Who is Q?

Ok. Iā€™m just not sure what makes you interested in that silliness.
I sort of can. . .

You can be sure, that the same folks that created the Q psyop., were, in all likelihood, connected to the Epstein blackmail operation. There is not a shadow of a doubt in my mind, that this blackmail operation, IS REAL. And it IS, connected to the psyop, to de-legitimize folks beliefs in the blackmail operation, in the same way the CIA created a psyop to weaponize the term "conspiracy theory," when folks started to question the government investigations of their own false flag operations.

There is a reason that all coverage of this trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, is on the DL, and we hear scant news of it.

There is a reason the prosecutor of that trial, Jim Comey's daughter, moved to have all files sealed, so no one in the press, could find out who the "johns," were. Ostensibly, the move was to protect the "victims," in the whole sordid affairs. . . BUT, in truth, I think a majority of the victims would have preferred that the perpetrators and beneficiaries see justice. . .

Meanwhile? Folks like Prince Andrews and others, go off scott free, and the whole whole thing will, in a matter of a decade or two, be memory holed, and rolled up as part of a grand conspiracy theory, along with Q and pizza-gate. Hell, if you look in the Wiki for that Franklin Credit Union prostitution ring, they make it look like it was nothing, just so as to protect the memory of Reagan, Bush, and the entire GOP.

That? Is how the elites and powerful work. They memory hole this corruption, so folks don't believe this is happening. People don't WANT to believe there is any truth behind allegation of corruption in their leaders or institutions, so, the folks in power, REAL power, destroy most anyone who looks into it. IMO? Not looking into it, and understanding this? I the act of naivete' and dissonance though. It is why our nation continues to sink, and not get any better.

And? That is what they did with this operation at the capitol.

Now see? They have got you, equating what IS actually silliness, which I would agree. . . with something that is awful and DOES really exist.

In another five, ten years. . . it will once again, all be forgotten.

Jurorā€™s Error Did Not Affect Ghislaine Maxwell Verdict, Judge Rules​

The jurorā€™s statements to the media had clouded the sex-trafficking conviction of Ms. Maxwell, a longtime companion of Jeffrey Epstein.

Good catch. I had forgotten about this.

This woman seems to be in SO much trouble. Yet, there seems to be a real push by the establishment to keep coverage of this, on the DL. Even though, for folks that are informed about it, it is possibly the most important trial in history. . . very strange.

There is more going on with this, than the public is really aware of, for . . . reasons, IMO.

It would not surprise me that this juror not answering with candor, was no mistake, nor the behavior of that judge might not an accident either.

I recommend the following read. . . It isn't something you will find in the establishment, consortium controlled media. It is long, and detailed research.

The Maxwell Family Business: Espionage​

Ghislaine Maxwell is hardly the only Maxwell sibling to continue their fatherā€™s controversial work for intelligence, with other siblings carrying the torch specifically for Robert Maxwellā€™s sizable role in the PROMIS software scandal and subsequent yet related hi-tech espionage operations.
One moment, please...

". . . While Ghislaineā€™s own ties to intelligence have since come to light in relation to her critical role in facilitating the Jeffrey Epstein sexual blackmail operation. Little, if any attention, has been paid to her siblings, particularly Christine and her twin sister Isabel, despite them having held senior roles at the Israeli intelligence front company that facilitated their fatherā€™s greatest act of espionage on Israelā€™s behalf, the sale of the bugged PROMIS software to the U.S. national laboratories at the heart of the countryā€™s nuclear weapons system.

Not only that, but Christine and Isabel later became directly involved with technology-based business ventures that directly involved Ghislaine during the very period she worked with Epstein on behalf of Israeli and U.S. intelligence to ensnare powerful U.S. political and public figures in a sexual blackmail scheme involving minors. At the time, Ghislaine described her profession to a number of newspapers as ā€œan internet operator.ā€ Then, after this ventureā€™s multi-million dollar sale to a competitor, Christine and Isabel became involved with successors to the PROMIS software scandal that were closely tied to U.S. intelligence and Israeli intelligence, respectively.

Ghislaine herself also became involved in these affairs, as did Jeffrey Epstein following his first arrest, as they began courting the biggest names in the U.S. tech scene, from Silicon Valleyā€™s most powerful venture capital firms to its most well-known titans. This also dovetailed with Epsteinā€™s investments in Israeli intelligence-linked tech firms and his claims of having troves of blackmail on prominent tech company CEOs during this same period.

With Ghislaineā€™s name and her ties to intelligence now inking their way back into the media sphere, detailing the decades-long course of these technology-focused espionage operations and their persistent ties to the Maxwell sisters demands the attention it deserves, as the need to air out the real Maxwell family business ā€“ espionage ā€“ is now greater than ever before.. . . "

Yeah, that plea deal. :rolleyes:

For the life of me, I don't understand why any of this is being televised.

Are these two being paid for this? :dunno: Makes me wonder if they are in on the Judges decision with their lawyer to allow broadcast of this.

It makes no sense as to why this would be open, and available for public consumption, it seems a private matter. I wouldn't want my civil matters on public view.

What garbage.

The whole idea of this being publicized versus other more important trials for public interest? Outrageous.

The idea that the Maxwell trial was made private to protect the "victims," is absolute hogwash. . . I have no doubt, the victims wanted the elites dirty laundry aired, it was done to protect the privacy of corrupt elites, everyone know this. . .

