Who Can Possibly Beat Trump?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Every Democratic running right now is the worst Candidate ever in political history. Trump will disembowel whoever runs using their own words against them. America doesn’t stand close to any Democrat running.

Sooooooo..... here’s what’s going to happen. Immediately during or shortly after, the Dem party will say FU to the Dem voters and place ...... (insert drum roll here).... Michael Obummer as the nominee. She’ll totally skip the primary process and be anointed.

Then you’re a racist if you say anything negative about her and the media will fawn over her like a new puppy brought home.

-Weatherman, part-time prophet.
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Marianne Williamson.

every president is the opposite of his predecessor!

or what about Yang. the opposite of Trump is an Asian guy who likes math!
I doubt it. The dirty little secret about Michael is it ain’t too bright. That’s why obozo kept it hidden for eight years.
If a moderate democrat, center right democrat got ANY AIR TIME from the media.. he would have the best Chance..
but the media has framed everything center right as racist. It’s over
We need to move to a new form of capitalism – Human Capitalism – that’s geared towards maximizing human well-being and fulfillment. The central tenets of Human Capitalism are:

  1. Humans are more important than money
  2. The unit of a Human Capitalism economy is each person, not each dollar
  3. Markets exist to serve our common goals and values

The focus of our economy should be to maximize human welfare. Sometimes this aligns with a purely capitalist approach, where different entities compete for the best ideas. But there are plenty of times when a capitalist system leads to suboptimal outcomes. Think of an airline refusing to honor your ticket because they can get more money from a customer who purchases last-minute, or a pharmaceutical company charging extortionate rates for a life-saving drug because the customers are desperate.
I warned about an economic crash years before the 2008 crisis. Now I’m seeing serious warning signs again. The good news is that we have the chance to head off this crisis—just like we had the chance to head off the 2008 crash—if we take bold action now" - Pocahontas

she can beat Trump!
Every Democratic running right now is the worst Candidates ever in political history. Trump will disembowel whoever runs using their own words against them. America doesn’t stand close to any Democrat running.

Sooooooo..... here’s what’s going to happen. Immediately during or shortly after, the Dem party will say FU to the Dem voters and place ...... (insert drum roll here).... Michael Obummer as the nominee. She’ll totally skip the primary process and be anointed.

Then you’re a racist if you say anything negative about her and the media will fawn over her like a new puppy brought home.

-Weatherman, part-time prophet.

Who on the left that can beat Trump?

Not Beto for sure or Harris and if Biden attempt to out Sanders himself he will not have a chance either...

I actually like the Congresswoman from Hawaii but the nutters will not like her from either side...

Maybe Mitt Romney switches parties and run on the left?
Marianne Williamson.

every president is the opposite of his predecessor!

or what about Yang. the opposite of Trump is an Asian guy who likes math!
She’ll run on her foreign policy expertise.


All you need is love ....ta da da da....
Who Can Possibly Beat Trump?
No one but Trump himself. At this point, Trump has tons of knowledge and experience under his belt now he didn't have four years ago, from actually running for office through a grueling election to actually running the country as the President. And he has the support and even more financial backing than before.

Plus his democratic opposition is even weaker than with Hillary, if anyone could have believed that ever possible. The best of them, once they get up on a stage and the country really sees and listens to them, they stand no chance. So all Trump needs to do is keep the economy working, stay out of war, and not cut his own throat by letting himself be driven so far off into deep end that he literally hangs himself.
Every Democratic running right now is the worst Candidates ever in political history. Trump will disembowel whoever runs using their own words against them. America doesn’t stand close to any Democrat running.

Sooooooo..... here’s what’s going to happen. Immediately during or shortly after, the Dem party will say FU to the Dem voters and place ...... (insert drum roll here).... Michael Obummer as the nominee. She’ll totally skip the primary process and be anointed.

Then you’re a racist if you say anything negative about her and the media will fawn over her like a new puppy brought home.

-Weatherman, part-time prophet.

Free shit
Fuck Whitey
Open border
Free shit for Mexico
Christians suck
Abortions are cool
Is not a winning strategy outside of the shitholes.
Every Democratic running right now is the worst Candidates ever in political history. Trump will disembowel whoever runs using their own words against them. America doesn’t stand close to any Democrat running.

Sooooooo..... here’s what’s going to happen. Immediately during or shortly after, the Dem party will say FU to the Dem voters and place ...... (insert drum roll here).... Michael Obummer as the nominee. She’ll totally skip the primary process and be anointed.

Then you’re a racist if you say anything negative about her and the media will fawn over her like a new puppy brought home.

-Weatherman, part-time prophet.
Every Democratic running right now is the worst Candidates ever in political history. Trump will disembowel whoever runs using their own words against them. America doesn’t stand close to any Democrat running.

Sooooooo..... here’s what’s going to happen. Immediately during or shortly after, the Dem party will say FU to the Dem voters and place ...... (insert drum roll here).... Michael Obummer as the nominee. She’ll totally skip the primary process and be anointed.

Then you’re a racist if you say anything negative about her and the media will fawn over her like a new puppy brought home.

-Weatherman, part-time prophet.
Yup. 'She'll' announce after winning RuPauls Drag Race.

"Yes I identify as a woman AND as the democrat nominee"
Every Democratic running right now is the worst Candidates ever in political history. Trump will disembowel whoever runs using their own words against them. America doesn’t stand close to any Democrat running.

Sooooooo..... here’s what’s going to happen. Immediately during or shortly after, the Dem party will say FU to the Dem voters and place ...... (insert drum roll here).... Michael Obummer as the nominee. She’ll totally skip the primary process and be anointed.

Then you’re a racist if you say anything negative about her and the media will fawn over her like a new puppy brought home.

-Weatherman, part-time prophet.
Trump is going to win, and for 4 years all the liberal punks in this forum will be crying and sniveling and pissing their pants and saying that Trump cheated and yelling about more Russians and who knows what other stupid shit they'll come up with.
I don't like all this Trump win talk....guaranteed? Look at the slime he is up against. They just ran a three year illegal investigation into him, family and co-workers. Not one prosecutable violation. Cleanest guy ever.

They won't quit. They will cheat lie, anything they can. No one can verify CA vote tally, one party rule. Trunkloads of absentee ballots arrive late at night wherever they need them.....pre filled out. Where the vote is close. Judge shop to BO judges. The MSM runs cover for them. Ugly is coming. Look at USMB LW maggots....anything is OK with them.
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