Who is the president that has made the greatest comeback in the history books?


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
My choice is Clinton.

Stumbled through 8 years of dumb-luck. His terms look a lot better today. Despite impeachment.

Then Nixon.

Then Truman.

Thats my list.
Obungle is trying to escape 10 worst prez ever in his legacy.

He has been AN UNMITIGATED DISASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obama is hated by the most radical, racist and ignorant party in American history. You can't be a liberal or believe in science or economics and be a Republican. Recent polls show the Republican House less popular than a root canal or a cockroach. And they judge a president they have tried to block on everything as bad? Even blocking their own policies? They hate having a black president so much, they don't even see the damage they cause.

the question wasnt what the mouth breathers voted best president, or the distanced acedemics voted best president, or who the distanced elites voted best president. It was the best come back, which is a ridiculously subjective question.

First dont call it a come back, they were there four years. They were entertaining their allys, while enstalling in their enemies a healthy dose of fear. Sometimes they caused their enemies to cry foul, with cannons, rifles or other explosive devices. Our presidents(mostly) have stood tall over the competition of other nations like a tower of prosperity. When needed they have gone and wrecked rogue nations, and said things that caused our enemies to call the UN. You would be advised to not compare our leaders to failed leaders arround the globe, that got chopped down for their poor decisions cause they just couldnt compete.

Im pretty sure all our presidents moma's said "Knock them out".

Second. To the ridiculous question, I would have to say the greatest come back was Regan. He almost died, and came back to do good work. thats hard to argue with, almost all the others get elected and disappoint their electorate day by day.
Obama is hated by the most radical, racist and ignorant party in American history. You can't be a liberal or believe in science or economics and be a Republican. Recent polls show the Republican House less popular than a root canal or a cockroach. And they judge a president they have tried to block on everything as bad? Even blocking their own policies? They hate having a black president so much, they don't even see the damage they cause.

Poor baby, I think he doth protest too much. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Prob'ly Harry 'The Buck Stops Here' Truman...

... Dewey was proclaimed President, erroneously...

... until the votes were counted and Truman won.

Richard Nixon as a Sith Lord?
Notwithstanding the fact that Nixon became a symbol of Evil to a lot of people, his rise from defeated candidate for Governor of California in 1962 to his election as President in 1968 was the story of a significant political comeback. Some think he achieved the comeback by forging an alliance with the Dark Side of the Force.

Richard Nixon as a Sith Lord?
Notwithstanding the fact that Nixon became a symbol of Evil to a lot of people, his rise from defeated candidate for Governor of California in 1962 to his election as President in 1968 was the story of a significant political comeback. Some think he achieved the comeback by forging an alliance with the Dark Side of the Force.

FDR was the worst President not Nixon.
My choice is Clinton.

Stumbled through 8 years of dumb-luck. His terms look a lot better today. Despite impeachment.

Then Nixon.

Then Truman.

Thats my list.

No. Clinton left office with a high approval rating. it was only ever the loons who had an issue with him. and the fact that the radical right impeached him, just raised his approval rating among normal people.

i agree re nixon.

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