This charade is meant to distract the plebes from all the woes going on in the nation right now. . . it is the "circus," of bread and circuses, while Rome is burning.

Why do you ask? You will deny reality, like you always do. :sigh2:

What has caused folks to get fed up with it all? The corruption and the lies. . . and the steady stream of whistle blowers revealing. . .
The bailouts, the rip-offs, the things "nobody saw." And the continual gas-lighting, along with the increasing wealth disparity and corrupt policy at the expense of the poor.

I know, I know, you don't give a shit if the establishment destroys the value of the dollar, or if it destroys the currency altogether. . . you got yours, fuck everyone else. Stick your head back in the sand.

Some folks won't ignore the facts. . . and the truth.

Hidden in Plain Sight: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case​

Epstein is only the latest incarnation of a much older, more extensive and sophisticated operation that offers a frightening window into how deeply tied the U.S. government is to the modern-day equivalents of organized crime.

Government by Blackmail: Jeffrey Epstein, Trumpā€™s Mentor and the Dark Secrets of the Reagan Era​

Appalling for both the villainous abuse of children itself and the chilling implications of government by blackmail, this tangled web of unsavory alliances casts a lurid light on the political history of the U.S. from the Prohibition Era right up through the Age of Trump.

Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal​

The picture painted by the evidence is not a direct Epstein tie to a single intelligence agency but a web linking key members of the Mega Group, politicians, and officials in both the U.S. and Israel, and an organized-crime network with deep business and intelligence ties in both nations

The Child Sex-Trafficking Scandal America Forgot​

Though nobody was ever convicted, investigations of the Franklin ring in Omaha left many questions unanswered



This is the post I made the comment.

If there were such a conspiracy, it would not be obvious, nor would any documentation of such exist. Chances are? Anyone blowing the whistle or exposing such? Would be shadow banned, and most of us, would not hear much about it, if we even were open enough to even listen. Too much mass formation going on.

Americans have been indoctrinated, since a very early age, that our court system has a nearly sacred quality. . . IMO? I believe this is true all over the western world. . it gives the force of almost GOD to the government. BUT, the truth is, lawyers and judges have, patrons, in the establishment. They all have an interest in supporting the system, not in challenging legalized corruption. If they use law-fare, and equivocating language to make the crimes of the kleptocracy have the force of the state sanction, and corruption made clean, what is "fake," is, necessarily, real. . . therefor. . . nothing is "staged."

We saw this with the Dredd Scott decision. Of course Natives and Blacks are citizens. . . but not if the ruling elites don't wish them to be, they make the criminal legitimate, and the legitimate criminal, if it serve their interests, and nearly no one questions this. Well, except folks on the reservations, and in the black communities of course. These people have never accepted the dictates of the establishment.

I don't care what judges and lawyers give as reasons, you won't convince me that the free market and capitalism necessitate making corporations into legal entities, with the same rights as people. Insanity. This is how the U.S. and the British system started State capitalism to begin with. . . things like the East India Tea Company were very early forms of (dirgisme,) fascism. . . You can call it legit if you like, but it isn't.

10 Supreme Court Rulings That Turned Corporations Into People​

. . . basically, I am not lawyer, but I am smart enough to know, the poor and middle class folks, get the short end of the stick, when the monied and powerful use the legal system, to make corruption and the law, favor their stake holder interests.

This is an interesting pod-cast, and this lawyer can describe it better than I. Although I am definitely NOT a democratic-socialist, and Consortium News tends to lean left, the issues Elizabeth Beck brings up, to address the problem, remain relevant if you oppose the private Neo-liberal private banking system that has caused all the wars and depressions for the last century, using lawyers and judges to enforce its will on every "advanced," democracy on the planet. (There are three issues addressed in the Pod-cast, the last is what you want to see. I have marked it. All are interesting TBH.)

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CN LIVE! S1E17 DNC Corruption: Tim Canova, Niko House & The Becks​

Our guests tonight are radio host and political analyst, Niko House; politician and professor of law, Tim Canova; and lawyers for the plaintiffs in the DNC Fraud lawsuit, Jared Beck and Elizabeth Lee Beck.
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i think Q from QAnon is Ron Watkins. David Rockefeller died in March of 2017 and QAnon emerged in October of 2017 on the 4chan message board. The coronavirus pandemic in 2020 made alot of people around the world believers in the QAnon conspiracy theory. Though the idea of a Cabal ruling the world has been around much longer than QAnon.
The press is reporting that Q has returned and posting new messages on 8kun since Friday June 24th. Maybe we will finally find out who Q is.
i think Q from QAnon is Ron Watkins. David Rockefeller died in March of 2017 and QAnon emerged in October of 2017 on the 4chan message board. The coronavirus pandemic in 2020 made alot of people around the world believers in the QAnon conspiracy theory. Though the idea of a Cabal ruling the world has been around much longer than QAnon.
You believe whst Wikipedia says? Despite all the babble of links thst have been posted here what a really is is just patriotic citizens around the country fighting to clean up government corruption.Qanon is on the other hand a disinformation group to try ridicule.
You believe whst Wikipedia says? Despite all the babble of links thst have been posted here what a really is is just patriotic citizens around the country fighting to clean up government corruption.Qanon is on the other hand a disinformation group to try ridicule.
Wikipedia has lots of sources for its information. just check the footnotes at the bottom of the pages. it may not be correct with non-fiction subjects but Wikipedia is great for getting information on fictional subjects like movies and tv shows.

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