Who is Roger Ailes?

Your little lie factory of Fox news is the only reason the tea party exsists.

One day it will be gone.

That day may be soon.

Ailes has been an unhealthy man all his life.

Murdoch is about to go down because of they way he does business.

What will Fox ( who had to pay people to air their station) look like after they are gone?

Not everyone is willing to reach the level of partisan hackery Ailes and Murdock are.
Before signing on to run the new network, Ailes demanded that Murdoch get "carriage" – distribution on cable systems nationwide. In the normal course of business, cable outfits such as Time Warner pay content providers such as CNN or MTV for the right to air their programmes. But Murdoch turned the business model on its head. He didn't just give Fox News away – he paid the cable companies to air it. To get Fox News into 25m homes, Murdoch paid cable companies as much as $20 a subscriber. "Murdoch's offer shocked the industry," writes biographer Neil Chenoweth. "He was prepared to shell out half a billion dollars just to buy a news voice." Even before it took to the air, Fox News was guaranteed access to a mass audience, bought and paid for. Ailes hailed Murdoch's "nerve", adding: "This is capitalism and one of the things that made this country great."

Sounds like a couple of great businessmen.

So why do you hate capitalism. Ad if you do hate it then why do you support it on a day to day basis?
Your little lie factory of Fox news is the only reason the tea party exsists.

One day it will be gone.

That day may be soon.

Ailes has been an unhealthy man all his life.

Murdoch is about to go down because of they way he does business.

What will Fox ( who had to pay people to air their station) look like after they are gone?

Not everyone is willing to reach the level of partisan hackery Ailes and Murdock are.

You are.

On the bright side.... you're never alone with paranoia! So you'll always have company. That's nice. Embrace the voices in your head. Say hi to them from me!
The Guy learned his craft from Nixion.

You know why they called him tricky dick dont you?

I'd say the learning was by Nixon. Ailes was already a savvy TV guy while Nixon (and staff) obviously didn't understand the medium nor have a clue how to exploit its potential. Ailes was their teacher, so to speak.

What Ailes did to put Fox on the cable news map is the kind of strategy, business planning, or whatever that become case studies in business schools. He had a problem with the network's launch and came up with a strategery to get around it. You scoff at it, smart business folks admire his smarts.

He also gave advertisers nice cut rates for signing on early for, I believe, 5 years. Another good business idea. Since those days the rest is history as the Fox audience dwarfs other cable news, often several combined, and makes truckloads of money today. In the business world, we call that return on investment. In the cyber world, clowns like you waste time trying to make mountains out of molehills.
He is the Nixon wunderkid.

Always has been.


Don't be mean. TM is trying to get some faux outrage here.... please don't interrupt.

August 26, 2011

"A private detective jailed for illegally intercepting voicemail messages on behalf of a journalist at one of Rupert Murdoch's British tabloids on Friday gave lawyers the names of the people he says ordered him to carry out the phone hacking."


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