The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Jonathan M. Winer | Middle East Institute

Jonathan M. Winer has been the United States Special Envoy for Libya, the deputy assistant secretary of state for international law enforcement, and counsel to United States Senator John Kerry. He has written and lectured widely on U.S. Middle East policy, counter-terrorism, international money laundering, illicit networks, corruption, and U.S.-Russia issues.

In 2016, Winer received the highest award granted by the Secretary of State, for “extraordinary service to the U.S. government” in avoiding the massacre of over 3,000 members of an Iranian dissident group in Iraq, and for leading U.S. policy in Libya “from a major foreign policy embarrassment to a fragile but democratic, internationally recognized government.” In 1999, he received the Department’s second highest award, for having “created the capacity of the Department and the U.S. government to deal with international crime and criminal justice as important foreign policy functions." The award stated that "the scope and significance of his achievements are virtually unprecedented for any single official."

BA from Yale University, 1976; JD from New York University School of Law, 1981

Countries of Expertise
Libya, North Africa

Isues of Expertise
U.S. Foreign Policy, Counter-terrorism, Governance, Economics and Energy, Migratio

Why is he important to the Investigation in to Interference in Our Election by Hillary Clinton, The State Department, FBI & DOJ & Russia?

He is officially THE FIRST WHISTLE BLOWER to come clean on what The Clinton Campaign, and Obama Administration were doing with the Election, with the help of loyal subjects in The FBI & DOJ.

The Weird Tales of Jonathan Winer
Ex-Obama State Official Jonathan Winer Admits Passing Dossier to Kerry, Info from Sid Blumenthal to Steele
Last edited:
Remember Winer was John Kerry's Personal Counsel

A Snip from the earlier mentioned article:
The Weird Tales of Jonathan Winer

Friday’s Washington Post featured an op-ed by an old Washington hand, late of the State Department, who was right in the middle of the dossier affair, a Mr. Jonathan M. Winer. His byline bio identifies him as “a Washington lawyer and consultant,” and “a former U.S. deputy assistant secretary of State for international law enforcement and former special envoy for Libya.”

Come the summer of 2016, Steele’s prime client was the campaign of Hillary Clinton, by way of the hired-guns at Fusion GPS, for whom he was assembling a grab bag of Trump tales from some sort of Russian sources. Come the fall Steele was spreading dossier info to various news organizations, the FBI, and the State Department. “In September 2016, Steele and I met in Washington and discussed the information now known as the ‘dossier.’” Here’s where it starts getting particularly weird: “I was allowed to review, but not to keep, a copy of these reports to enable me to alert the State Department,” Winer writes. “I prepared a two-page summary and shared it with [Winer’s boss at State, Victoria] Nuland.” I doubt I’m the only one who finds this bit of peekaboo passing strange.

To hear Winer tell it, when he gave her his memo, Nuland was all for the State Department doing something about it: She “indicated that, like me, she felt that the secretary of State needed to be made aware of this material.” Maybe. But to hear Nuland tell it, she recognized the dossier for what it was: “What I did was say that this is about U.S. politics, and not the work of—not the business of the State Department,” Nuland said in an interview with Politico, “and certainly not the business of a career employee who is subject to the Hatch Act, which requires that you stay out of politics. So, my advice to those who were interfacing with [Steele] was that he should get this information to the FBI, and that they could evaluate whether they thought it was credible.”

But according to his piece in the Post, Winer had other people to share the Steele info with, too: “In late September, I spoke with an old friend, Sidney Blumenthal.” Given Blumenthal’s well-earned reputation as a Clinton hatchet-man, the words “old friend, Sidney Blumenthal” should be telling, if not alarming. So what was the nub of the conversation between these two old friends who just happen to have gotten together in the thick of a presidential campaign? Perhaps they were talking Libya—Blumenthal had been trying for some time to get federal contracts for work in Libya, and Winer was the special envoy to the war-wracked country. But no, they ended up talking about the dossier. You see, it just sort of came up naturally: Blumenthal’s emails had been hacked a few years before, and so “While talking about that hacking, Blumenthal and I discussed Steele’s report.” You’d think that Sid would have been gob-smacked, astonished at the information sleuthing spook Steele had unearthed. Instead, and ever so matter-of-factly, Blumenthal pulled out a dossier of his own: “He showed me notes gathered by a journalist I did not know, Cody Shearer, that alleged the Russians had compromising information on Trump of a sexual and financial nature.”

That’s right, Blumenthal had a dossier of his own, compiled by a Clinton crony of decades’ standing, Cody Shearer, and right at the ready. What are the odds

Winer seems not to have been at all astonished that two of his old friends—Steele and Blumenthal—themselves unacquainted, should each independently and of their own volition have presented him with the same bombshell material. Winer did not, so far as we know, look around for Allen Funt. No, instead he shared the Shearer memo with Steele, who in turn passed it along to the FBI. Do you think anyone bothered to mention to the Bureau, at the time, the peculiar circumstances and provenance of the notes, most notably that they had come from a source as compromised as Cody Shearer? Well, it never occurred to Winer, because he “did not expect them to be shared with anyone in the U.S. government.”

Right. If this is the best defense Winer can make for himself—carefully composed and edited at his leisure—no wonder he’s grumpy about his conduct being investigated.

And who is Victoria Nuland?

