Who is more right on the issues, Obama and the dems or the GOP

Vote FOR the issue if you support Obama's policies

  • Obama's (0 - 97) 2012 Budget

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entitlement reform position

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Obamacare

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cap + Trade

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The environment

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Energy Policy & price of gas

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Handling of Illegal Immigration

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Handling of the Economy, US dollar, US Bond Rating

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Department of Jihad under Holder

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Handling of Dept of Defense

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Looking at the 2012 election there aren't too many issues that voters will use as their "deciding issue". It looks like a coin toss, unless something big happens, either positive or negative to the economy. I can't remember an election cycle where both parties are hell-bent on losing the 2012 election when they have a winning position.

Two-thirds of Americans (66%) give the president negative ratings on his handling of jobs
while three in ten (29%) give him positive marks on this;

Looking at the economy overall, over three in five U.S. adults (62%) give President Obama negative ratings while
one-third (33%) give him positive ones. In January, 67% gave the President negative ratings;

The President spent a large part of last year pushing forward his health care reform package, yet almost three in five Americans (58%) give him negative ratings on his handling of it while 37% give him positive ratings;

As the issue of education, from teachers' unions to reauthorization of No Child Left Behind, takes a more prominent role, half of Americans (52%) give President Obama negative ratings on his handling of this issue and two in five (39%) give him positive marks;

The world has watched as the unrest in the Middle East moves from country to country and the situation changes on a daily basis. A majority of Americans (52%) give President Obama negative ratings on his handling of the situation there while 39% give him positive marks;

There is a closer divide when it comes to the issue of the environment. Just under half of Americans (48%) give President Obama negative ratings while 41% give him positive marks on his handling on this issue.

2012 may be about the economy, price of gas, jobs, czars, unions, illegals, THE DEBT, entitlement problems, cap+trade, Obamacare, not stopping wars fast enough, Holder and the Department of Jihad, extending the Bush tax cut, and those are just the ones I can think of...
Economic Views Sag, Obama Rating Slips | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

The S&P Bond Rating may mean no more borrowing - like Greece, unless its high rates...
Obama downplays rating agency's 'negative' outlook on U.S. bonds - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

I can do the GOP position of those issues, but lets just say you either support Obama's position, or the GOP's.
If I were forced to choose between either the Democrats or the Republicans, I would have to choose the GOP simply because the Democrats have been miserable failures ever since they took over Congress in 2007. Obama will most likely go down in modern history as the worst President behind Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush. Fortunately for America, there are third parties in which to choose.
If I were forced to choose between either the Democrats or the Republicans, I would have to choose the GOP simply because the Democrats have been miserable failures ever since they took over Congress in 2007. Obama will most likely go down in modern history as the worst President behind Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush. Fortunately for America, there are third parties in which to choose.

I would like to nominate that for the most accurate sentance on the USMB today.
flushed 3 trillion dollars away in 2 yrs .....he bribed demokrat senators with our money-- he is enforcing an illegal healthcare system - he is letting demokrat donners opt out of the communist healthcare - he owns car companies - he hates oil - he hates coal - he owns student loans - he owns the internet now - he bows to every leader of any country - he is hiring over 1000 IRS agents to come after us when communist obama care is locked in place - he is hiring thoisand more govt. workers as he destroyes the private sector ;;;;;;other than that - he is a great guy
If I were forced to choose between either the Democrats or the Republicans, I would have to choose the GOP simply because the Democrats have been miserable failures ever since they took over Congress in 2007. Obama will most likely go down in modern history as the worst President behind Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush. Fortunately for America, there are third parties in which to choose.

I would like to nominate that for the most accurate sentance on the USMB today.

I disagree. Bush was no where near the worst President. He did pretty damn good with what he had to deal with. IMHO.. He was right too. The only thing I disagree with Bush on was leaving the damn borders open. He should have his ass kicked for that.
For six straight years the Republicans held both houses, the presidency and had a majority in the Supreme Court. Yet, no one could name a single positive thing they did during that time that actually did some good.

I can think of dozens of things Obama has done including getting Bin Laden.

I suspect that looking at the Republicans rushing to throw their hat into the next presidential race, that FACT isn't lost on the Republican Leadership. Remember, Republicans VOTED on the Ryan plan. That means it's NOT the "Ryan" plan anymore. It's the Republican's Plan.
For six straight years the Republicans held both houses, the presidency and had a majority in the Supreme Court. Yet, no one could name a single positive thing they did during that time that actually did some good.

I can think of dozens of things Obama has done including getting Bin Laden.

I suspect that looking at the Republicans rushing to throw their hat into the next presidential race, that FACT isn't lost on the Republican Leadership. Remember, Republicans VOTED on the Ryan plan. That means it's NOT the "Ryan" plan anymore. It's the Republican's Plan.

(D) is for Demogougery,, (D) is for Demonization. long may yee wave weenies
If I were forced to choose between either the Democrats or the Republicans, I would have to choose the GOP simply because the Democrats have been miserable failures ever since they took over Congress in 2007. Obama will most likely go down in modern history as the worst President behind Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush. Fortunately for America, there are third parties in which to choose.

I would like to nominate that for the most accurate sentance on the USMB today.

I disagree. Bush was no where near the worst President. He did pretty damn good with what he had to deal with. IMHO.. He was right too. The only thing I disagree with Bush on was leaving the damn borders open. He should have his ass kicked for that.

obama is carters second term - the question is - will we survive this guy !

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