Who Is Responsible For Deleting Facebook Pages?


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
When situations such as the Vegas shooting happen, as quickly as names are released; people connected to the incidents pages are pulled down, or scrubbed. Who is doing this, and what is their motive for trying to keep the public in the dark?
When situations such as the Vegas shooting happen, as quickly as names are released; people connected to the incidents pages are pulled down, or scrubbed. Who is doing this, and what is their motive for trying to keep the public in the dark?

I think it's so their family doesn't get doxxed. As for who does it, I'd like to know as well.
When situations such as the Vegas shooting happen, as quickly as names are released; people connected to the incidents pages are pulled down, or scrubbed. Who is doing this, and what is their motive for trying to keep the public in the dark?

I think it's so their family doesn't get doxxed. As for who does it, I'd like to know as well.
There is clearly a motive. And also a responsible party... The girl who was killed in Charlottesville for example... Why post a high school cameo photo, when she was in her 30s? Current pictures we're suppressed for weeks. And her Facebook associations we're obscured for quite some time. I suspect that it is the leftist medias attempt to groom, sculpt, and control the narrative...
And now the person of interests Facebook page has been pulled... That's why any of you who do have Facebook accounts, ought consider screenshotting as much info about people like these, as soon as you hear the name. If you wait too long the info will be removed. Do you think they do this with your personal, best interest in mind?
When situations such as the Vegas shooting happen, as quickly as names are released; people connected to the incidents pages are pulled down, or scrubbed. Who is doing this, and what is their motive for trying to keep the public in the dark?

Wester mainstream politicians fight against white christian man, they want to kill him and annihilate his great civilization.Any mainstream political 'party' is bunch of corrupted liars who pursue only one: dead of all whites as soon as possible. Presstitutes & MS politicians & Facebook are our enemies who want to kill us.
And now the person of interests Facebook page has been pulled... That's why any of you who do have Facebook accounts, ought consider screenshotting as much info about people like these, as soon as you hear the name. If you wait too long the info will be removed. Do you think they do this with your personal, best interest in mind?

Leave f.... Facebook, use Russian VKONTAKTI

VK mobile version
And now the person of interests Facebook page has been pulled... That's why any of you who do have Facebook accounts, ought consider screenshotting as much info about people like these, as soon as you hear the name. If you wait too long the info will be removed. Do you think they do this with your personal, best interest in mind?

Leave f.... Facebook, use Russian VKONTAKTI

VK mobile version
Ive never heard of this site...
When situations such as the Vegas shooting happen, as quickly as names are released; people connected to the incidents pages are pulled down, or scrubbed. Who is doing this, and what is their motive for trying to keep the public in the dark?

The shooter was a LEFTIST!
Aren't they all?

He was Anti-American

ZuckerFuck pulled his page as quick as Shit!
When situations such as the Vegas shooting happen, as quickly as names are released; people connected to the incidents pages are pulled down, or scrubbed. Who is doing this, and what is their motive for trying to keep the public in the dark?

The shooter was a LEFTIST!
Aren't they all?

He was Anti-American

ZuckerFuck pulled his page as quick as Shit!
I suspect something along those lines.
When situations such as the Vegas shooting happen, as quickly as names are released; people connected to the incidents pages are pulled down, or scrubbed. Who is doing this, and what is their motive for trying to keep the public in the dark?

Wouldn't your question be best answered first by someone at Facebook? Have you directed your question to them? If so, what is their answer?
Killer was either or convert to Islam or
When situations such as the Vegas shooting happen, as quickly as names are released; people connected to the incidents pages are pulled down, or scrubbed. Who is doing this, and what is their motive for trying to keep the public in the dark?

The shooter was a LEFTIST!
Aren't they all?

He was Anti-American

ZuckerFuck pulled his page as quick as Shit!

Whites need a White Only Party NOW!
Otherwise Lefts kill us!
And now the person of interests Facebook page has been pulled... That's why any of you who do have Facebook accounts, ought consider screenshotting as much info about people like these, as soon as you hear the name. If you wait too long the info will be removed. Do you think they do this with your personal, best interest in mind?

Leave f.... Facebook, use Russian VKONTAKTI

VK mobile version
Ive never heard of this site...

Facebook a communist sh..., all white nationalists use already Russian VK.
When situations such as the Vegas shooting happen, as quickly as names are released; people connected to the incidents pages are pulled down, or scrubbed. Who is doing this, and what is their motive for trying to keep the public in the dark?
Facebook, policy to keep their site from being overloaded and Crashing.

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