Victoria Nuland - Wikipedia

Victoria Jane "Toria" Nuland (born 1961) is the former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State.[2] She held the rank of Career Ambassador, the highest diplomatic rank in the United States Foreign Service.[3] As of January 9, 2018, she has been CEO of the Center for a New American Security.[4]

During the Bill Clinton administration, Nuland was chief of staff to Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott before moving on to serve as deputy director for former Soviet Union affairs.
And who is Strobe Talbott?

Winer said during that meeting Blumenthal gave him notes from a “journalist” he “did not know,” Cody Shearer, that corroborated the salacious allegation in Steele’s dossier that Trump had hired prostitutes to urinate on a bed. “What struck me was how some of the material echoed Steele’s but appeared to involve different sources,” Winer wrote.

However, if Winer had done a quick Google search on Shearer, he would have found several in-depth reports, including a 2015 ProPublica report, that clearly stated that Shearer was a longtime Clinton friend. In addition, it is odd that Winer, who also served under Bill Clinton, did not know Shearer’s brother had served as an ambassador under President Clinton, and Shearer’s sister was married to former Clinton official Strobe Talbott.

Ex-Obama State Official Jonathan Winer Admits Passing Dossier to Kerry, Info from Sid Blumenthal to Steele

2 more letters and it could be this guy:

Jonathan M. Winer | Middle East Institute

Jonathan M. Winer has been the United States Special Envoy for Libya, the deputy assistant secretary of state for international law enforcement, and counsel to United States Senator John Kerry. He has written and lectured widely on U.S. Middle East policy, counter-terrorism, international money laundering, illicit networks, corruption, and U.S.-Russia issues.

In 2016, Winer received the highest award granted by the Secretary of State, for “extraordinary service to the U.S. government” in avoiding the massacre of over 3,000 members of an Iranian dissident group in Iraq, and for leading U.S. policy in Libya “from a major foreign policy embarrassment to a fragile but democratic, internationally recognized government.” In 1999, he received the Department’s second highest award, for having “created the capacity of the Department and the U.S. government to deal with international crime and criminal justice as important foreign policy functions." The award stated that "the scope and significance of his achievements are virtually unprecedented for any single official."

BA from Yale University, 1976; JD from New York University School of Law, 1981

Countries of Expertise
Libya, North Africa

Isues of Expertise
U.S. Foreign Policy, Counter-terrorism, Governance, Economics and Energy, Migratio

Why is he important to the Investigation in to Interference in Our Election by Hillary Clinton, The State Department, FBI & DOJ & Russia?

He is officially THE FIRST WHISTLE BLOWER to come clean on what The Clinton Campaign, and Obama Administration were doing with the Election, with the help of loyal subjects in The FBI & DOJ.

The Weird Tales of Jonathan Winer
Ex-Obama State Official Jonathan Winer Admits Passing Dossier to Kerry, Info from Sid Blumenthal to Steele

poor psychotic conspiracy loon.

stop polluting our internets.

let us know when you freaks want to investigate what really happened.... which is that your precious orange Jesus is a criminal.
Glad I have some of these fruit loops on Ignore who call a BIO, and an Article Written by Jonathan Winer "Polluting Our Internets"

Any one of you psychotic conspiracy loons that can show a single fact, and evidence to prove The Trump Campaign colluded with Russia, be my guest.

Every single thing about this has been leaked over the last two years.....but not one SINGLE LEAK about EVIDENCE... Just conjecture and innuendo.

There is REAL EVIDENCE, even Eyewitness Testimony about what Clinton and Obama did, but Lefty is like, NOPE, NOT GONNA LOOK AT IT!
Here is a Related and Interesting Article:

James Kallstrom: FBI leaders showed a shocking failure of judgment in the Clinton and Trump investigations

The great shame of this scandal is that the embarrassing actions of a few have sullied the reputation of the entire FBI and the thousands of dedicated FBI field agents who have nothing to do with this mess and who continue to do their jobs with exceptional courage, integrity and dedication.

Here’s what we know about this Steele dossier: its “research” was financed by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Its author, Christopher Steele, was a known antagonist of then-candidate Trump.

FBI leadership knew all this at the time, and yet the Steele dossier (a collection of memos) appears to be the primary basis upon which they hoped to convince a FISA Court that they had both probable cause and national security grounds to surveil Page, a U.S. citizen.

It’s a travesty of justice and it begs the question of why then-FBI Director James Comey and others would take such a clearly irresponsible step.

We can’t know what was in their hearts and heads, but it’s obvious to me that the original sin that allowed this to happen was the Obama administration’s weaponization of the Justice Department and U.S. intelligence agencies for political ends.

I say it’s obvious because around the same time the Obama Justice Department was effectively inventing criminal charges against several members of the Trump campaign, it was ignoring the widespread and longstanding criminality of Hillary Clinton and her political operation.

The investigation into Clinton’s private server violated most every investigative standard the FBI is supposed to follow. For starters, Comey never empaneled a grand jury, which has the power to compel testimony and the release of records.

In addition, broad immunity was granted to those close to Hillary Clinton, even though many offered little to no information of value.

Comey also prepared a memo exonerating Clinton weeks before she was even interviewed.

And then of course, there was the infamous Phoenix airport meeting: when then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch violated every standard of propriety and common sense by meeting in private with former President Bill Clinton while his wife was under active investigation.


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