote from the Governor, Cooper, who is quoted "“the racism and deadly violence in Charlottesville is unacceptable but there is a better way to remove these monuments.”. The story does not mention his political party although I happen to know is a Democrat because I live here.

No other mention of any "Democrats", "Republicans" or any other political party.

You missed the Triangle People's assembly, nd the Industrial workers of the world and Democratic socialists of America, amd antifa....?

Wow...try reading the link again...

Are any of those political parties?? Or "communists"?

The IWW is a labor union. "Triangle People's Assembly" sounds like a church.

I don't need to "read the article again". I did that and word-searched it, and "communist" does not appear in it, anywhere.

So to sum up ----
You have a thread about a select tiny minority of slaveowners affiliated with a political party that was extant for one-thirteenth of the time slaveowning was going on --- who you've already excused in your OP as a product of their time ...... compared with phantom "communists" toppling statues, which you can't document. And you want a comparison.

Could be you need to plan these threads out a bit more.
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