Who is Donald trump referring to when he says "they're" sending us illegal immigrants?

Teddy Pollins

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015
I was under the impression that illegal immigrants come to America, not by request from their government, but by ILLEGAL means on their own terms. So why does Donald Trump keep saying that Mexico's government is sending us "rapists" and people with " problems" does Mexico government send us illegal immigrants or do they come without permission (illegally) am I missing something?
Who knows?
I was under the impression that illegal immigrants come to America, not by request from their government, but by ILLEGAL means on their own terms. So why does Donald Trump keep saying that Mexico's government is sending us "rapists" and people with " problems" does Mexico government send us illegal immigrants or do they come without permission (illegally) am I missing something?
Who knows?
you answered your own question....so is this thread now obsolete?....
I was under the impression that illegal immigrants come to America, not by request from their government, but by ILLEGAL means on their own terms. So why does Donald Trump keep saying that Mexico's government is sending us "rapists" and people with " problems" does Mexico government send us illegal immigrants or do they come without permission (illegally) am I missing something?
Who knows?
He means that due to conditions and circumstances in Mexico, Central and South America, their citizens are coming to the U.S.. In other words, the governments in those countries are not caring for their own, so they come to the U.S. looking for a better live, better opportunities and to get away from drug lords and poverty. He means that the governments of those countries are encouraging people to come to the U.S. by neglecting their own people. This has been well reported over the years. This is nothing new. My guess is that Trump was saying what has been said for decades now.
I was under the impression that illegal immigrants come to America, not by request from their government, but by ILLEGAL means on their own terms. So why does Donald Trump keep saying that Mexico's government is sending us "rapists" and people with " problems" does Mexico government send us illegal immigrants or do they come without permission (illegally) am I missing something?
Who knows?

Put it this way, Mexico is very tough on immigration. But they allow people from Central America etc... to pass through on their way to the US. So Mexico is a party to it.

Isn't that obvious?
"Who is Donald trump referring to when he says "they're" sending us illegal immigrants?"

The voices in his head!
Cuba sent their hardened criminals to the U.S. on boats in 1980 and Carter accepted them with open arms. Mexico is doing the same thing only they're not using boats.
Cuba emptied out their prisons, and sent them to us. Why not Mexico?
Obama is flying Syrians here by the plane load with no paperwork at all. Which ones want to kill Americans? Can you pick the radicals out? This isn't a boundary problem, this is a strategy of the Obama/Clinton regime. Thousands of children didn't run away from home to the border, all at once. That was strategy. Here is more of the same:

Democrat - "You have no right to detain these kids and now their whole families. Release them at once, Obama!"
Obama - "You're right. I guess I have no choice. ;( Open the door guys, and let them all out. And if you have any illegal murders locked up, you might as well let them go too while your at it." And, Mission Accomplished.

We have a President problem, not a border problem.
I was under the impression that illegal immigrants come to America, not by request from their government, but by ILLEGAL means on their own terms. So why does Donald Trump keep saying that Mexico's government is sending us "rapists" and people with " problems" does Mexico government send us illegal immigrants or do they come without permission (illegally) am I missing something?
Who knows?

Yo, can you tell me the Mexicans are controlling there border? Enough said!!!

Oh Gosh, another poor soul attempting to apply rational logic to a statement by Donald Trump.
In all seriousness, he was implying that Mexican government and society turns a blind eye to border security in the hopes that the worst of their society emigrate to the US.
Teddy Pollin s, post: 11936450, member: 53707"]I was under the impression that illegal immigrants come to America, not by request from their government, but by ILLEGAL means on their own terms. So why does Donald Trump keep saying that Mexico's government is sending us "rapists" and people with " problems" does Mexico government send us illegal immigrants or do they come without permission (illegally) am I missing something?"

I think so, remember all those Cubans showed up in 80, during the Mariel boat lift. And all those Mexican kids showed up out of the blue last year flooding over the border, they were exploiting flaw/loopholes in immigration law. And NOBODY put them up to that? You think all that and more is spontaneous? Who is the fool here?

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